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Vezon Dash

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Everything posted by Vezon Dash

  1. I want Hatred's boobs to go away too. I can't help but thing he is going to start cross dressing or going to get a sex change like Hunter later in the season.... Those disguises were hilarious. It was overall one of the better episodes.
  2. I literally just watched it online since we got our cable tv cut off last week. I thought it was pretty good. I was laughing pretty good when The Monarch yelled "Acid Magnet!"
  3. There. Right there. You're doing the same thing as everyone else in this thread. You're using quack psychology. You've made a claim, now back it up. Just because you've been taught all your life that saying the 'n' word somehow encourages racism doesn't make it true. I'm not showing my proof until your group shows yours. You made the claim first. A note: some of my sources are from scholarly databases with paid subscriptions. I won't be able to show all of them unless you are subscribed to the same service. Someone is new around here. Don't listen to anything Nine says. He likes to be funny. =)
  4. The BW2 metagame is constantly changing just because of newly released event mons and others getting their dreamworld abilities. In reality, Ubers, BL, NU, PU, and UU are fairly stable, but OU isn't. I would agree that you can call a lot of OU players as "whiny", but when you have a mon like Genesect that is being used on over 45% of teams, you have a problem.
  5. They were actually debating whether or not to suspect SR a week or two ago. The move itself is so over-centralizing, but we have had it around for so long and we have all adapted to it that they decided against it. It really is the best move in the game. It neuters so many pokes that would trash the meta that they would need to suspect things like Volcarona if they banned SR. @lep Yes, hail and sun would become much more used, and rain would fall in usage quite a bit. Sun is actually the strongest weather in the meta, but rain is much easier to use and isn't shafted by SR. I myself really like the sun, and the vena+duggy+cress teams are unbeatable.
  6. I don't mean ice and flying as a dual type. I mean just ice and flying Pokemon in general. Just look at Tornadus-T. That thing got banned because it wasn't SR weak and it had a good flying stab move. I really think that an ice/fighting or an flying/fighting dual typing would be game breaking. You could just power through the meta with Brave Bird + Close Combat. Ice/flying dual type is really bad since it has so many weaknesses. (rock, steel, fire, electric weaknesses and only resisting ground, grass, and bug)
  7. The highest power rock move with 100% accuracy (excluding rock judgment) is Power Gem at 70 bp.
  8. My point exactly. If they made ice/flying Pokemon with decent base stats, it wouldn't be an issue.
  9. Essentially, all Pokemon within the "fairy" egg group have the potential to be fairy typed. (there are lots and lots of things in that group) They introduced them in the game to help stop dragons from being overpowered. I'm fine with this as long as the fairy type isn't immune to dragon. As far as retyping old legnedaries with the fairy type, I don't think it will happen. Now, if GF was actually smart, they wouldn't have needed to add a new typing. Honestly, the three most powerful typings in the game are flying, ice, and dragon. The only reason that dragon is more common is that all ice and flying Pokemon suck (generally speaking). Just look at how bad Staraptor and Mamoswine are, yet they are extremely powerful threats in OU due to their stab moves. If they really want to fix the balance, they should just have made a few good ice/flying Pokemon.
  10. Speaking of those biscuits..... I bought 2 cans of them yesterday.
  11. The preview of it last week seemed weak, but I hope I'm wrong. I'm also going to have to pick up one of those exclusive shirts if I see one that has Monarch/Dr. Girlfriend on it.
  12. Evidently not hard enough. You could have at least sneaked a small image of a cow into the picture.
  13. I'd post my house but I think that's against the rules I'd post my house, but there are so many naked [bleep]es lined up outside of my house to see me that it would be against the rules to show the picture.
  14. Does that mean I can nuke myself and never get cancer?? That will totally be helpful with my career in the future.
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