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    Florida, U.S.A.
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  1. SAT scores are only in intervals of 10, a 1537 isn't real...
  2. A not commonly known thing is that you can't target fat loss. By working out, where you lose fat is determined by your genetics. You can do 45 thousand sit ups a day, you will have the tightest abs in the world, but your stomach fat may still be there covering them up.
  3. Banned for having excessive proper grammar, and excessive poor grammar on a single post. Everyone knows the best way to p is by having the correct amount of "Hello, how are you, and I CNT BELIVE TEH IZ ostTHE ULTIMETE !!!!11!1" :)
  4. Best wishes for Zack :) For what it is worth, my prayers are with him, and with you.
  5. Zerosouls Congratulations on quitting a horrible and detrimental to your health habit. Though i may not know you, and you may not know me, for whatever it is worth i am proud of you. We all know how hard it is to quit something i can only imagine how hard quitting something addictive like smoking must have been. Best of luck in the future. You're up there in my book :) Once again congratulations, it takes a strong person to do what you did :)
  6. I agree with the calling of the police idea, however i do not know if at certain times of the day people are allowed to play music luodly, because i know before and after certain hours you can't, but in between can it be as loud as you want? Still if it bothers you i think the law should be on your side. Best of luck :)
  7. Hope you have a fun time browsing through the forums :)
  8. Good friends you got there :), awesome on how it all worked out.
  9. The Zen 6GB is fantastic, i use it and im barely halfway full with the songs in memory, ive also dropped it a few times, so i can assure you, it can handle some abuse, the only thing is, it comes with less than average headphones, so a pair of some sony ones, and you will be on your way to high quality sound.
  10. Yeah the song was about verbal abuse, I really have no idea if anything else is going on, I was just trying to help him out from what i gathered.
  11. You have to remember, there is no person on this earth that can make you feel bad without your consesnt. Words only have as much power as we give to them. In our society yes there are mean people, it is a given, but if all they are doing is insulting you, do not let it get to you. Your friends like you for who you are, and you like yourself for who you are, who cares what a jerk has to say. You have to remember you are a great respectable person, and have confidence in yourself, most of us here, or all of us have been in this situation. It will never stop, ever, someone will always make fun of you or talk about you behind your back, but those words can't bother you if you don't let them. Don't worry about what they say about you, live your life, and let them live theirs, if one day you are bullied and have to fight in self-defense, then so be it, but until then this is a situation one can easily walk away from. All of us here will testify, people talk bad about others, it is what we do as humans, we are all guilty of it, but as long as you remember how much you like yourself, those words just bounce off :). I am sorry to hear how much this bothers you, just remember, no matter what anyone says, you are a great person :). Besides, if the people are going to talk, you might as well give them something to talk about :).
  12. previously i used pay by phone, and i was charged but they never got it, lost in transaction cause i believe my company didnt allow this kind of paying format, but i dont understand why, cause i owe for 2 months, during which i was allowed to play in members, not my fault they never got it, if they never got it, why did they allow me to play, it was their fault in the system but ill have to pay for it.
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