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    Under your bed!
  1. A little limerick Lumbridge to Varrock to Falador too Zeddude is always looking out for you Lending a hand when your in need Its like he was born to lead Zeddy is always lending a hand or a shoe. I don't think its bad, but what do I know.
  2. You have grown alot since I have last checking in. ITs nice to see that your flourishing.
  3. I'm retireing Doc...and Blue....and Runescape....Just for the summer though. I have caught the WoW bug, but ill quit that and come back to RS once school starts up once again.
  4. Its nice to see that your staying! As for me, Bluestrike, and Doc, its just about over.....for two months. I'm quitting for summer, not to get buff and tan, but.....I have caught the WoW bug. I'll still post on TIF and everything, but no playing until im back to school.
  5. I love you. Animals don't deserve rights. This is just like that KFC thread. A puppy being thrown off a cliff is stupid, but I honestly don't understand people beating the war drum about it. It's nothing different than a dog being put down at the pound.
  6. Meet the Press will never be the same...
  7. I just want to clear something up. this has nothing to do with revs.....at all. the point of the thread as Sticky and I have pointed out, is how crowded the Green Dragons are.
  8. Don't try to kill something with just a potion. Thats all I have to say, the drags can hit high if you just use a pot.
  9. You get piled in the tunnels, with my 68 defence I wouldn't have a chance. Thats a 100+'s road to green dragon killing.
  10. zammy d hide, red boater, zammy spear/godsword? With boots of your choice.
  11. mage, that can be bought. firemakeing, 5 mil, max Also, Range, with Grey Chins, maybe....
  12. Problem: First I want to say, I am not a pker, never was, never will be. My rant is on a completely different subject: Green Dragons, or the overpopulation for Green Dragon killers. Before the PK update, I could have gone to Green Drags, with little risk of dying, and finish a load in 1/3 of the time it takes now, with worse stats! The reason: I would see 5 people there. Max. Now when I go, I not only risk revenant attack, I need to compete with 10 other people over a couple of dragons. Solution: Incorperate Green Dragons into the Edgeville Dungeon System. I think that there should be a tunnel off of where the Black demons are. The tunnel should take you to a cavern in about lvl 15-17 wildy stocked with roughly 5 green drags. Now this might not seem like much, but it would take much needed pressure off of my preffered Green Drag spot. Summary: People would emmigrate from one Green Dragon spot to another, distrubuteing the load of people more. Cause and Effects: Green Dragon Hide prices may fall slightly, but not much, as only 5 dragons were added, and any price drop would easily be made up for with the increase of Kills Per Person. - So, thats my rant. I'm not sure if a rant should have a solution, but mine does. :D
  13. That contributes nothing to the thread. I think the familiar in question should only have the ability to deposit items, just think about the negative effects of a familar that could do all of your banking for you. Also, it shoould only be able to carry 2 items tops, anymore than that and other familiars would become obselite. Also, a set amount should be drained, I'm thinking 5-7 points, max. 1pt per 10 gp? If you are going by G.E prices, thats horrible. Say you were about to die and had just gotten a D-Chain for a dust devil, even if you were lvl 99, it would be impossible. Something that costs over 990 gp would be impossible.
  14. members half-hobo? Hawt! Blue and his unmutedness should hang out with you!
  15. If BH and FoG don't cut it, quit. I find it funny that pures have been running around for seven months saying they're going to quit, but are still around today to [bleep] and lower the overall intelligence of our already bad community. We don't need pures on RuneScape if all they're going to do is complain. Way to generalize the public, I have a pure, I don't complain, and so do the thousands of pures that skill play the game. Don't lump everyone together just because you think you know what your talking about.
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