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Everything posted by Delita125

  1. EPIC! I like the idea... I just thought a "maybe" alternative, which you probably won't add, but it's nice to share. Melzar the Mad had some studies on Necromancy, and maybe he revived somehow. He then tries to revive Elvarg to kill her by himself or something like that. Melzar FTW! Because, I think Melzar had some real importance on Dragon Slayer (It was way more difficult to go through the maze than get some "lol" items to get the other piece of the map with the oracle), and as you can read on his notes, he really wanted to get his people back and see Elvarg dead. That is, however, a thought I had. But your idea is epic. EPIC! Totally support.
  2. This is, by far, the most dedicated "sugestion" ever made. I think your right but, with the actual system mages are crap, and with this system, they would be over powered. Uhm... Yeah!! However, I think it's really nice, with some small changes like max hits, runes used, cool down time, etc. it could be perfectly implemented.
  3. It's "kinda" useless for f2p, because in f2p there is not better thing than lighting some logs, but in p2p there are more uses.
  4. Why can''t f2p have quick ways for leveling!! I've been years leveling my mining and I still suck! (the same happens to me with fishing, cooking, woodcutting, firemaking, crafting rang...) I mean, if a f2p proposes to power level they can power level, but a f2p can't level up as fast as a p2p power leveler.
  5. Ok, first of, people who uses bots are 1) people that aren't even interested in the game 2) people that are making pures apart from their main or 3) someone desperate to achieve something that never could. It's easy to recognize accounts that are bots, and they get banned kinda quickly. Other players just accuses someone for botting just because they suck and they blame you for actually don't suck. If I was you, I'd say something really stupid like "M4h l3v3l 1s b3tt3r th4n y0ur5. Phr33 st00f pl0x. l0lz. BAN HAMMAR! =====|B|" or "Go to Karamja and ask for fire" or simply just ignore her. You can say your cool with people who actually cares. And, if you really like playing runescape, you wouldn't bot. It's like reading the last page of the book before starting it. Apart, the entire new generation of runescape are botters or people who love to say "stfu n00b" BTW congratz for your skill cape
  6. Ok ok ok. So, Jagex don't ever want to hear complaints UNLESS they actually mean something. Check. Comunication should be done through the forums rather than sending bugs reports with complains. Check. The forums are full of idiots?. Jagex maybe doesn't even read everything posted on forums. Check. Lol? Check. Ok, ok, I got everything.
  7. And also, it's easier for me to get killed. Now lesser demons can hit me 75 instead of 7. Well, ok, I give up. You all have frustrated my thoughts. So I guess I'll accept it and I'll be forced to "like" it if I'll keep playing. By the way I'm not a noob, I've played for 5 years, not having the exp. necesary to get to the forums is another thing. Skillers that started playing some months ago (I think) may have acces to the forums and they maybe don't know much about the game.
  8. I said on my post that the thing of the hard earned 20 doesn't matter, it's all psichological. Well, though you already "Clarified" one of my points, let's see the other one. Comunication for Jagex or Runescape staff is really limited, you can't deny me that at least. I suppose.
  9. Dude... I'm just blown off with the new Constitution skill and all the changes it had. I hate to have trained for years to hit 20 and now lvls 3-4 can hit 20 too! I now that my hit is the same with the change, but it doesn't feel right... It's not the same thing! I've seen runescape change, from the good changes, to the bad changes, to the AWFUL changes. The reasons for why the changed the hp thing is so lame! I mean, I never saw a level 3 pissed off for making 3 of 5 hits 0s. And what I hate the most is that it is almost impossible to comunicate with jagex to say that I'm pissed off! I've searched over the entire page, and the only way to comunicate is 1) through forums or 2) sending a bug report or something like that. The forum is so limited, I mean, I won't kill myself leveling until I can get into the forums, and I don't think I'll become member. I was so mad on march 3rd that I sent through the bugs report a message about the limited comunication and the updates. They should put polls to ask If we like the updates, shouldn't they?
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