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Status Updates posted by Nexaduro

  1. is said to be just a fool

  2. This space is too empty. :(

  3. is going up the down escalator

    1. D. V. Devnull

      D. V. Devnull

      It must be a real workout, trying to fight the flow like that... =P

  4. TvTropes is cool.

    Tropers are not.



    (except murderers and such, to be thoroughly accurate)

  6. So are you ever going to join Crossroads? <.<

  7. Shadow of the Colossus! :D

    Best game ever!

  8. Kewl. I've been having silly relationship stuff happen.


    How the hell are ya, friend? :D

  10. Not STILL Claymore, then...? It still looks like a similar style.

    You should watch Puella Magi. =]

  11. is beating the odds 1/262,144

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. D. V. Devnull

      D. V. Devnull

      Then I must be the cesspit for unluckyness (sp?) over here. 8(

    3. Earth


      When do you get that calculator of yours fixed?

    4. Earth


      When do you get that calculator of yours fixed?

  12. Claymore now, amirite?

    This guessing game is becoming quite fun. Finally, that long period of watching random AMVs has payed off. =P

  13. I couldn't stomach more than the first few minutes... I might try again someday, but honestly fanservice is kinda quick to put me off a series.

  14. I couldn't stomach more than the first few minutes... I might try again someday, but honestly fanservice is kinda quick to put me off a series.

  15. Highschool of the Dead, or am I just going crazy?

    (That show has way too much fanservice, so I hope just crazy.)

  16. Highschool of the Dead, or am I just going crazy?

    (That show has way too much fanservice, so I hope just crazy.)

  17. Oh hi Ms. Posts-while-I'm-at-school. How's youse?

  18. And damn my dad's laptop's finicky left mouse button.

  19. And damn my dad's laptop's finicky left mouse button.

  20. Damn you for that profile pic.


  21. Damn you for that profile pic.


  22. is faster than a dead horse.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nexaduro


      Every time I click a mouse button on my dad's laptop, it clicks twice. Go figure.

    3. Kirschen


      Yeah, I can see how'd that be annoying as hell. :s

    4. D. V. Devnull

      D. V. Devnull

      Heck, it makes people bang their heads on walls. Then they get headaches. Not fun. x_x

  23. Because it would be funny, of course!

    But you might be right.

  24. Kewl.

    You should apply for an Admin position. :P

  25. Does Sunny_Day have anything to do with Rainy_Day?

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