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Everything posted by IeatWindex

  1. LMAO cookie. Anyways, Ive made my choice on who I think is best so far, if anyother judge or Flodder wants to discuss it by PM.
  2. True. Guys the stupid [developmentally delayed] of a ghost has been acting up lately. Things aren't so good.
  3. Ill order What do you want: Signature Type of sig: Grunge Dimensions: Whatever you think will be best Text: Spencer Wyat Sub-Text: The Dark side has awesome cookies Font: What you think is best Render: http://planetrenders.net/renders/displa ... pos=-11399 C4D or Fractals: What are those? Additional info: Could you remain to the colors: Black, red, and white? Thanks. Hope not to much work. I will recommend you to everyone, your work looks good.
  4. Id give up bounty hunter, duel arena, and a couple of quests just to have skill capes =/ Ive never asked for more, but I can survive without them. Im guessing your the kind of member that thinks F2P don't deserve anything.
  5. Ok, thanks. Now to learn things :D
  6. All I want is Skill Capes. Never asked for more than that. I act like a mature F2P'er and follow the rules. Some F2P'ers are like that.
  7. Are Cockroach soldiers decent money?
  8. Im back to F2P for a bit. What would be my best bet for money at my skills? Or give me a goal level and tell me what to do at that level. Stats are in signature.
  9. There is Dream of Mirror Online. Its a VERY good MMORPG. It also has a main storyline, and hard bosses. Strong pets and the whole game is free. You can get Classes. There's mage, swordsman, fencer, Martial Artist, hunter, etc. You can fly on your weapons after beating a certain quest, but the quest boss is hard. It takes alot of skill to fight, not just clicking. You usually need a team to beat bosses. The game was imported from Japan, so not all classes are in. Evolution 3 pets are rideable.
  10. There is Dream of Mirror Online. Its a VERY good MMORPG. It also has a main storyline, and hard bosses. Strong pets and the whole game is free. You can get Classes. There's mage, swordsman, fencer, Martial Artist, hunter, etc. You can fly on your weapons after beating a certain quest, but the quest boss is hard. It takes alot of skill to fight, not just clicking. You usually need a team to beat bosses. The game was imported from Japan, so not all classes are in. Evolution 3 pets are rideable.
  11. I went to wookieepedia, but I can't find a search function =/ It just gives me a bunch of articles. I want to find things out about people I know already =/
  12. Can anyone recommend me where to start? Ive never ventured out the movies, so someone please recommend where I should start off.
  13. Yea Solidus, it worked so well for me. Until 3 days ago. Read back a page or 2. And no, I didn't do that. I was straight forward with her. THAT's my best advice. Talk to her and be friendly. Then after a week or 2 say something like, "[Name], would you like to go out sometime?" If she rejects you, try to not look like your crushed. P.S. When you become good friends, sit with her at lunch. I feel like Im getting better at this stuff.
  14. Anyone? Just because im stupid when dealing with sigs, dont mean you cant help :lol:
  15. Aw cmon, I can hardly think of things for Vain =D Hope you can get a group project with her. HOPE.
  16. Its the best I have. Im not good at giving advice. And I put what I said lighter. Make sure she is a person you can trust. That is what I meant.
  17. First find out if she's a skank who will cheat on you if you plan on being her boyfriend. Sorry, mixing my problems with yours... Get one of her friends to be like, "Hey I heard [Name] likes you." Best I got. Off-Topic Dragoonson, got anything for Zeplo? Me and Shade are going to wait for you to catch up.
  18. Do you people realize how un-healthy that is? And im surprised your parents let you on that long =/
  19. WOW. Just WOW. That was the best comeback I ever heard. I congratulate you =D>
  20. Thats what I got when I did the math. Just checking. I can get a full invo every 2 min, then get the xp they get, multiply, blah.
  21. Im requesting a pixel sig for 99 woodcutting. Im thinking of On the left side on the signature there is a medium-sized WC skill cape (not trimmed) and its hood. Then on the right side it shows My name "Spencer Wyat" and beneath it "Going for 99 Woodcutting" or something along the lines of that. Ive never made a request for a signature or know nothing of signatures, please tell me what info I need left.
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