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Everything posted by Thehitman324

  1. You sent 8 snipers Yufei, might want to edit some of your details. Grats, was fun.
  2. I love Jack but this won't change anything L.
  3. Looked extremely easy, good boys and np for the ac :thumbup:
  4. Yes Nox I believe in you! Grats on 4 :D
  5. was fun, thanks for the fight gladz
  6. Thanks for the fight Dragonwood, always a pleasure fighting you guys <3:
  7. RIP CA, we had some good battles in the past<3
  8. So for any top clans that frequent these boards what would it take for your clan to become active on tip.it? De-rank Joe as global moderator. What would it take for your clan to join TWR? read above.
  9. i quoted the topic, i didn't write it.. I think he meant the title :D
  10. Grats to all who won an award, keep it up :thumbup:
  11. Grats T0 on the well deserved win, keep it up allies<3
  12. I don't think tip.it allows playoffs.
  13. Kick Batli4ner from your clan and you won't have any problems here.
  14. Like 10 kills and 3 deaths. Was fun leading after a 2 month break, gj today guys.
  15. With people crashing anyone and unlikely people retaliating, just how long do you think this will continue? Doubt it will ever stop unless the one behind it gets bored of it. Do you see any other clans retaliating and actually sticking with it? Probably those GMT clans who get crashed by Fools all the time. Who else do you expect to hop into the mess given the nature of the clans currently involved? Corruption? Who do they fight these days anyways? I haven't heard of them in a while. And Exodus made a wrong move by getting involved in the mess, they're just digging their own grave.
  16. Indeed they're quite-- Heywaitaminuteyournameisn'tdan. Team Dan was slumping and dieing back then and even got desperate, so they recruited me to help them with their playoff events, where we recruited even more w141 prods to build up our memberlist. Also, I like to cook.
  17. Holy crap dude, seperate your paragraphs.
  18. Do you need to challenge clans, or does clan leaders come to you ask for fight? It goes both ways like Danny said, though I had a good amount of time when most of my fights were by clan officials who asked me through IRC. Is it easy to find fight? Not if your looking for a week prep, there are less clans busy when you ask them on a weekend. During the week, it get's harder. Also it depends on what clan you want to fight, if you step up and fight clans above you, that clan will most likely accept. However, if the clan you want to war is below you, you will mostly get declined (unless they have balls to step up).
  19. It should we agreed by both clans' officials first, if not then it goes how the people above me are stating.
  20. Expected result, great job dominating them Dragonwood :thumbup:
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