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Everything posted by spudrow

  1. Disclaimer: Before reading any information I'm about to give out, please understand that these ideas and works are that of my own creation and to no one else's influence. If any credit must be place elsewhere, it'll be given to Tip.It for allowing the use of certain copyright images & information; not to mention Jagex for obvious in-game screenshots that I manipulated at my discretion. If you fail to see the usefulness of my suggestion; please do NOT criticize my attempt at making a difference; merely click the Back button for the best results. Any helpful advice & support will be gratefully appreciated. Additional Note: All these images are VERY amateur & should not be confused for something professional. I was merely attempting to get the idea across without having the spend hours upon hours at perfecting something that wasn't necessary. Please don't criticize my work, but merely the idea behind it. Fishing/Cooking - King Crabs Introduction In a world where we have the ability to cook & fish our heart's desire; why was something so obvious left out of the picture? The love and appreciation of catching Lobsters & Sharks should not stop there; it should continue onto something more common & understanding to our nature. The crab species is a one of the most known edible aspects in our lives & yet Jagex only emphasizes them to be made into Armor. My proposition is to make atleast one type of catchable & cookable crab; the King Crab. Why the King Crab? That's simple. The King Crab; which is obviously a real life crab species, is exactly what its name implies. It is the 'king' of the entire Crab species. Why should we settle for something smaller when we can make something bigger and better & have double the anticipation and desire. Why stop there? Another part of the idea and suggestion is the make a Crab Series. Why stop with King Crabs when we could make so many other alternatives? Why should Shrimps be our first fishing choice; why can't we have another? Why do all that fly-fishing while waiting patiently for Lobsters when you could be working on more crabs? I suggest a series between small-large crab fishing/cooking choices be made. It could start with Hermit Crabs, go up to Coconut Crabs, Snow Crabs, Horseshoe Crabs, etc etc etc. The possibilities are endless! What other great advantages does this supply us? Not only will you get more fishing opportunities, but your cooking abilities would automatically enhance as well. Imagine making more 'dishes' with crab meat; crab legs, stuffed crab, crab patties, etc etc etc. Once again, the possibilities are endless! To further my ideas & suggestion, I've set up a few images that I've made examples of. Remember, they aren't all that professional; just some ideas I was running with. Take them as you will, I hope they'll influence you: Do you like my idea? Do you think Jagex should seriously consider this? Then help support it with my new custom Crab Supporter Signature Bars: [url=http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?p=5478906#5478906][img=http://i235.photobucket.com/albums/ee231/spudrow3127/crabsupport.png][/url] [url=http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?p=5478906#5478906][img=http://i235.photobucket.com/albums/ee231/spudrow3127/crabsupport2.png][/url] [url=http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?p=5478906#5478906][img=http://i235.photobucket.com/albums/ee231/spudrow3127/crabsupport3.png][/url] [url=http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?p=5478906#5478906][img=http://i235.photobucket.com/albums/ee231/spudrow3127/crabsupport4.png][/url] Don't see a color you like? Personally request something that fits your style better & I'll be happy to oblige. FAQ As far as minimum locations, I thought instead of making a new one we could simply make an old one more significant. I was thinking we could make the only location (or atleast one) at the Fishing Platform. This location is not very used and could be brought back to life if considered. Banking + Travel would make it a little more complicated thus making them rarer to the cause. Trawler was also an idea but wasn't sure how it would take on. Also, as far as pre-cooking, I thought we could go by Jagex's current emphasis of crabs. Use a knife on the Raw King Crab to produce Crab Armor (chiseled into shield, helm, or whatever) & then the Raw Crab Legs can be cooked. This'll shed more light of opportunities to make more Crab Armor & to make it more popular. We could even go as far as to make it so that the Crab Armor, once chiseled, to be F2P accessible to add to their benefit so that everyone wins.
  2. Too true... Going Route B would lead me up to, possibly, 88 Magic. However, in taking the longer Route A, I could very well end up at 90 Magic; or somewhat close. What I'll do, for now, is go ahead and get the Yews that'll lead me from 75-85 and decide later. No matter what, I'll have to do Yews till 85 so that'll be the breaking-point.
  3. Well, I thought it was about time to start Construction now that I've decided to convert to membership. I've looked around for some helpful guides but none of them are 'complete' to my liking. All I really need is an item list + basic instructions of what the BEST & FASTEST way to make it from 1-50 within a limited amount of time. There is no funding limit so don't worry about the cost; just need the most effective ;)
  4. If that is the case, I'll do so and lose alot less. I'll research it when that time comes.
  5. Went ahead and drew up the conclusion myself, with a bit of research. Posting the results here, for others that might need the assistance. Feel free to question it or add on to these calculations. These are a bit rough & prices might fluctuate a bit & it is based on IF you purchased all of the required materials before-hand. 75-99 Fletching: Yew Longbows[Route A] 78,827 - Yew Logs 78,827 - Bowstring 78,827 - Nature Runes 75-99 Fletching: Yew & Magic Longbows[Route B] 13,655 - Yew Logs 53,420 - Magic Logs 67,075 - Bowstring 67,075 - Nature Runes Grand Exchange Average Market Price Today: 12/06/2007 Yew Log - 397 gp Magic Log - 1,225 gp Bowstring - 140 gp Flax - 52 gp Nature Rune - 269 gp Yew Longbow - 712 gp Magic Longbow - 1,416 gp Total Cost = 42,330,099[A] & 80,251,035[B], excluding Nature Runes. Yew Longbow: High Alchemy 768 gp x 78,827 = 60,539,136 gp 768 gp x 13,655 = 10,487,040 gp Magic Longbow: High Alchemy 1,536 gp x 53,420 = 82,053,120 gp So, in conclusion, this is what we've found out: If you make your own Bowstring from Flax, you save 6,936,776[A] or 5,902,600[B]. If you craft your own Nature Runes, you save 21,204,463[A] or 18,042,368[B], excluding Pure Essence purchasing/mining. If you purchased all materials & alched, you'll take a loss of 2,995,426[A] or 5,753,243[B]. In the end, it comes down to the fact of IF I wish to spend an extra 3m to get done faster (approximately 12K bows/alches faster). Did I leave something out or is that pretty much all of it in a nutshell?
  6. May I ask how it is slower? I've never attempted 99 Fletch before, on any account, so I don't know this. I mean, by Tip.It's calculations: 85-99 Fletching = 65,173 Yew Longbows OR 53,420 Magic Longbows So, how can 12K advantage make it slower?
  7. I already own the Nats, so it is a matter of the supplies (logs + string). Like I said, it would be alot better, as far as skilling goes, to alch them rather than sell them. I wanted to know, an estimate, based on the Grand Exchange's new prices of how much I'm looking to lose if I did alch them. Figures from 75-99 Yew Longs and figures from 75-85 Yews/85-99 Mages.
  8. I think I'm going to attempt 99 Fletching & wanted a little advice. See, since the arrival of t he Grand Exchange; prices have been a little unbalanced. I'm curious to know what is the most economical path to take when attempting my goal; and if I take the most expensive but quickest route; how much am I looking to blow. Should I do 75-99 with Yew Longs -or- 75-85 Yew Longs, then 85-99 Mage Longs NOTE: I'd prefer the route in which I'm able to use High Alchemy on the bows. However, if this proves to be VERY costly and it seems better to just sell them and then alch something different, let me know.
  9. Thanks for the comments, guys. I'm a mage pure and currently have no access there. However, I'll see if I can't get me buddy to do some screenshots (he has a Quest Cape) and I'll write something up. Will let you guys know.
  10. If I might make a suggestion to you, simply cook Lobsters till 94, then do Sharks. Do this if you have Gauntlets, or you'll suffer like I did. I burned 3.2K sharks from 94-99 without them; but it was ALOT quicker, worth the loss it seems. If you can spare it, go that route. I'd leave Monks out of the picture, if I were you.
  11. Ok, this'll sound very odd but... Q: Can someone list off the Kings of Runescape? (i.e. King Arthur, King Vargas, etc) Doing a project and wanted to know if someone could help me out with the full list.
  12. Going to need alot of advice about this as I'm having a hard time figure this out. First of all, there are a few things to know about my account before hand. -I'm strictly F2P but I occasionally purchase P2P for training reasons; they are much better. -Having 10 HP and eventually achieving 99 Magic will allow me to own the Mage Cape when I'm Level 50. -Having 10 HP holds NO value rather than to admiration of followers or a personal goal. -Training Prayer will open more doors of opportunities for me but make me gain several extra levels. -I do not PK or Stake so having 10 HP doesn't hurt me unless it comes down to randoms. -I own Bunny Ears so many would consider my account pretty rare. Having Mage Cape at 50 would add to that. Just let me know what you guys think I should do next? Continue on with 10 HP or try something new, as it'll never mean anything except for a personal goal of admiration.
  13. spudrow's Basic Flax Spinning Guide P2P Only Disclaimer: This guide may or may not have been done before but I'm trying it out my way & sprucing up the appeal to others in hopes that my ways can influence the way you play the game. If this guide has been attempted before by others, please hold all your rude comments and merely ignore this guide. To those that find this guide useful and helps you with the way you play the game, any notion of appreciation is happily accepted. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Requirements Optional Items -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location Lumbridge Castle - 2nd Level "There are many different styles to keep your screen adjusted to, but after spinning 15K Flax at one time, I selected the way I preferred the most. This is pure preference as there is no wrong way to do this; I just hope each of you will consider this route and have fun whichever way you choose to do it." -------------------------------------------------------------------------- How To 1) Adjust your screen to the same view as mine, doesn't need to be exact but pretty close. 2) After adjusting your screen, fill your inventory with Flax from the bank & go downstairs. 3) Left-click on the Spinning Wheel from the outer wall, like so. Right-click Flax & select ALL: 4) After your inventory is full of bowstring, back track to the stairs and Right-click & select CLIMB UP. 5) After you get to the top, simply goto the top-right edge of your screen, right-click & select BANK. Repeat. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Advice Interested in the best way to profit from this? Instead of purchasing Flax from other players or from the Grand Exchange, why not pick it yourself and double your income instantly! This is not a guide on Flax-Picking but I'll show you the only way I know how to do so. Take a Camelot teleport and go Southwest until you reach the Flax/Beehives, as show below. Pick an inventory full, head to Seers' Bank, unload & repeat: On a side note, with this method I was able to make 1,000 Bowstring in about 75 minutes. I could have probably done it in an hour had I used both optional items but I had no access to them. Here was a remark from someone who did use them: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for viewing my guide. I hope it made a decent impression and possibly influenced some of you. Be sure to be on the look out for other guides I plan to put out. Any advice, questions or comments? Feel free to post them!
  14. Yes, that's what I wrote on "How To #5". I am not wielding as I'm a mage pure, I'll have to suffer that loss.
  15. spudrow's Basic Willow Cutting & Burning Guide F2P & P2P Accessible Disclaimer: This guide may or may not have been done before but I'm trying it out my way & sprucing up the appeal to others in hopes that my ways can influence the way you play the game. If this guide has been attempted before by others, please hold all your rude comments and merely ignore this guide. To those that find this guide useful and helps you with the way you play the game, any notion of appreciation is happily accepted. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Requirements Optional Items -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location Draynor Willows "I prefer to cut at these 2 trees. Why? Well, once one dies, the other one is a click away without any walking. Usually they aren't both gone at the same time & if by chance they are, it won't be long before they return. Pure personal preference; you can cut whichever ones you want to. Continue on to understand my main reasoning for using these 2 willows." -------------------------------------------------------------------------- How To 1) Cut enough willows to fill your inventory. 2) With your Tinderbox in your inventory, head East towards the Jailhouse. 3) Click on the exact location as show below: 4) Burn in a straight line without walking to another location: 5) When you've emptied your inventory, you should be in the exact spot I am, unless you wield your axe which would put you one space to the East (on top of the 2nd fire): 6) Continue cutting. This is another reason why I cut these 2 tress over the others. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Advice If you are merely collecting Willows and not burning them, there is an alternative location for P2Pers. Grab a Games Necklace and head over to Barbarian's Outpost, as show on the map below. Cut the willows and go inside the building to deposit them: Low levels in fear of those aggressive Jail guards(level-26) when burning by my guide? Never fear, 99% of the time the fence, located on the picture below, blocked them from getting to me. Out of nearly 100 trips, he only reached me once: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for viewing my guide. I hope it made a decent impression and possibly influenced some of you. Be sure to be on the look out for other guides I plan to put out. Any advice, questions or comments? Feel free to post them!
  16. Q: Are there any requirements to be able to use a Clockwork Cat (i.e. Gertrude's Quest or 85 Crafting or what)?
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