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Everything posted by JeRambo

  1. Sorry for slow update, not been doing much worth reporting. Usual bit of bossing here and there and firemaking Finally managed to get Mole pet. 586 HM kills #23
  2. Barry Also got 1x Spider leg bottom 1x Spider eye for anyone who is wondering btw, shards are purchased with money from things like spider legs, wand splits, etc, that's why they are in the loot tab
  3. i'm on fire today a little over 400 kc i think i'll try my luck at getting barry and mallory now, should be quick since i already have over 1.3k kc
  4. 3783 KC Plus all the spring cleaner shit, grimy dwarf weeds/seeds, god shards..
  5. I liked Vindicta. Twin Furies are alright too. Don't like the others. Arma KC: 2972
  6. Got my second Vindicta & Gorvek pet during a reaper task, was not expecting this, lol KC: 815
  7. I had been doing it a long time before that, on and off >_> It took me [bleep]ing 164 kills, with an average kill time of like 27 minutes
  8. yeah when his body turns black and he explodes and disappears, you get the pet. your character does an animation of touching the ground and putting the item in the inventory and you get the message
  9. go [bleep] yourself xd armadly next, most likely current kc: 1050
  10. Thanks Most of the loot from the last 2.5k sara kills or so, with one hilt missing. I'm at 136 Kilns right now and still no pet. I heard they're also going to be making kiln even harder?
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