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Everything posted by Mojo_Monkey

  1. I was just wondering what the fastest way to go from 54-71 smith was? Also, the most cost efficeint, and one in the middle? Thanks Mojo
  2. i'm in ur picture gf OMG Hex Hunter is in my pic...I am famous now?
  3. Like Ventrilo? Yeah, with my clan :P. Bought some stuff! Dang wish my bank was 1/100th of yours. Nice stakes btw.
  4. I know I'm not one to talk about even stats but maybe try getting stength, defence and attack to 90 then maybe try and get one to 99. I say try Attack as a first 99 using a whip and dragon defender because it should go fast. All those place execpt Soul wars sound great, but be ready to fight the crowds, also maybe try some slayer to break up the endless grind on a single monster.
  5. Me typing SGS wrong :P. I have the whole bandos, fury, berserker, ss, zspear etc(not a brackish blade, I'll get that). As for herblore I am doing it currently as I have a few thousand herbs to make into potions and I'm trying to get the herb xp as I farm, since I only buy seconds I make profit so don't need money to invest into it as much. I usually do 3-4 herb runs a day sometimes more so I'm going down that route really, slow and steady, 74 herb atm. Maybe try saving it since you seem to have all the armor you need, if not then I suggest a few prayer or summoning levels.
  6. lol took me a min to figure out what they were talking about, and their mistake.
  7. The Boss guide and the tips from a 3bo rank are both down, any other reading I should do?
  8. Do exactly what you do in a team. You're the only player, hence you're the only keyer. Solo meds are a decent way to practice keying and gating skills. Thanks helped a little bit.
  9. I loved the guide, any sugestions on soloing?
  10. :wall: Thanks for the help. 66 Mining is going to take forever. :wall:
  11. Would hunting red salamanders be the fastest way to go from 62 hunter to 65? Edit: Is granite the fastest way for 60-66 mining?
  12. Ran out of mage pray on the 360/180 wave when my internet lagged. Well thanks for the help.. :sad:
  13. Try useing the Summoning planner on the front page of tipit for exact numbers. I would personally make the highest thing i could for best exp...money isnt realy an issue for me Good luck btw
  14. Wow i realy didnt expect this many respones thanks for all the help :)
  15. Wow amazing stuff ur doing :thumbsup: Vids are beast Gf against the rune guy :o
  16. Cool i think i got it gunna try tomarrow :thumbsup: Thanks for all the help :-D Oh will prob get 72 range sometime during this 30k away :thumbsup:
  17. thanks but what about the diamond bolts?
  18. Ugh my internet crashed due to a thunder-storm right before i got into the caves and decided to wait till tomarrow. :wall: I also had a few more questions... Am i supposed to pray the whole time? (which prayers?) How do i know when Jad is guna change attacks? When should i start useing Diamond bolts (I have 500 of um now)? Well thanks for the help dumbmonkey77
  19. Ok thanks Maul( I like the avatar btw)
  20. Wow this is a big help for lower level/less experienced players :)
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