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Everything posted by AndyPandy

  1. How do you use the healing gun thing? I only seem to be able to heal myself. I got the upgrade one from the barracks.
  2. Damn. Sworddude just killed me on MAG. Couldn't even see the guy.
  3. Ooo. Completely skimmed over your post, very sorry. I was looking back for any requests I hadn't done, and missed yours. Will be done now.
  4. Finally I have found some time to do your sig Skully. I must say, I quite like this one [img=http://i47.tinypic.com/25z09l2.png]
  5. ACR = noobiest gun in game, no respect for anyone who [bleep] it raffica = decent pistol, though i prefer pp2000 scavenger pro = unlimited claymores + bandoliers is win.......SoH pro = faster ADS wins on sniper rifles stopping power = most overused perk in the game hands down, i find it to be a tad on the cheap side. id use cold blooded pro, personally steady aim pro = iron lungs is a must have for snipers but you.should use ninja pro on all other classes. no need for steady aim since hipfire is pretty noob and my ACOG FAL can poop on you if you try to hipfire me. always scope in unless theyre literally at the distance from you to your computer monitor reading this. Ninja pro? It sucks. I very rarely come across people with heartbeat sensors, and if you allow an enemy time to react to you because they heard you, then you really need to work on your speed. Commando is a much better choice. Having that edge when it comes down to melee makes the difference.
  6. Wired is always better than wireless. If you have the option, do it.
  7. I find it fun unlocking all the weapons again. Not quite sure why, but it's a good feeling.
  8. I got almost all of them just by doing a little exploring on the side. It's such fun
  9. Sorry I haven't done any sigs recently. I have had so much revision and work to do for January exams I just haven't had any time.
  10. [hide=Possible spoiler]As long as Ubisoft can keep it going I reckon. They will milk it as much as they possibly can.[/hide]
  11. The biggest problem with this game ATM, in my opinion, is it's lack of consistency. For example, let's take knifing. About half the time at the moment, I will press R3 to knife, I will see my knife go into the opponent's body,, and while it is lodged in their skull (or other body part), they somehow manage to shoot me, when they should be dead. The killcam will then show me just standing in front of them doing nothing. The rest of the time it will work fine. I don't get it. Why should something that works 10 times in a row, under the same conditions, not work the next time, under the same conditions?
  12. So do I. I can't shoot down anything, as the AT4 takes like 3 shots to get down a harrier, and I don't unlock the stinger for a few more levels. <_< @Insanity: Is it any good with rapid fire? Might try and use the same class as you when I unlock the silencer. :P Rapid fire is ok, but use red dot when you get it.
  13. I always do it with the normal magnum, cos it's useful to know you can rely on it to kill people. If you only really get TacKnife kills, you don't get as good at shooting th pistol.
  14. What do you mean by four controllers? The PS3 can have up to seven connected at any one time. And the Xbox is only cheaper if you use wired internet, want to buy new batteries every time your controller runs out, and you want to play online. Wireless Adaptor - £30 Play and Charge kit - £10 per controller Online - £40/year Xbox 360 Elite - £190 Total (if you have 2 controllers) - £240 + £40 for every year you have it online, so let's say 3 years. That's £120 extra, bringing it to £360 for the console, some basic accessories (that come built in to the PS3), and online (which is free for the PS3). PS3 (which includes all of the above as standard) - £250 So, in reality, the Xbox is actually more expensive.
  15. Everytime I go on my PS3 you have another nuke. :P May I ask, how do you do it? Camping? Ninja skills, my friend. Had some fun with a riot shield on HQ Pro. Someone set up a sentry gun and I just stood in front of it, got loads of points. At one point someone picked up a fallen shield and we just stood and looked at each other since we couldn't hurt each other. :rolleyes: Exactly right. I've only had one by camping, the rest have been rushing with Vector Silenced/.44 TacKnife/Marathon Pro/Lightweight Pro/Commando Pro + throwing knives. I seem to have gotten much better with throwing knives recently, they're just fun to use.
  16. Had 3 nukes so far today, bringing my count up to 5. It's such a good feeling
  17. PSN: Crash Commando Fat Princess Any Pixeljunk game Warhawk Wipeout HD Burn Zombie Burn Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket Powered Battle Cars Bluray: Valkyria Chronicles Motorstorm 2 Heavenly Sword There's probably more that I can't think of, but that's something to think about.
  18. Windows 7, some clothes (some Hollister stuff), books, little bit of money, some tires for my bike and some random other crap
  19. UMP45? Pah. Real men use a Mini Uzi.
  20. I would direct you to the PS Store. Many of the games on there fill your requirements.
  21. Massive sale on the PSN store right now for us UK people, and let me tell you, it's a good day to be a Brit. Highlight is Burnout Paradise Big Surf Bundle for £19.99 (which I have just bought), and Burnout Paradise for £13.99. Full list here.
  22. It really is. I'm using it with holographic sight at the minute, was thinking about using handgrip as i didn't find the iron sights that bad to use. The FAL's pretty good as well. The Barret, AUG HBAR and FAL is all i'm using right now. Barrett is not very nice to use, AUG is good, FAL is godly. The Barrett is just not as fun to use as the Intervention.
  23. Whenever I play (and I'm not with my mates) at the moment, I just stick my iPod in, turn it all the way up, put on my playlist for Riding (lots of fast strong beats) and just go fo it. I always seem to play better with music.
  24. Me please! Though, are you sure you don't want it yourself?
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