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Everything posted by Nexaduro

  1. The deed is done. Can't mod right now, though. Sorry, I'll be on most of tomorrow.
  2. As I said, short background to an RPG. Again, thanks for the critique though.
  3. Ok. The whole thing was a joke to keep me occupied, mostly. Thanks for the critique, I understand the issues ^_^;
  4. I updated Reanimated. Nevermind what I said about modding, though. I've got to go VERY soon. I will always follow and assist Enigma, for future reference. I examine, then dismantle, the object the men were worshipping.
  5. We can start now. I changed the concept, read the new intro for details. The old storyline can be found in the Varrock Library. I can mod for a short time, so if you want to start, now's the time!
  6. March 4th, of the year 562 AE Welcome, friend, to the afterlife. The world is dead. Endgame. Ragnarok. The Apocalypse. Call it what you wish, it doesn't change the reality. Mankind is dead as well. Not much of a surprise there. The only surprise is that we hadn't already killed ourselves. Well, that, and the fact that we kept on killing. It started with a cough. Nothing serious, nor alarming. Nothing to ask the doctors about. Some did of course, but were dismissed with a wave of the hand and perhaps a few coughdrops. Of course, coughs beget coughs. Soon, the air was filled with airborne contagion and the sound of the masses clearing their lungs. Just as people began to worry, the coughing stopped. And not just the coughing. The sneezing stopped as well, as did the fevers, the migraines, the cancers. Death. For a time, mankind was blessed. We were clean. Many believed that this was the prelude to the Judgement Day. They were called Christians, back then. There were others as well, hundreds of religions with their hundreds of followers, believing The End was near, that this was the time to repent. They were right on the first count, and perhaps the second as well. But the end wasn't what they had hoped for, what they had thought it would be. Suddenly, a host of symptoms, some variations of previously existing conditions and some entirely new, seemed to afflict all human life on Earth. We fell into comas, our every muscle spasmed and failed, and we bled from every pore. Within days, our bodies were dead. But not out minds. Never our minds. As we recovered from the shock of our deaths, we found ourselves drifting, floating through the stars, all together. We could sense the minds and thoughts of our fellows, and permeating this bond was a consciousness greater than the sum of those billions of great minds that used to be human. It explained to us what had happened on those last, fateful days. It was the cause, it was every cause. The cause of the disease, the cause of death, the cause of human life itself. And it gave us the greatest gift and greatest curse ever bestowed upon humankind. Those who had lived in the days of The End would now never die, whatever harm our physical forms endured. Our hosts may die, but not our minds. Never our minds. For millennia we drifted betwixt the stars, reveling in peace and worship of our newfound deity, billions of minds linked as one. A few went mad, but those were the warriors, it was not unexpected that their spirits would wither without their identity. However, our peace did not last, as we were finally, suddenly, ripped out of the void and into bodies. Hideous, mortal, physical beings once more. Worse, we were corpses. Why this happened, we do not know, though that does not keep us from asking ourselves; why? Why did our God abandon us on this horrible, warring world? Why, and how, did these horrid beings of flesh create a way to bind our spirits into their own dead, and the dead of their enemies? And finally the question that destroyed the minds of the peaceful and brought the warriors back to sanity, why were we being made to kill again? I probably won't go anywhere with this, though I thought it was an interesting piece of writing. When I changed the concept of my game, I didn't want to just get rid of this, so I moved it here! I hope you appreciate it. :smile:
  7. Formed in flames and bright light too, A flash of the numbers five-six-two; A warrior, a mage, a hero wannabe! Dumbly determined never to flee. Falling flat, then regaining his feet, Two great constructs he did meet! One exception to his fleeing proclamation; Nex escaped with great exclamation! Earthen doors behind him closed. Sealed, unsealed, via keystone. Gathering his miniscule might, Nex then prepared for the fight. Striding in, our hero proclaimed; "Golems, stand down, or else be maimed!" Wholly dumbstruck by his words, The Golems did not hail their lord! Rather than tremble and fall to their knees, Or even, horrified, entirely freeze; The vile contructs attacked our Nex! And by his magic, were ground to flecks. Smiling, the bard-mage strode Out the door and down a road. Where is he now? Likely dead. But nothing indisputable can be said. An effective summary of my early time on the "Dungeoneering" game in the Falador Tavern. In farcical poem form. I LOVE poetry, and I never really found a means to share my poems with people. Given my vocabulary and superhuman ability to avoid doing homework, I make the perfect poet :thumbsup: Anywho, let me know what you think! Keep in mind, the actual words are supposed to be ridiculous, though I tried to do a good job on the rhyme scheme. P.S. I hope the obsessive speed-posting "Tavern Disease" doesn't infect any of you :-D
  8. Meh, I'll join. Name: Tyrius Deylani Armor: Varying from none to thick bone plating. Can only change during match intermissions Weapon: Ability to rapidly generate and regenerate bone mass, allowing creation of spikes, spines, whips, etc. made of bone. Can only change during match intermissions. Description: Variable.
  9. Any mimics left, I impale with stone spikes. I then check the other chests, carefully checking for traps with sound magic. I form full ice armor around myself for protection. EDIT: I also try to knock out Earth if he takes any staffs or stuff with sound magic. Gotta go for dinner. BRB.
  10. I put my staff out of the mimic's mouth so it can't close all the way, unleashing its resonance magic to shake the mimic and make it easier to open.
  11. Darnit. I try to get the mouth open using any kind of magic (or strength), then do what I tried to do before.
  12. Did I say you died? A Mimic ate me... either I'm dead in it's mouth, or you have a poor choice of words. If I'm alive, I heal my wounds and drop down so I have a foot of stone over my head, with an air tunnel going to my mouth. I then use my stone-spike coffin again. EDIT: The coffin is used ON THE MONSTERS. Not me. If I'm in the mimics mouth, I use aeromancy to blow it open and escape, then follow the actions i said.
  13. So, I'm dead. My stone spell failed to entrap anything. My ice armour did nothing. And, though I was on the defensive, I didn't manage a single block. Either the dice hate me or Ross is having a bad day. How much exp do I lose? I choose to lose air, water, poleaxe, ice, and heal, that's 1.0 xp. Then take whatever of my 1.3 sound is required, and that's all I have except 2.5 geomancy.
  14. I'M IN THE ROOM AND I MADE ICE ARMOR. You missed the post. I encase any mimics I missed, then add more spike and start to crush them by thickening the rock and making it compress.
  15. When's the session going to end?
  16. Missed mine. I start spinning my staff in preparation for Mimic attacks, and attempt to use my Stone Coffin technique on the mimics (trap in stone, then impale with spikes)
  17. You kidding me? With geomancy, all you need is strategy and it's the best combat magic.
  18. Jen should get one crystal, Mather the other. Mather should keep the Einherjarium. Anything else, Earth and I should choose. If you find something I want and try to take it, Earth, I'll knock you out and take it.
  19. Nothing for me, Ross? Anywho, I armor myself in Ice and proceed to check the chests for traps using sound magic to determine ttheir structure.
  20. I follow Earth, and shield us with ice magic.
  21. We should limit it to one post per Ross roll. Otherwise, it's hard to keep up. Edit your message to say what you want to say.
  22. Nope. Staff, dagger, axe, spear, stuff like that. Highest tech we have is Mather's revolver.
  23. How does he feel? Craaaaaazy as a coconut.
  24. Nexaduro shields with ice, then moves throught the door.
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