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Everything posted by tedbundty

  1. Most people I talk to say that price manipulation isn't against the rules, saying it isn't bug abuse, because there is no "bug" with the Grand Exchange, and therefore there is no bug to be abused, also they say that you're manipulating the price whenever you buy something that looks like it's about to rise, because realistcally you're joining other people that are also buying a ton of the item at max price which would cause the item to go up.. oh and one other thing I've heard them say is that the "trade limits" (which allow you to only buy a certain amount of items per 4 hours, like 25K ores/logs per hour, 100 weapons, 10K arrows, 10K of food, etc...) were put into effect to minimize Price Manipulation but that it still isn't really against the rules since it wouldn't techinichally be Bug Abuse. personally I do not join in on much price manipulation, I usually just buy items that're traded in vast quantities for as low as possible, then sell for as high for possible - doing this I've gone from 95m-180m cash in one month Note that I'm not asking whether it's right or wrong, or lame or cool, but whether or not it's against the rules. so yea just tell me what you think, and... debate :D
  2. sorry I dont mean to grave dig this (or whatever you wanna call it), but I mentioned the auto log out thing to a few of my friends, and all of them said that they never heard of it, so can anybody confirm this? Or has anybody heard about it before?
  3. sweet the item went up a lot and I sold for max, which is good considering that I bought them at minimum price ;), I think I might've actually made profit on it... anyway merching really seems to be sucking right now, except for buyouts, because I can't find any good items to put all my money into, like today I put 100M into an item that'll only get me 1% return (so only 1M profit haha) but anyway I'm making a fair amount on glories, buying at minimum and selling like 1k under market price... So that's good, I'll update this pretty soon then.
  4. I know Graahk + natures are really good for money when you can get double nats, but would ZMI altar be faster exp?
  5. I picked this one really bad item to merch and so far I've lost 9M on it, it looked good but I guess just not enough people were in on it and it's a thinly traded item, it's also impossible to sell, so basically atm the money I lose from this each day I make merchanting, after I manage to get rid of this horrible item I'll start keeping the history again though :D, it does still have the potential to suddenly rise if a buyout CC should buy them (I hope they do lol) so it might not be all that bad...
  6. Hi guys, I've been merching for a while and this past month I decided to keep a merching history of basically how much money I make each day, I update this everyday on my real blog (if you wanna see it, it's:http://tedbundty.thegrandexchange.com I also have other stuff besides merching history on it) everyday, but I'll update this on here like once a month, so anyway here goes... February 2nd Starting Merching Money: 95M Total Profits from yesterday: 2M Other Notes: sorry I missed it yeseterday, I also spent 500k on seeds, and I will get 80 farming today :), killing black dragons atm still hoping for visage drop :D. February 3rd Starting Merching Money: 100M Total Profits from yesterday: 5M o.O Other Notes: very good merching day! also got 91 attack, 87 slayer, and 80 farming February 4th Starting Merching Money: 103.5M + Total Profits from yesterday: 3.5M Other Notes: I spent about 1-2M on summoning too, haha but it was a really good day for drops, I got: 1 whip, 2 Dragon Boots, 2 Rune Boots, 3 snapdragon seeds, and others :D, also Id like to point out that today was a really crazy day, Jagex let a lot of items go up like crazy, like guthan speras up 10%! And Dragon medium helms went up 8%, I had 300 of these! And I told all my friends to buy them so they made profit too. February 5th Starting Merching Money: 102M Total Profits from yesterday: -1.5M Other Notes: spent about 3M on summoning, lost 400k in one techy trade, but my other three techy trades were great! Im starting to do a lot more technichal trading February 6th- Didnt do any merching because my sisters were on all day! :S but I got ahead on homework though so thats good haha. February 7th Starting Merching Money: 109M Total Profits from yesterday: 7M Other Notes: Yea wow maybe I did some merching yesterday while I was sleeping or something, but I did get a whip drop and some others which added up to like 2m. February 8th Starting Merching Money: 112.5M Total Profits from yesterday: 3.5M Other Notes: Its really nice out today, like 60 degrees out February 9th Starting Merching Money: 115M Total Profits from yesterday: 2.5M Other Notes: A bunch of trades didnt go through, but the ones that did were pretty good. February 10th Starting Merching Money: 122M Total Profits from yesterday: 7M Other Notes: I reccomend Guthan Helms for a Technichal buy atm, and I dont believe any clans are buying out, but who knows February 11th Starting Merching Money: 127.5M Total Profits from yesterday: 5.5M Other Notes: Every technichal trade I bought went up 4%, and a bunch of them I bought only at market price and I can sell for sure at max now! anyway I guess I can tell you the technichal Items Im doing right now: Regen Bracelets, Berserker necklaces, guthan helmets (got 20 of these at market price yesterday), and dragon square shields. I reccomend you do them all February 12th Starting Merching Money: 132M Total Profits from yesterday: 4.5M Other Notes: Itll be interesting to see whats going to happen with Regen Bracelets and Onyx Bracelets, because currently you can buy Onyx Bracelets, enchant, and sell for 60K+ profit, though Im sure its basically impossible to buy the Bracelets February, Friday the 13th Starting Merching Money: 134M Total Profits from yesterday: 2M February 15th Starting Merching Money: 138M Total Profits from yesterday: 4M Other Notes: Valentines day was pretty bad and I basically ended out with the same as a started Ill be gone till Thursday, so Ill put all my money into low priced items that I can get 5% return on I guess in the meamwhile. February 19th Starting Merching Money: 142M Total Profits since February 15th: 4M Other Notes: . Well I had a lot of fun at the camp I went to. February 20th Starting Merching Money: 143M Total Profits since yesterday: 1M Other Notes: Wow that really sucks, most of my trades just didnt go through today :( February 21th Starting Merching Money: 145M Total Profits since yesterday: 2M Other Notes: I chopped wood all day IRL had barrels of fun February 22th Starting Merching Money: 147.5M Total Profits since yesterday: 2.5M Other Notes: I dropped my cell phone in the toilet today by accident :[, its broken now so I lost all my pics, cell phone games, and notes :( February 23rd Starting Merching Money: 151M Total Profits since yesterday: 3.5M Other Notes: My cell phone miraculously started working this morning :)! also I made a new vid, Ill probably post here. February 24th Starting Merching Money: 154M Total Profits since yesterday: 3M Other Notes: I didnt get to go on at all yesterday because my sisters were on literally the entire day, like from 8AM=1AM, non stop they switched the computer between themselves o.O February 25th Starting Merching Money: 156M Total Profits since yesterday: 2M Other Notes: Pretty bad merching day, basically all the money I made is just from other stuff like Dragon boot drops and rewards from clue like Guthix platebody. February 27th Starting Merching Money: 158M Total Profits since yesterday: 2M Other Notes: Terrible merching day really basically nothing went through adn the ones that did I lost money on lol, also this morning I slipped on a cow pie and hurt my right leg February 28th Starting Merching Money: 162M Total Profits since yesterday: 4M Other Notes: I made a lot on rune bolts, bought like 50K for 8gp under market price, then sold for max price two days later after a big rise in price, Im gonna look for more trades like these, right now Im buying 20K yew longbows stringed and unstringed for close to minimum, and theyll probably go up soon, or at least I hope... March 2nd Starting Merching Money: 175M Total Profits since yesterday: 13M Other Notes - I forgot to post yesterday, average I made is 6.5M per day I guess, haha but Ill admit that I got 3 whip drops last night from on Abby Demon assignment, so that added a bit to it .. got 89 slayer, 94 hp and 86 range too btw
  7. Piety flash yes, but not 100% worth it to melee them anyway. Yea whenever I get assignment I range them... But if you want to Melee them I probably wouldn't use Piety, just because you would run out of prayer quickly then.
  8. He's right, Rune defenders are even better than DFS while training. And d legs sucks, use Verac's/torags. Don't worry, it should only cost 1-2k/hour training if you're just using legs. yea unless you're training on dragons obviously -.-
  9. what if you "accidentaly" fall asleep at your computer while doing this? You wouldn't get in trouble for falling asleep at the computer would you? Also you're rigiht sometimes mind runes do sell.
  10. Bunyips, unless you can't heal enough from just Bunyips, though beasts of burdens have their own privilages, because you can store the items in them after using food, they're great for steel/iron/bronze dragons because you don't get hurt by them anyway and they can hold P pots and anti dragon fire pots, super att and str, etc.
  11. you don't need armour or weapons for hunting -.- but anyway I think Whip+dds (or I use enhanced excalibur as it boosts defence almost as much as super defence pot and heals 16hp) is better, as it hits twice as often as the godswords, of course annoying thing about whip is that you can only train attack defence or controlled, so personally I always just fight controlled so I get strength exp as well.
  12. hey would you mind saying a few of the items that they have made untradeable before, because I can't say that I'm aware of any.
  13. just thought I'd point out that picaxe handle's went up 9% today, and broken bronze and rune picaxes went up like 8%, a bunch of my friends (I'm in a merching clan) have offers up 100s of them. Though I doubt they will become discontinued items, it is still tempting to buy a few.
  14. okay so with the ent and boiling rock random events taken away, people can no longer get broken axes/picaxes, so they're dis[bleep]inued now? didn't Jagex think about this? what do you think will happen because of this? would it be a good idea to buy tons of broken axes/picaxes, in the hope that they'll go up like phats have? also do you think Jagex will change it somehow so that all the broken turn into normal ones?
  15. You get 6 exp for casting windstrike whether you hit them or not, then you get that added to four times whatever you hit... so if you hit a 5 you would get... 5x4 = 20, 20+6 = 26 Exp, and if you hit a 0 you would just get the 6 exp did you even think before you posted that random calc WIND STRIKE!!!! IT HITS 2 not 5 smarts and damage xp for mage gives 2xp per damage THEREFORE 6-10xp per attack edit-wouldnt 1mil runes take a couple days to buy? well you always hit 0 anyways if you're wearing Black D'hide, I just said 5 for an example, I guess you knew that it hits 2 because you're a lvl one mager who uses windstrike, haha jk, also you only get 2xp if you train defence at the same time, but if you just cast spells normally you get 4xp per hit edit- that's true you can only buy 25K every 4 hours so that means you can buy 150K per day.
  16. You get 6 exp for casting windstrike whether you hit them or not, then you get that added to four times whatever you hit... so if you hit a 5 you would get... 5x4 = 20, 20+6 = 26 Exp, and if you hit a 0 you would just get the 6 exp
  17. Okay so a friend told me about a way to get easy mage exp... Basically you and you're friends buy a whole lot of mind runes then go to Duel Arena with full black D'hide and air battlestaff, challenge each other, and then autocast windstrike on each other, and neither of you get hit at all because of your armour. Then you do whatever and come back like a day later, or however long it takes to use all the runes, and you get a bunch of easy exp, because if you use 1M mind runes which costs 9-10M gp, then you get 6 exp per cast so that's 6M exp. Anyway it sounds interesting but I don't wanna get myself banned doing it. So tell me what you think, thanks. Edit: Oh yea and I forgot to mention that it also helps the people trying to sell their mind runes on the Grand Exchange, because it's basically impossible to sell them there. So it's like good for everybody haha.
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