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  1. What was MoD's starting levels? Did we bring an extra 3 110+ as well or stick to the original rules? (I was asleep at the time :oops: ) A shame you guys couldnt pull very many below 110 and we had to increase the cap, oh well, at least we got a fight, and it looked very close. Grats BK.
  2. Goodfight, we were very outlevelled, and also outnumbered, so wasn't a lot we could do this time. Congrats BK. :thumbup:
  3. Lady Ninane, apologies to any flaming from MoD's side. If you pm me any names of people who were particularly bad, I'll make sure they are dealt with. We do not wish to bring drama to these boards, but when our reputation is attacked as it was in this topic, we of course have to defend that. No need for moderators to discuss who the points should go to, we don't want to waste your time, we joined the TWR to get some fun fights, not for points, and with the exception of LGZ, they have been a lot of fun so far. :thumbup: To LGZ: I don't see why you flame us for bringing up the actual war. As afterall it was the only war had on the day that you are claiming a win for. It was still a TWR war, just we agreed to forfeit the "win" and "points" to you, in exchange for range being disabled. (We didn't want to fight a clan with 80 or so more members with range allowed - it had been set as no range on our forums since the declaration). I wouldn't call it stalling as we wanted to get the fight underway as soon as possible just like you. It just happened that there was a misunderstanding, and neither clan would budge. (Even you guys tried to change the rules to turrets, when it was CWA, so wasn't just us saying no range). I'm also not sure why you are calling the actual war a "match opts" when there was no cap on numbers. You can't use that as an excuse to losing, it's entirelly in your control to make the most of your large ml. At the end of the day, both sides had people breaking rules (leaving bounds etc), both sides had misunderstandings. MoD will deal with our couple of nieve new members, and I hope you sort out your side of things. No point flaming over it, it's the past, probably time everyone moves on. Goodfight LGZ. Hope we can get over the differences and have a rematch sometime. ;)
  4. When Jan accepted the rules, he misread them and thought that range was not allowed. On our forums the rules have stated for over a week that range was not allowed. We did not want to war you guys with range, as you already had double our ml. So for that misscommunication, we will allow LGZ to have the TWR points, even though we won the actual fight. We are here for fights, not war ranks ;) There was no mention in the rules that MoD was not allowed to recruit new people during the week. MoD has been rising to power quite fast recently, so we have had a lot of applications in the last week. No need to flame about it. with your 160 members, no doubt you mass recruited much more than us at some point during your lifetime. ACTUAL FIGHT MoD Starting: 38 LGZ Starting: 41 LGZ charge us when MoD was supposed to attack, piling our fall in leader and leaving us slightly confused. MoD quickly gets into gear and starts KO'ing LGZ left right and centre. MoD ends with 31 left after only losing 7 people. The remaining 5 LGZ run to single to waste our time which was dissapointing. MoD Ending: 31 LGZ Ending: 0 (5 people in single) Vid: (Great watch, lots of fast transitions and Ko's) If you are going to make a post, at least put the actual war in the thread. I find it funny how you hide half of the info in your thread, and only add the bits that make you look good (us bad) and fail to mention how in the actual war, MoD dominated. Ah well, nonetheless Goodfight, I'm glad we finally agreed to a fight after the misunderstanding. :thumbup:
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