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Everything posted by Monk

  1. What flavors of Pocky? Chocolate mainly, with a small box of strawberry. The strawberry flavor was terrible. Thank you, I have another Tennant-gif for my collection. Was that from the Tate/Tennant sketch act? No clue. [hide=Dump] [hide][/hide] [/hide] I think I love you.
  2. Oh shit, Kevin's started posting.
  3. What flavors of Pocky? Chocolate mainly, with a small box of strawberry. The strawberry flavor was terrible. Thank you, I have another Tennant-gif for my collection. Was that from the Tate/Tennant sketch act? No clue. [hide=Dump] [hide][/hide] [/hide]
  4. What flavors of Pocky? Chocolate mainly, with a small box of strawberry. The strawberry flavor was terrible.
  5. Had dinner, now eating instant ramen.
  6. And then no posts. You all disappoint me.
  7. Let's just break this up, shall we?
  8. So, in essence, not Zoe at all.
  9. Might start to watch the anime I downloaded and meant to watch over break. ...And then I realized it's only been a week and it's felt like forever.
  10. Oh god... ohgod... OHGOD. WHY. Anywho, finally getting Steins;Gate.
  11. I need to finish the Alchemyst series, and Pendragon series.
  12. The series was actually pretty decent.
  13. Holy crap, I'd forgotten all about that series. I read the first 2, but then my high school's library didn't have the others so I didn't bother keeping tabs on them. Currently halfway through Inheritance. It's a good book so far. Well there are 5 books of this series out now, the last one being released in about May 2012. I can't wait to get Inheritance for Christmas; my family won't be able to get me away from it! I'll have to go about finding and/or buying these now. And I finished Inheritance. It got a lot better towards the end. [hide]Such a sad ending though.[/hide]
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