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Everything posted by Im_Grounded

  1. senior in highschool so i need to focus on that gf irl huge senior project due at the end of the year that we start working on im getting a job irl lots of reasons :s
  2. quit rs for real life. cya, have fun scapeing (my entire bank) (ending stats)
  3. 4/10 i don't see whats so special about watchtower.. its not really that hard of a quest. anyway grats
  4. 5/10 its a decent level i guess. have fun, imo i think wyverns are the worst task and added them to my block list :s. anyway, gl with 85 (don't be a noob and camp at abbies go to 99 :P)
  5. im wearing herb atm. im going to switch alot between herb and slay though
  6. 1173rd person to get it :) HUGE THANKS to these people. if it wasn't for them i'd still be doing herblore. ~~~Unf Pots Made~~~ Heather970 - 11,000 J_Rizzel - 2050 teeda92 - 2000 Zachman10613 - 957 v_pause_v - 500 rave gardia - 500 climberboy13 - 500 zeziephilica - 500 guthix kid 3 - 500 23yob - 100
  7. lol 1. i was to lazy to type out a specific ammount :P and 2 i went and used it all up on herb right after the lv
  8. started at 100k to 95, did yews until 200k to 98, then did willows until 99. getting 99 herblore now.
  9. amd you fail. im still gonna win our race. btw i love how only my message got in there im so pro :wub:
  10. Got this saturday.. takeing forever to level up. Got this sunday, from all the charms i've stocked up from slay
  11. wow nice :o i tried to do that with hunter when it first came out, got to around rank 60 and stopped because red chins became more popular and people started stealing spots :s
  12. Got this like a week ago or so but i went on a short vacattion and didn't have time to post it lost 97, might be on my other computer.
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