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Everything posted by Flamewhisker

  1. I would be happy to have 12 extra spots, for a grand total of 40 spots (nice even number) because just think of all the rcing i could get done....i could finally get my goal of 99 rc!!! and for all the arguments of summoning gives you more inventory spaces, not alot of people like to get summoning up because of the extra combat levels, i'm only getting mine up for the pets, i hardly understand the skill.
  2. I prob wouldn't sell mine since it seems sorta personal to me...idk. If someone offered me a few thousand bucks for it, i might, but i would want to keep my username lol
  3. umm do squirrel tails that my cat plays with count? lol
  4. Woah, what did you do?!?!? Please tell, it sounds like it will be interesting!
  5. There was a substitute at my high school that was a recovering meth/cocaine/heroin (one of those) addict who always laughed to herself at random times and stared at the floor. She once laughed throughout an entire holocaust video. Anywho, she somehow memorized my name and if I ever saw her in the hall she did a half wave and smiled at me (she just stared at the floor for everyone else). I don't know how she ever qualified to be a substitute teacher... I'll own a real Ducati one day. I thought subs just had to be a body in the classroom....at least thats what my mom said theres this one sub that just sits in the classroom and scrap books all day
  6. How is that a bad thing? LIEK OMG u called ur best friend stupid for liek no reason OMG i meen liek u musta been joking but ima write u up incase ok? :lol: LOL WOW!!!! that reminded me of a random moment in language arts in 8th grade... my best friend and I were sitting next to each other doing work (there were 2 seater tables instead of desks) and we were flipping through teh dictonary looking for a word and we came across a picture of a duck. being the random people we are, we decide to draw horns on it, (we came up with the idea together, but she did it) and just as she did that, the teacher looked up and said loudly "-friends name here-, WHAT ARE YOU WRITING IN THERE" Friend: "nothing" teacher "Bring it up here" Friend: *goes up to teacher with dictonary open with an "oh fudge" look on her face" Teacher: *looks at dictonary* "YOU DREW HORNS ON THE DUCK?!?" she pretty much yelled it infront of the whole class, it was an hillarious moment but soon after that, she got all weird and kept seating me next to the one person in the class who made it so i couldn't focus, and furthest away from my friend who made me focus when i sat next to her (i didn't copy papers, i just could focus more, i guess cus i'm clamer around my closet friends)
  7. It gets different in high school. She's preparing you for college and I say good for her. Teachers don't care about you unless you care enough to do things on your own and work extra hard. hmm, makes alot of sence when my brother had less homework than i do and hes been through all 4 years of highschool My government teacher is the one prepariring us for the future, she gives us some notes and explains a bit, but the rest is up to us and we MOVE, we do a chapter in 2 days, take the test on the 3rd, and the 4th day start it over again (projects take an extra day or so) so ya...
  8. Hah. Welcome to advanced classes and or college courses. You don't get everything spoon-fed to you. Get used to it. Ive been in advanced classes since the 3rd grade, this teacher is just plain nuts!
  9. lol this is entertaining Last semester I had a computer teacher who didn't know how to teach, he just read the powerpoint that came with the book and told us to do the most rediculous things. nobody every paied attention and he coudln't control the class. I just used the hour and a half to do homework or play computer games (and talk on here because belive it or not, it wasn't blocked at school ftw!) Plastic dinosaur?
  10. Ive had that happen so many times, i wanna just stand up and say "because i didn't feel like it" and yell back louder than they did....i think it would be pretty comical
  11. I definately cannot be the only kid out here who has had an anoying teacher (or in my case atm, HAVE an anoying teacher) Rant about them, but then its general chatting (no flaming!) and maybe no names, in case out of the off chance someone might know that teacher Well I have a biology teacher at the moment who is a devil in a human body. She is the only teacher I know that can make a whole class of kids hate her in less than a week. I currently have all honors classes in the 9th grade well math, government, and language arts are all easy and hardly any work to do. My friend was complaining to me about all the work she will have to do that night, and like 2-4 hours of it being biology and my teacher heard that... Well she then turns to us saying "This is an honors class, you will have at least an hours homework a night" then goes on about other stuff and I didn't quite listen because she was making me mad that day in class. She also doesn't teach....she will explain stuff to us, lecture at a speed of those people who say the "fine print" on radio ads, show us these outdated CD (sorta like a powerpoint) things that hardly tell us anything, gives us homework that ISN'T in the book and that she has told us nothing about, then expects us to do good on tests when she hasn't explained half of it. If i took a poll on how many people actually like her, I doubt anyone would put their vote on "like her" Today we had a sub, and she left us this confusing worksheet and instructions to the sub "DO NOT HELP THEM OR EXPLAIN ANYTHING TO THEM" and its not just because she wants us to think.... if she wanted us to think, she wouldn't have given us the assignment she did (the assignment wasn't easy, just confusing with the instructions and stuff) *takes deep breath* well I got my rant out, any others?
  12. btw, i'm a girl, but thats not important and yes, its the litter dragons in the signatures, like the egg i have!
  13. Does anyone know what ways are possible in obtaining a dino egg, a vampire egg, or a neglected/zombie egg on dragcave? Ive only seen the dino eggs in the abondoned area, and only ever one vampire egg and ive heard of the neglected/ zombie egg, help please MODS: sorry if this isn't allowed, please lock if its not!
  14. Hmm, I believe I'm my favorite Tipiter lol
  15. Hmm, I like Macdonnalds, only the chicken nuggets tho
  16. Stick it on the GE and leave it there, thats what i normally do. Someone randomly wants it, they put an offer up on GE, and BAM you have sold something. Leave it up there for a long while and it will eventually sell (or if your desperate enought sell to the general stores lol) and no clue if this is aginst the rules or not, get a member friend to make a thread on the offical runescape fourms about trying to sell your stuff
  17. You should put this on the official Runescape suggestion forums!!! TOTALLY SUPPORT!
  18. I haven't read most of it, but i'm just honestly sick of him making speeches because hes not gonna be able to do what he says. Honestly he needs to shut up and get going with some SMART CHOICES!
  19. skin! and i'm honestly surprised that this got to 5 pages! WOW, I made this just to solve a simple dissagreement between a friend and i lol
  20. Woah, I didn't realize how popular of a thread this will be (most of mine die after 20 or so posts) but right now, from the definate answers, I belive that.... circles: 14 squares: 7 Decagon: 1 Triangle: 1 cirquares: 1 sry if i miscounted CIRCLES RULE!!!!!!!!
  21. How does lack of circles = lack of metal, silicon, plastics, and other man-made building materials. cus we invented the wheel first and there would be lack of oil with out the circle.... the drill? and would we get teh square without the circle? AND if it wasn't for the circle, we wouldn't have pi!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. i was mainly talking about 2d as in flat squares and circles but if i was talking bout 3d, circles will be spheres and still pwn everything, i don't think there are any cubical balls used in sports (rubix cubes are not a sport!)
  23. but a pizza cutter is sharp and it's a circle. That has the addition of a sharpened edge. I'm talking straight-up, unadulterated geometry. And yes, it would be triangle. But square also. my pizza cutter is just a metal circle that tapers to a thin blade edge around the edge, like a knife but a circle Precisely. It's been sharpened. Not every circle is as sharp, but find me a cornerless square and I'll make my [wagon] sprout wings and fly me into space. cornerless square = circle in the end lol CIRCLES PWN U ALL
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