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Posts posted by Bangin_Blonde

  1. I don't really worry what other people are doing, at least as far as money goes. I enjoy the gameplay and try to find people who do the same. Money is a consequence of my gaming. Things I do make cash, I bank it. I may only have 100 mill, but I won't be dropping to 60k like LZ any time soon. :-#

  2. *Went to kill big Wolfy Hati with strangers*


    *Got my Hati paws/gloves*


    *Went to Armoured Zombie*


    *Every worlds is packed as hell*


    *Jaw-dropping... omfg...!!!*



    I'll use mine at night then :grin:


    I didn't even need to go to Armoured Zombies to know that they would be packed. Just wait until the first rush of people wear out their gloves, and it won't be so bad. As I said, I'm going to spend the time trying to get a Deflector. :)


    Got like 4 months to use them.

  3. edit for wrong quote



    You clearly don't understand how much work goes into game development then. If you were talking about a small update, that alone would take at least 3 months. We're talking about a vast update that requires a huge rework of multiple large pieces of content. That takes at least 6 months. There's also been multiple game engine changes since, old code probably isn't even compatible any more. The moral of this story: Never take Jagex's word as gospel.


    MMG said it isn't a huge project, I think Jagex has a pretty good idea of what their abilities are..


    No, no, no. :shame:

    They far overestimate them.

  4. I thought this was called Haiti Wolf. I was going to mention that that was a little inconsiderate.


    I'll be killing this wolf.. With a bunch of 138s..


    Yes, I thought next month we'd have to fight a Puerto Rican Possum. :P


    Be serious! Everyone knows that February 2nd is Groundhog Day!


    We're gonna have to fight an Albino Groundhog, and -- uh -- if it sees it's own shadow then it's six more weeks till Free Trade and the Wildy returns ... :unsure:


    But the wolf will be around over the 2nd so it can't be a groundhog. I'm looking forword to the March Mexican Moose though. :thumbup:

  5. 2santas.jpg


    Thoughts? Took awhile to buy at those prices and wont sell at min


    My opinion...


    Santas dropped a whole lot, but only because once it starts to drop there is no stopping it. People freak out.

    The same for the rise. Once people notice they are going back up again, they jump on the bandwagon.



    It is risky though, because with free trade coming out in the distant future there will be a fair amount of older players returning with their rares they left dormant. Especially all the old pures with stacks of rares.


    My friend who hasn't Played RS in over 5 years agreed that when free trade comes back, she'll go on there and let me have all her old rares. I'm stoked. =D>

  6. The Grand Exchange was a great idea and I'm glad it's remaining. However I'd accept the Grand Exchange being abolished for Free Trade and Wilderness to come back if that needed to happen, I can't wait. :)


    As do I, but it's pretty much that if I want anything at all, I gotta go to GE. I want the ability to get what I want, pay more, and get it now.

  7. Oh and to IIlllIllllIl, I somehow doubt the carnage will begin "soon enough." Just because Jagex will officially decide to bring back the wilde doesn't mean it's returning anytime soon. Unless Jagex started preparing to bring back the wilde/free trade months ago, on the assumption that the poll would result in a "Yes" vote, Jagex will have several months of work to do to bring back the wilde. Free Trade is easier, frankly I'd toss a coin on it. But, again, unless Jagex started working months ago on this assuming people would vote "yes" in this poll (which, to be fair, is a possibility) we won't be seeing the wilde back 'till the fall.


    MMG already said in his clan chat that reverting things would be easy, and that he'd get the ENTIRE runescape content team working on it to make sure it gets out ASAP


    Screw ASAP. Just do it right. No need to rush. It's been years. We can wait weeks.

  8. - Full rune back to 200k


    I'm not exactly brimming with joy at what FT and OW will bring as I'm an 08 'Scaper, however, if this happens then my smithing will be worth money! Tbh is this the smithing rework? The fact that rune prices will rocket aparrently making smithing a fairly profitable skill again?


    No, your skill will be worthless for at least another year.

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