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Posts posted by Dupin

  1. Speaking of seniors. Some bros and I are considering freezing some cans of shaving cream, cutting off the tops and as they thaw they will expand. we will place the frozen, cut top ones in the teachers parking lot and in front of the school doors. Non destructive, semi-inconveniencing, amusing.





  2. Speaking of seniors. Some bros and I are considering freezing some cans of shaving cream, cutting off the tops and as they thaw they will expand. we will place the frozen, cut top ones in the teachers parking lot and in front of the school doors. Non destructive, semi-inconveniencing, amusing.

    Illegal, technically. Cover your tracks. Definitely still do it.


    Seniors at my school do a big prank every year. It's often a subject of debate, as you have to realize the custodians will be cleaning that up, and I don't see any reason to be a jerk to somebody who's been cleaning up your [cabbage] (sometimes literally) for four years.


    Be sure to fully consider all of the possibilities, and remember that in post-9/11 AMEHRKUH people can be uptight about this stuff.


    The best prank I can remember was when, one year, they took all the desks out of the classrooms and put them in the halls. Another thing to consider is a non-anonymous type of prank - for example, barricading a specific (friendly) teacher's room or getting a couple people to lie in a crucial intersection in sleeping bags between class periods.

  3. Conclusion paragraphs are the worst thing ever.

    This. A billion times this.

    Meh. Just pretend to be angry about something relevant for a couple sentences -e.g. "It's a shame society insists on focusing on such banal works as Poe's 'Tell-Tale Heart' when much more worthwhile gems, such as 'The Black Cat', lie just below the surface."



    I figured it would be best to just skip to the last post of the thread, rather than wade through a couple pages of semi-intelligent arguments.


    I hope they have the sense to include fully customizable hats in this one.

  5. E: Thanks Duelmaster, it worked.


    When I try to start Minecraft through Steam, the normal thing, the website, or the new launcher on the website, it looks like this.




    It loads a bit, gets to there, and stays there. Anybody know what I should do? I think it's something to do with the update files or something being downloaded wrong, but I don't know what to delete and re-download. I would post in Tech & Computers, but people here probably know more about Minecraft.

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