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Everything posted by Nexaduro

  1. Varius asks the trader if he can pay what he has for the camo outfit, and the rest a bit later. Either way, Varius then goes to the commander and asks for another mission, preferably involving stealth and light combat. Perhaps support for one of the patrols? EDIT: Varius also asks if he can go looking for a friend of his later, who he believes might need assistance.
  2. Who is everyone affiliated with? Just wondering.
  3. Varius reports with Enigma, then asks about someone named Kimako. If the commander knows about them, he asks the commander to tell them about his inquiry and ask if they're interested in working with him and Enigma. Varius then goes to the trader and asks what he has in stock. He specifically inquires about thermals, scopes, camo, night vision equipment, and anything else related to stealth. If the trader has none of these things, Varius starts patrolling the base and practicing silent movement and camouflage techniques. Also, do I still have my weapons? Earth, if I knew where you are, I'd come help.
  4. When the event is over, I ask the Freedom soldiers if they can spare any supplies and then retrieve my weapons, walking off at an angle to the direction of the Duty base. When I'm out of sight, I turn and head back to the Duty base.
  5. (Ross, do you think it would work to try and infiltrate the Freedom outpost?)
  6. "Who are you people? What's going on?"
  7. Varius removes his camo, then runs up to the Freedom men asking for refuge, dropping his weapons on the ground and removing the arm sheathes. "Tell the Duty commander that I'll get back as soon as the danger's done, Enigma." Varius whispers before running forwards.
  8. Varius waits a little longer, making sure he sees everything there is to see, before crawling away until he's out of side and returning to the Duty outpost.
  9. I gotta go for dinner, be right back. If either Enigma or I get spotted, I start shooting semi-auto and silenced at the guards.
  10. Varius tries to get to an elevated, but easy to hide in, area near enough to the outpost to see it in detail. If he can't find a place like that, he tries to go somewhere where he can camouflage well without sacrificing the ability to observe. He begins studying the outpost, weapons ready but hidden so as not to reflect sunlight.
  11. I thank the commander. I then attempt to buy a silencer for my pistol and MP5, a scope for the MP5, and 2 throwing knives, which I strap to both my arms and put my original in my boot. 1st I buy scope, then MP5 silencer, then throwing knives, then pistol silencer. I try to camouflage myself, rubbing dirt into my face and other exposed skin. I then go out on the mission.
  12. I posted on the last page asking for an assignment, one involving research or stealth. Would you agree to that Ross?
  13. I reiterate: I also put my knife sheath on the inside of one sleeve for faster drawing/concealment, and load a clip into both the MP5 and the pistol. How many credits do I have?
  14. Varius asks the Duty commander if they have any missions involving stealth or research. If I recieve a mission, and Enigma agrees as well, I set off. My primary weapon from now on is the MP5. It will be set to the most accurate option. EDIT: I also put my knife sheath on the inside of one sleeve, for concealment and faster use. I make sure my pistol is fully loaded.
  15. "Yes, Enigma. It likely is. And for every door closed, another opens! Heh."
  16. "Hehe, Enigma, are you sure we should commit to a faction? I'm a roamer, an infiltrator, I'm not sure Duty would appreciate that... Then again, maybe they could use an agent on the inside of, oh say, Freedom? Hehehe."
  17. Varius goes and asks the trader how much MP5 ammo costs. (How much ammo do I have? This computer can't use the "show" lists. MP5 can fire auto, semi auto, and burst right?)
  18. Varius keeps watch on the way back, and helps drag the corpse when needed.
  19. Varius attempts to shoot at the cats underside, or if it gets too close, roll out of the way and shoot its side. I knife it if it gets within knife range. I avoid headshots.
  20. I (and presumably Enigma as well) shoot at the mutated cat (me from my concealed position), trying to get a fatal shot.
  21. Grim - Grim places the diamonds in the base of the statue. It disappears, along with the diamonds. Grim suddenly feels slightly weighed down, and realizes the armour of the golden statue has transferred to him. His staff has been replaced with the twin swords, which seem to have subtly shifted, becoming more effective for combat. Each sword now grants +1 to light magic, and the armour provides excellent protection in addition to granting +1 light magic when worn as a set. You feel the pulsing from the jewel you found before grow stronger. (Apparently God does like you after all... I don't know how it's possible to roll as many 20s as you just did...) Jen - You follow Grim. Ares - You find a gem, which dissolves at your touch. Your scythe grows stronger. Done for the day guys, see ya!
  22. Ares - You trigger a trap, and a dodge out of the way as a stun dart whizzes past your head. Kemios - You duck your head into the chest you opened just in time to avoid getting hit by the stun dart. You see that this chest is filled with stun darts, most likely the spares in case the other chests run out. There are 40. Jen - You pluck the stun dart out of the air in front of your face. You can toss it at a person of your choice, or pocket it. Hakon - You toss yourself over several chests, then gasp as you are hit by several stun darts. You are knocked out. (rolled a 1) Grim - You shove Hakon off the 3 unclaimed chests, then open them. Each chest holds a clear diamond. As you walk back out of the treasure room, you see three indents along the base of the golden statue. It looks as if the diamonds would fit perfectly. (rolled several 20's in a roll... holy crap...) Kirby - +0.4 Agility. The sun rises outside.
  23. Grim - You regain consciousness. Jen - You look on as Hakon, Ares, and Kemios rush the door. Kirby - That land's not safe. You were in the safehouse. You are flung back into the Bunker by an unseen force as the undead on the shore loose a barrage of projectiles at your previous position. The doors close just as a Troll on the shore tosses the sharpened trunk of a sappling at you. For the last time, DON'T GO OUTSIDE UNTIL MORNING! Everyone Else - You open the gleaming door, and inside find a room filled with chests.
  24. Jen - You mount the horse, but it promptly knocks you off its back. You are uninjured Grim - You finally set the sword in the statue's hand, walk back to the door, and are knocked out by a tile which falls from the ceiling onto your head. You hear ominous laughter seemingly coming from above the roof. You surmise as you drift into unconsciousness that God doesn't like you. Everyone else who posted - Your mouths drop in awe and incredulity at the fact that the door remains unopened after so many turns. One second, I gotta do something else for a moment.
  25. Grim - You stagger back as the door slams your magic back into you. You feel it won't be opened in this fashion. (think... glittering sword made for display, golden statue with an identical sword and an empty hand, gleaming door that won't open...) Kemios - You step on a tile which causes a small part of one wall to fall away. You see a small silver box inside, which you pick up and open, revealing a set of 15 silver darts that appear to fit perfectly into your flail's spring mechanism. Jen - You run into the solid wall. Kirby - The only wood neaby seems to be the walls of the Bunker. Hakon - The statue is unmarked. The empty hand seems as though it previously held something. *cough* Grim's a moron *cough* Ares - You wait.
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