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Everything posted by RussianFed55

  1. I create new words as I need them. I have a grammar sketch, I won't bore you with it. The phonetics, however, are: Alphabet: A AI, D, E, IE, F, G, H, I, K, L, M, N, O, R, S, T, U, W, Y X-SAMPA: /A/, /eI/, /d/, /E/, /aI/, /f/, /g/, /h/, /i/, /k/, /l/, /m/, /n/, /o/, /r/, /s/, /t/, /y/, /w/, /i/ When G is followed by an y or i (except ir), g creates a glottal stop (/?/) I'm currently working on a constitution, but lack of study of presidential parliaments has me somewhat confused.
  2. That sounds like a bad situation getting worse fast. Do you know where most of the immigrants come from? Middle East, Slavic countries, etc.? Lol Slavic Countries? It's almost entirely all Middle Eastern. Iraq, Iran, and Northern Africa, certain countries have different regions. Norway is Pakistan IIRC, Sweden is Iraq and Turkey, Germany is Turkey, Netherlands is Iraq, Pakistan, Iran, France is Algeria, Morocco, there's a few others I don't know like Denmark, Belgium, Switzerland, and Austria. The situation is far worse than the Swedish poster said, although s/he did hit some really good points. The phrase "Eurabia" has come to describe the situation of post-Cold War Europe, where native populations are dropping, and out-of-control immigration rates (and their birth rates), appeasement, political correctness, ignorance by the European establishment government and the media, anti-Americanism, and verzuilling (or Dutch for pillarisation) is rapidly increasing. We could very well see the end of Europe to caliphate governments and radical Islam as soon as 2030 if trends continue as present. The first countries to go would appear to be Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Norway. France is the worst ATM but could possibly hold out until Germany which follows the aforementioned. Somewhere in there goes Austria, and probably Spain if they continue to elect Socialist candidates, or the PP is not reelected ie. the second Spanish terrorist attacks which were thwarted, but threw a hardball to the media who were blaming Aznar for the Spanish 3/11 bombings, because the thwarted attack was during Zapatero's first months in office, and he embodies the European left political establishment. Such bombings prove radical Islamist's pursuit is to gain back entirely the Iberian peninsula they lost some hundreds of years ago. The UK could go somewhere later, due to the problem being somewhat bad, but nowhere near continental Europe. Although under Brown, who knows.
  3. I can't do calculations like -3 x 2 without a calculator or thinking really hard about a numberline. I never learned any of those "quarter to," "ten to," "five after" expressions. Although I understand them, I never use them. I can't correspond a 24:00 clock to a 12:00 clock without thinking hard of certain points like 14:00=2:00PM. Occasionally while driving, if I'm asked to turn where there is no clear intersection and left turn lane, I can mix up left and right. I never got serious about them till I started driving. I also have trouble with east and west on other continents. I have to relay back to California=West East Coast=East. Again, only got serious on that distinction as of late too. I collect Soviet Socialist propaganda such as flags. The majority appear to be from or of East Germany. I've invented my own country and language which is located in present day Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia. It is called Falgwai /fAlgweI/, the language is Falgwiese. Not really a confession, but I can speak Spanish and English, and am learning Lithuanian.
  4. Boy: Landon, Jon (Jonathan) Girl: Zuri, Isabella
  5. Gun control is as ideological as Communism and Anarchism, in a perfect world they won't even work, not even in Thomas Moore's Utopia. The fact is, Switzerland has one of the world's lowest crime rates, because everyone has a gun, you don't dare shoot anyone, and this mentality is bred from youth. To ban guns would only give them to the inner city gangs whom would kill the masses who have no form of protection, such is already happening in the UK since the banning of not only guns, not only knives, but self-defense altogether.
  6. I wouldn't sign any bailout of any kind. I'd cut taxes. I'd sign the Colombian Free Trade Agreement. I'd withdraw American support of a free Kosovo. I wouldn't sign HR 106 which denounces the Turkish government for the Armenian genocide of the Ottoman Empire. And I'd consider making military training mandatory for ALL able persons, such as like Israel. Oh, I'd also lend more support to Israel in its fight against Palestine, and call out European governments for anti-semitic remarks and appeasement of radical Islam.
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