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Everything posted by khandajatt

  1. in ip case i change my ip every other day..so i think it would b hard for dem to pin point the hackers ip
  2. yea it gud if u camp there...but either way u get gud exp
  3. it depends on wat ur waitin for..high lvl ores take longer...coal and myth is pretty much gud enuf time for waitin wont count on addy or rune...cuz those take longer
  4. have u done waterfall quest?
  5. green drags....dat way u get prayer exp as well or u can try fire gaints but at ur lvl dat would b killin into ur food supply and time
  6. some luck u got there buddy...i got an average of one armour piece/7chests
  7. kk the monkey r in dat altar place....and the zombie monkeys r down the stairs underneath dat alter place...there is a ladder where ppl usually get stuck
  8. kk thanks ...i will appeal in 15 days cuz i just changed my security questions and it will take 14 days...den ill start workin on a formal appeal
  9. depends on how much money u use per round and how much u make..usualy it nice if u use like 2 prayer pots and 2 shraks (usually for me) and end up with 100k+ in runes
  10. opps forgot they were lvl 80...was thinkin they were lvl 70....well when u hit 80 take task from a gud slayer master for ur lvl..or u can go to security stronghold in edgeville
  11. would b a gud thing..but probablity of guthans special workin is hot very high...but u can try it for food i would say sharks of tuna potato...bring p.pots..and super set... restore pot
  12. agree with perfetc...or u can go to the rift to green drags where rarely any1 comes on pvp world
  13. kk i checked the appeal thingy out and it only gives me two options for reason to appeal: .Someone else had access to my account . I think Customer Support have made a mistake
  14. i would tell u to give it a try..if u fail it no big deal...get ur cb up and try again
  15. get to lvl cb lvl 60 and go moss gaints on karamja...when u hit 80 go to fire gaints..this way u will get ur prayer up..fire gaints r at waterfall u need to go the quest...when u hit 90...u shud go green drags in wildy more prayer exp as well and u can bank green hides for money
  16. lol dont b goin in any merch guild most of dem r frauds..if they tell u to sign up dont they will take ur pass usin keygen...so b careful
  17. its worth it..because in future u dont need to worry about gettin hogh pray to tank on some mobs
  18. should i take it as my fault eventhough a hacker did it?
  19. hey guys some1 hacked me and got me an offence which caused me to b prem muted... i have a chance to appeal and i was wondering how shud i go about it...cuz i wanna prevent my acc from gettin prem muted thanks for ur help
  20. Hey guys...i am going to abandon avansies for now and get my summoning to 99...I basically know where to get all the charms but with the exception of blue ones. I want to know which monster frequently drop blue charms and i also wanted to ask....do you guys think that 200k shards are enough to get to 99?
  21. What lvl constrcution you need to make B2P tabs and are they broad-tipped bolts? And in your opinion which is the fast money maker....owning avansies or green drags?
  22. So in statical hits...are broad bolts better then mith bolts?
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