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    In front of my computer.
  1. Guess who agrees with this thread.
  2. That's where you're wrong. In fact, anybody with quite a large brain could hack it. All you would have to do is... Make a password cracker (probably in C++) and then generate a password list. Find Jagex's webhost. Go to their cPanel. Password crack until you log in. Upon log in, find the MySQL databases. H4CKZ0RZ. No, I'm not suggesting you do this. You would also have to hack the game loader and change the objects etc. and upload the applet if you wanted free st00f. In fact, this has only ever happened at the great Falador massacre. And you need a LOT of skill to hack JaGeX, in fact, you'd have to be a bit like Guy Fawkes... an expert in explosives? Blow up CAMBRIDGSHIRE!
  3. Where's the best place to train range from level 41 on F2P? Thanks.
  4. I support! This is a very good idea. I will try and make a title screen when I get back from school tonight.
  5. Quite a nice guide :) I see you have put quite a bit of effort into it... 6/10
  6. It was extremely strange. I think it must have been the worst glitch I ever encountered. Back when I was level 12 on Wiener78, my old account, I happened to wander into the wilderness. No, there was NOBODY at all visible on the mini-map (apart from myself, of course). Surprisingly, the second my poor pixels stepped into that bare tundra, BLAM. I died. I thought at the time maybe he'd died of hunger...
  7. I find this method rather unfair, just reporting tons of level 3-10s that are chopping or fishing... what about HONEST players on level 3 skillers? I myself was banned for 1 month because somebody falsely reported me.
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