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Everything posted by JeRambo

  1. OSRS acc progress been farming herbs and just doing slayer i don't play it much
  2. 31.2m div xp for pet now what to do with all those ancestral energies
  3. There are several skull tricks in the game right now, don't bring ANYTHING valuable, as you will lose it, even if you don't attack anyone, there are glitches to get you skulled and then you will get maced by a 10 man team.
  4. got fish pet, forgot to screenie 9/19 been working on div for like 13m xp now, also 13m rc/20m+ fletch dry on pets arc "done"
  5. only taking me 2 weeks of skilling to get 1 pet, makes sense
  6. i don't have that title lol. nobody ever reminds me or tells me where the ravens are, and i never remember what days they spawn finally got my thieving pet
  7. which one is that? i got the ones i posted, missing the red one that requires sub 8 minutes
  8. 570 seconds first attempt (5/6) I don't know if I'll bother going back tbh
  9. only people with sub 99 get pets, i'm sorry to have to tell you that
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