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Everything posted by AndyPandy

  1. AndyPandy


    Brilliant. Just brilliant.
  2. Was playing over at a friend's house, and had an awesome few games. First on Derail, I was in the main middle building, and I was sniping people at A. Suddenly they capture it, and their WHOLE TEAM ran out at once, right between the two buildings. It went like this: I got two normal kills, then I got a triple collateral. I was pretty happy. Then, next game I get TWO triple kills using akimbo magnums on highrise. It was awesome.
  3. AndyPandy


    Just finalised my plans for tomorrow. As soon as I get in from school, I'm off to the local bike store. I'm selling my bike to the workshop manager for £240, and and going to buy this. The best bit, is that I'm getting a 10% (ish) discount, so it'll probably be in the region of £450.
  4. AndyPandy


    How'd you get em free? Coupons, I guess. Today I learnt that it's not a good idea to open the fridge after washing your hands and not wearing anything on your feet. Dude, 4 monsters in 36 hours = not a good idea. :x 4 monsters in 10 minutes = very good idea Energy drinks are full of win, even though I'm sensitive to caffeine. I had two relentless shots and two cans and I was screwed for about three days after the initial 1 1/2 hour of hyperness.
  5. They're long developing this, they've made cars that can drive by themselves, ofcourse they're not ready to hit traffic yet, but they can drive through simple obstacle courses without a human driver interfering. I've been thinking of making a cat's litter tray (or whatever it's called) with a double bottom, that somehow filters the [cabbage] and the wet rocks (which stick together) out of the other rocks, and then being able to immediately throw that away. Would make cleaning the litter a lot less of a hassle. How about a tray that vibrates hard? then the clumps would rise to the top, and could be automatically swept off. Would scare the [cabbage] out of the cat though.
  6. AndyPandy


    I'm in the process of selling two nitro cars on ebay. It's going very well. I was expecting around £150 for both, but I had a guy email me asking what a buy it now price would be, so I took a long shot and said £110. To my surprise, he accepted. Now I've got another one, which I also had the same sort of email about, and I said £100 for that. Waiting for a response now. I could end up with a lot more than I expected. It's all going towards one of these: http://www.wethepeoplebmx.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=373:crysis&catid=55:master-series&Itemid=1427 Or if I make a lot, one of these: http://www.wethepeoplebmx.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=376:zodiac&catid=56:pro-series&Itemid=1421 Both would be in black. It's been a good night so far.
  7. Michael McIntyre? And yeah, I use slang.
  8. Air support shreds until it's shot down, so have at least one air support KS. Good combos are Pred, Harrier, CG; UAV, Pred, Harrier or the samw as first except pavelow. I use Care Package > Predator > Harrier. It's not as easy to get longer killstreaks in Ground war, as there's more players out to get you. Shorter killstreaks = more kills, and more fun.
  9. Except Wasteland. Fixed Everything I say can be fixed, due to me being me. Fixed.
  10. Law 24: the only exception to law 21 is when you finally get a good care package, it WILL be stolen. No exceptions.
  11. Am I the only one who likes every map? Apart from wasteland TDM.
  12. AndyPandy


    What was it on? I just had to hand in one on Frankenstein.
  13. If you want to do some kind of extreme sport, try BMXing. It's good fun, and if you ride park, you don't coast very much at all. You get a lot of work in your arms and legs. Try it out.
  14. A field maybe? Lots of scope for expansion, and should be doable by just about anyone. A few more ideas and we'll get a poll running.
  15. AndyPandy


    tl;dr But you have monster. Which makes you awesome. I <3 monster.
  16. Now we need to start deciding on a theme, though bear in mind it will be something that the photographer will have to express, so try and consider that when submitting an idea. When we get a few ideas, we'll turn this into a poll.
  17. I think we should start once we get about 13 participants. I'm thinking we should start off with one person taking a photo, and then we each choose a place in the order of editing. Also, we need to decide on a theme before any of this, so post your ideas, then we could get this turned into a poll.
  18. Wait, what? Only on Xbox. Us PS3'ers are safe.
  19. Hmm. A few more people and we'll get going.
  20. AndyPandy


    Went sledging today. About 9 of us piled into a friend's van and we went to a really steep golfcourse. It was [bleep]ing awesome.
  21. Law 24: The only map that is ever skipped, is your favourite one.
  22. As far as I know, GIMP can save as .PSD, but Photoshop can't save as .XCF, so we might just have to go with GIMPers doing their work first. That doesn't make sense. As you said, GIMP can save as .psd so it doesn't really matter what program goes first. If some PS'er saved the first lot of work as .psd, then GIMP can open and work on it. :mellow: Oh yeah.... Stupid me.
  23. As far as I know, GIMP can save as .PSD, but Photoshop can't save as .XCF, so we might just have to go with GIMPers doing their work first.
  24. I just had an idea. What if we all collaborated an LP, which we can all be proud of, and we could use to show off just how awesome we all are in the gallery. My first thought was a photomanip, possibly a mix of photos from some of our photographers, and maybe some terragen/3d work from our 3D artists. Then we could have all of us sig/LP makers add some final effects to finish it off. I think, with the right direction, it could be brilliant, but we all need to work together, and focus on making something truly great. Collaborators: MrShinyredplanetRangeorHawkXSOuchy_SJason321HumusSkully_Scdsavi_x4?InsanityV2SoaPat_61NavyplayaNoFunsThruItAllPirate_ felix People! We need ideas for a theme! Post them up and we'll get a poll running.
  25. So certain achievements = certain items? Or lessens the time until your next item drop? Achievements have nothing to do with random drops. If you earn like 8 (not the actual number) of the Pyro achievements you will get the first Pyro weapon. After you get 13 Pyro acievements (again not the exact number) you will get the second Pyro weapon. Ect. for all weapons (no hats) and classes that have been updated. 5 Achievements for first item, 11 for second and 19 I think for last item.
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