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    In a shed, :)
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    Chickens, dogs, cactuses, and other stuffs :P
  1. Agrees, \ The perverts have the problem not the mummy and the baby, also them people that go "tutt tutt" at a bit of boobie they got body hangups, the mummy aint gonna sit there like a page 3 model, she is simply feeding her baby, nothing to gawp at in that,
  2. He cant to Ape Atol, he hasnt done tha questie:)
  3. Really, wow, Still wont make me do summoning, but nice for those that do i guess, extra cakes all round, :thumbsup:
  4. I dont do summoning , but you cant take familiars or pets on any agility course, 20 hp was before the revenants were invented so yeah i agree with 30 or so
  5. I wouldnt take potions out to the wildy, just cake, a little trick with agility specially at wildy course is, the lower your hp the lower you get hit if you fall, so most peeps keep there hp at about 20 or so , cos the highest you can get hit is 15, You could try pyramid course too, with agility pots, then do werewolf course, but wildy is way better xp than pyramid, Hope that helps,
  6. There are quite a lot of practical reasons why women do not use *milk extractors* 1. Storage at correct temperature to avoid baby becoming ill. 2. Its quite painful. 3. When baby wants feeding its easier to just feed baby than have to wait for some waiter/waitress to get hot water to warm the milk. 4. all the equipment needed to extract and store the milk is costly to buy and upkeep with sterilisation and wot not. 5. Whats the point of doing all of the above when the breast is designed to do all this easily quickly and efficiently.
  7. there was no need to post that. i'm sure everyone know how breastfeeding looks like. :? i don't have problem with breastfeeding. i don't feel aroused or disgusted. i just see a baby sucking on a pair of lumps. thinking logically helps sometimes. I posted that picture because, the way the author of this thread portrays breastfeeding makes it seem dirty or disgusting or something that should be hidden, and as you can clearly see from that picture there is nothing *disgusting* *shameful* *arousing* about it, its a perfectly natural thing to do, the way you have *chastised* me for posting that picture makes it seem like its *rude* or something, which it is not!
  8. I dont think homosexuality is wrong, its kinda cute to be honest with ya, what is wrong is comparing consenting adults to paedophiles that prey on unconsenting children,!! :wall:
  9. Chocolate Bunnies ,, Yummmy Yummy, :) And Toffees, ooooh, And a nice Coke
  10. Why is it wise-cracking? It's a perfectly logical thing to do, why move when you shouldn't have to? Saves walk-power. The fact that she does it for like, a large amount of posts is irritating to people. I dont find her irritating at all, she is perfectly logical, Baby needs feeding , Feed it, simple , job done, \
  11. Oooh sorry , I edited a spelling mistake and the picture of the lovely mummy feeding her baby vanished, here it is again, as you can see she is performing a perfectly natural act, *feeding baby* as nature intended, now if it makes any one feel a bit queesy I suggest you need counselling, :shock: What is morely likely to make me feel queesy and 99.9% of the population is *mummy feeding babby in toilet* like its something to be ashamed of , "which it is not"!!!!
  12. WOW!! , So I assume that you think because she has a baby she should go to a third rate restaurant, is her money not good enough,? her baby was hungry, she fed it, if you dont like it dont look,! or maybe you would prefer to see the mummy eat her lunch while the baby screams the place down and then go to the toilet to feed baby, maybe next time you ought to try eating your lunch in the toilet, see how unappetising that is, :shock:
  13. Ewwwwww deloriagod your cruel :shock:
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