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  1. You can still buy the skill..it's not like you work hard for it. sure you work hard but not as hard as cutting logs,picking flax, making flax into bow string, then stringing. I'm pretty sure he has :\ (had him added for awhile still is but I'm perm muted >.<) off topic : I remeber mauranius when he was going for top 200 f2p :P and gratz on making it to 50th? very nice :P I gave up like 55-60 totals away >.< :\
  2. If i understood right that means you can't bring 20k worth of items? :S so no decent armor or weps? or did you mean food/pots..which may i remind you p2p foods are decently priced plus tele tab and pots? which would exceed 20k plus this doesn't limit them from bringing any amount of armor/wep value which still allows the real world traders to transfer items :\ I like the idea of the creator of this post. Except rune bolts are kinda good for rangers to use and limiting them to 30 bolts :\ good ideas though hopefully Jagex will use some idea like this :P
  3. Support, Could have helped me alot when i was going for 99fm. Ah well still enjoy fm. (Yes i'm weird xD, Fm art ftw =] ) -The Noob261
  4. LOL since when does spam resolve problems, very imature way of going about it and most riots lead to spam.. which may be part of why they never work out too well. Or like many others will agree on is that Jagex owns the game their game their rules deal with it. But GL on the riot still disagree with spam though. :wall: Heh pretty sure that won't be hard considering most f2pers owned atleast 1 pure. Kinda over dramatic don't you think? Many skillers out there that will adjust to set/controlled prices. Anywayz a true skiller only cares about skills in the end not how much profit they make. :P Good luck for you will need well over half of the rs community for this to work in my opinion. -The Noob261
  5. Kinda communist in a way but i understand a little more on how people can argue that it isn't. :P The way i thought it as communist type of thing was that in a communist nation everyone does a job [Not necsisarily forced job] and the products were spread out to others who worked. So in RS it would be like i work to make armor and trade it for food supply or w/e and it's a fair trade within 3k of the value. As in capitalism i would have the freedom to sell more freely on the armor i made; for less or more doesn't matter. Still think most people enjoyed combat for PKing/Staking as well as Castle wars and stuff idk though haven't really gotten into slayer yet as a f2p player for couple years you've fought almost every monster and don't really care xD. But then again I geuss Jagex made a fair trade and added in Bounty Hunter (which I think shouldn't have 'rouge' in it; or make a 'rouge' cave instead). Plus clan wars they added. So we know Jagex is STILL TRYING to make the game more enjoyable for f2p and p2p but hopefully a new type of PKing will be put back into the game. \ Stay in school xD always give the opposing side some positives. Thanks for the comments/opinions :]
  6. Jagex is the government what they say goes :P so in a way there is a government there are laws (rules w/e you wish to call them) And if it's not communist then my bad..but it's definatly not Capitalism. -The Noob261
  7. Well welcome to RuinedScape Where it will eventually turn into a Communist Game. I Agree with some of the concepts Jagex is doing be definatly disaggree with them. First off probably the biggest thing that affected I'd say 30% of the game. PKing. I myself have enjoyed Pking and own many pures, which i assume most players also have tried out making a pure/PKing at one time of their RS 'gaming'. I believe the last 4 years Jagex has been promoting PKing? They showed us the CB Triangle, Which is showing you how to make your char to the best of a PKer. It does not make sense to throw away your work the last 4 years. Plus side? -No luring -Stops players from finding a way around the Fair trade system/set prices Second off is the unbalance trade rules, which take affect Jan 1st 08? This will not allow the fair players who may have really good freinds in game and can share items/help each other on stuff. (i.e. quests/skills/ect..) I can trust a multiple freinds on rs and i often help them out by lending them better items to help them become better/lvl faster. Plus side about this? -No more Scams [trade must be within 3k of Grand Exchange value.] -No buying RS money/items. Plus updates: -Clan Wars/ Bounty Hunter (Many negative aspects though) -Deul Arena for f2p + 8 more bank slots for f2pers which they desperatly need. -They are Trying to make the game fair for the players who play and not cheat. Without PKing I don't see too much point to CB other than the mini games and skill capes. If CB isn't something people still do then expect price drops in runes/arrows/armor/food. Skillers and PKers are good for the RS economy as they keep the game in balance and provide a fun game for both types of players. I think they need to fix the game desperatly so it can be fair and make it not so much strict in set prices let the game be somewhat real and let the players determine the prices otherwise this game feels really communist to me and I'm sure many players would rather play a game where the economy isn't controlled so strictly. Personally I think Jagex is doing what they can and no one will know where they will take it from here for better or worse I'll stick around as many others will just out of curiosity. All we can do now is sit back give our best suggestions and watch too see what happens in the game. Many people may have quit now but it's their loss because they do not know that they could make a change with their suggestions or just waiting it out because trust me Jagex is going to make changes. Some people may not like or dissagree on but in the long run Jagex wants rs to be a fair game for those who are not cheating and hopefully they will make a way to add PKing/Staking/Merchanting back to the game w/out having others ruin the game for the rest of the true RS players. Leave constructive critisim/opinions. Thanks ^.^ -The Noob261
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