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Everything posted by Ru_Nit_E

  1. Telling people to keep trying or/and get used to it isn't the best way to deal with problems. If that's the case, the many hundreds of bugs that have come up could been derailed of their priority to their fix because they can just 'deal with it'. And no I don't not believe many people can be annoyed by the language. In fact, the majority of the people I know do not care, because they see themselves as "grown-ups" and can take it (I firmly disagree with this, but I'm just saying. And the majority of them are male), and since they use it themselves, they permit it. Unless you are talking about phrases which to an extent everyone will be annoyed by, I will agree. However, once they figure out how to block those it's not in the picture. So it is in-fact, an optional feature, as many have even made it a notepad for them to jot down notes, etc (just how useless some people found it to be). And music you say, that's is a plain art, also considered luxury. And I'm not talking about sound effects, that is necessary. But music, it gives a mood the the area, place, and what you're doing: luxury. And what about the dozens of luxurious updates that's been added? Biggest one of them all: Graphics. You can stay like RSC can't you? RS2D, and so on. But it what's important is demand, and as I've observed, I've already seen not only many people support/post on my thread, but also a high ratio of people that agreed that it was, not only a good idea, but a really good idea. I never suggested to lower the character limit. It was my point as to why we should have text wrapping. And I totally understand, long strings of text bores me (believe it or not). And that's why I tried making my post as lively as possible. And I also really liked the posts that had pictures that illustrated how the idea could work if implemented. It makes it so much more enjoyable.
  2. You can say that the mass majority of the people do not use a sophisticated style of messages, but for those that do, should we be left out? There's always going to be a group of people that will find a feature useless, like the Ignore List. Some people could care less about the language they see, so it would be a completely useless feature to them. But the point is that it should be readily available to those that need it. Also, RuneScape Music of example. Many of the people that I've met in RuneScape have told me in one way or another that they don't even use the music tab. But yet it's still there, and is being updated all the time. Why? I believe it's because it's simply needed, even if some people don't use it, it just adds another dimension for those that really want to get into the game (rather than listening to personal music outside of the game). And I think it's the same with this. It's needed, mostly because it just doesn't seem right seeing text over flow the chat box, as it doesn't make sense that there's no music in RuneScape. And I also find the way text is being handled to be quite prehistoric-like. Just a simple string of words, no editing whatsoever. We have all these fantastic features in RuneScape, and yet the key to socialism, is so primitive still. I just find it irritating. Well, that's actually another point that I wanted to mention. Is that if there's a character limit, and we most of the time cannot even reach it before our words get cut-off, then why have it? I'd like to be able to use up my limit, or it seems pretty useless to me. :x P.S. I find it weird that you and I are the only one posting... #-o
  3. Time... time is wasted. And that is precious in various situations (idk, I guess I just thought of it. But it should have been my core reasoning #-o). Even if it is not very hard. It's still a lot more convenient not having to worry. And some people just don't like seeing their words being cut-off. I respect you persisting that it's not very hard. But I've already given you all the reasons why it wouldn't hurt for it to be implemented. And I don't believe that a "heated discussion" means screaming your head off. A lot of the time (at least the ones I've been involved in), was speaking rationally (like right now really), and trying to explain as best you can for other people to understand. And that takes a lot of words sometimes. Again, when Jmods were talking (my best example, and most recent, sorry for repeating), dozens of other people were talking and asking them questions at the same time. It's really hard having to look at and make sure his words don't get cut-off and if it doesn't then it's even worst because he has to re-type the rest to finish it. And by then, another bundle of questions have probably been asked already.
  4. That's exactly my point. Manually doing something usually isn't as effective. In direct relation to the Word Wrapping, you cannot effectively wrap the words perfectly. There you go. That's precisely when you really cannot bother to think about typing out the right amount of letters although it's crucial that you do, so nothing is misunderstood or misspoken. We don't know this, there are various ways of doing it, some easier, some harder. Like I mentioned in the post: I'm glad you liked it. :) You did however, create a paragraph listing all the pro's of my Ignore List suggestion, then said that the Word Wrapping idea will not be helpful. I don't believe that is fair, so I'm just speaking for the Word Wrapping idea: It will allow players to needlessly worry about having to watch for his text from overflowing the chat box, as in does get very frustrating when you're trying to quickly think of reasons or points to say in your message, only to be cut-out by the side of the chat box making you retype it again, possibly making you forget something. Especially people that like to go very in-detail (like me :D), talking about the very specifics, making most of their messages very long and precise. Ever had the most perfectly worded-out sentence? Then somehow lost it and can never get it as good again? This could also stop many of those cases. I stress a prime example as to explaining things. Like when Jmods were in their clan chats, answering questions about future updates, much of the time was spent re-writing what they had said because it was cut-off by the lack of room within the chat box. That is why I believe this would be a very helpful suggestion for the chat box. Also mentioned: It would indeed be pretty important. And if there is something more important, no problem, it can wait. I'm not in a hurry. ;) Altogether, all I'm saying is that it should be thought about. Because it's obviously a problem, and it should be fixed eventually. Wherever it may be on their "priority" list, as long as it's there. :D P.S. if you liked the Ignore List one, go support it. :thumbsup: Because my Word Wrapping one actually has more posts/supporters right now (along with a Jmod post). :shock:
  5. I would say using the Ignore List (with just player names) would be like censoring them manually. Anyways: I understand the reasoning of unnecessary updates. But with the Official Update Year for RuneScape, it makes perfect sense to devoid RuneScape of bugs such as this one. If you were to categorize all the bugs throughout RuneScape, I would say this would be on the Top 10 list wouldn't you agree? It is very annoying like I mentioned in Clan Chats with long names, it's hard to predict when it is going to get cut-off and leaves many people frustrated, even Jagex Mods that I have been seeing talking in Clan Chats about various updates. We cannot just not bring up the idea of fixing it just because there are larger projects going on, it has to be fixed someday. On the other hand, there are many development teams that work on many different project simultaneously and if you're worried about other more important updates being delayed, I doubt that would happen. I respect your opinion though; just thought I'd share mine. :)
  6. Erm... We can do everything manually. Don't you agree it's not suppose to get cut-off in the first place? Or do you believe that's meant-to-be? #-o
  7. Yes, but I mentioned in the post that there are words that are meant to be censored, but people figured out how to bypass them, that would be a situation to use that feature in. And also, some people are still sensitive to the language. Just like the Ignore List, you find a lot of people don't use it very often, but there are people that do.
  8. Hey. I've made two suggestions regarding the Ignore List, and the chat box. I posted them on the RuneScape forums, support them if you like it. :) Quoted topics: Ignore List - Double Feature QFC: 83-84-795-58732337 Text Warpping - Chat box: Post was supported by Mod Tiley (Jagex Moderator). QFC: 83-84-908-58676553 Thanks for viewing. :)
  9. I fully support, very good ideas. And I love how you implemented graphics of your suggestions to look like they were added to RuneScape. Flawless editing. ;) Btw, I would just like to share some of my own suggestions that I posted on the RuneScape forums that is very alike to yours: Ignore List - Double Feature (much like your categorizing friends list): 83-84-795-58732337 Word Warping - Chat box: 83-84-908-58676553 Check them out, what do you think? :)
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