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Posts posted by Cheat

  1. I've just come back too so been trying to find out and will try to give you an insight.

    - Lots of new quests most imporant ROTM which is a new grandmaster quest.

    - Kiln - new Tzhaar minigame fight Kiln and get a even better obsidian cape (new max str cape) or an onyx uncut.

    - Dominion Tower - new minigame were you fight bosses you've previously met in quests;

    rewards include: Dreadnips some useful thingies, Goliath gloves the new best str gloves, Swift gloves - good range gloves.

    Also has the ability to fight Dagganoth Sentinels the best melee xp in the game.

    - Glacors some new monsters that drop the new best boots for all areas of the combat triangle.

    - Ganodermic Armour and their respective monster - this is the best mage def armour and the new staple for Corp.

    - Squeal of Fortune - microtransaction based roulette wheel to win XP lamps and small rewards.

    - Potion flasks - new kind of potion bottle allowing 6 doses.

    - Runespan - new way of runecrafting which gives XP rates that now make RC a reasonably quick skill.

  2. A large part of the reason Robert led the rebellion is his relationship with Lyanna Stark and his anger at Rhaegar T for the way him and the other T's supposedly mistreated her. But to be honest it is largely speculation as to why Robert led the rebellion as in the books its never fully explained as far as I can remember.

    I should mention I've never read the first book.

  3. I don't think Stannis is entirely indifferent to his men he just see's a lot of them as bad people. In Stannis' mind the number one thing you can do wrong is not be loyal and dutiful he is loathed that he has to work with the Lord's who helped his brother as he sees them as traitors still - Stannis has an incredible sense of justice which is in someways quite mad (see Davos' fingers).

    As to Robb one of the main themes, I feel, of the story is how being incredibly morale and wishing the best for others as Robb and Ned did will never end up well for the person doing the wishing nor will it end up well in the end for the others. It was in some respect down to Ned's ridiculous morale code that the Kingdoms are in the state they are currently in.

  4. Just saying but after just watching the Japanese version of Macbeth I cannot say I 'like' the Japanese language it was seriously shouty! Having said that I always like the music in Studio Ghibli films which I assume is sung in Japanese.

  5. Renly honestly believed he was the right man to be king and of all the other people vying for it he probably was the best choice you could just as much argue Stannis was idiotic for not siding with Renly. Stannis is of course super stubborn so Renly should of known there would never of been an alliance.

    The whole Stannis being the true heir to the throne is kinda BS.. I mean Robert took the throne from Aerys Targaryen through battle ending the 300 year Targaryen dynasty who set in stone all the rules of succession it was inevitable that when Robert dyed the transition to a new king wouldn't be a smooth one.

  6. Hmm yes perhaps maybe 'like' isn't the right word more if I'm sort of rooting for him or not. You often get characters who you don't neccesarily like but you kind of want to succeed someone more artsy could probably give me a name for this feeling. But like Stringer in The Wire he's ruthless and pretty unlikeable but soo many people I've talked to said he was one of their favourite characters.

  7. Some of the new armour looks better than it did some of its looks worse. Jagex are not going to reverse the graphical changes - there have been a large number of graphical changes and they always change some things for the worse and some for the better. Your best job is to just move with the times and if you are concerned about how your character looks wear the armour that now looks better than it used to.

  8. Ok right so the current plan as far as I can see is:

    - Do dungeoneering for a Rapier. [+ pick up a ASN]

    - While dungeoneering continue to quest and skill for tasks etc..

    - Get 300 MA rank.

    - Max melee's at dagganoth sentinels.

    - Max range chinning ape atoll.

    - Max magic bursting/barraging lobs (Will this get me enough charms for 57-96/99 summoning or will I need to melee some slayer/waterfiends as well?)

    - Use charms gained to max summoning.

    - Return to dungeoneering for a Maul, CBOW and Rigour.

    - While dungeoneering for these items do some bossing practice e.g: Kiln, TDs, Glacors, Bandos etc.. + hopefully make some money back to afford top level PvM gear.


    How does this sound? Also, would appreciate some very basic estimates for the time taken for each of the steps involved. Again, cheers for all the help :D

  9. Once my exams are finsied and I'm back from Ibiza I'm gonna have masses of free time and for some reason Runescape has caught my attention as it always does just before I'm about to start my exams (I will be endeavouring to ignore it). Anyway once they're done I want to make my account a viable PvMer and need your advice on the best way to do things.


    As far as I can see the things I need for PvM are:


    Max Melee's - I'm 82 in all my melee's currently.

    99 Range - Its 76 but lets say its 80 because it will be once I've done BRD

    99 Mage - Currently 82

    95 Prayer - Got it already.

    96 Herblore - Got 200+ overloads already.

    96/99 Summon - got a rather pathetic 57 atm.

    Chaotic Rapier and Crossbow + some others? - I'm 63 Dung and haven't really started it properly yet. ( I hope I'm going to like it as I usually do like maxing my efficiency in minigame style things and becoming pro at them)

    A load of nice gear - At the moment I'm sitting on a 500m cash pile - this will hopefully grow and provide me with enough + it will be increasing (I hope) while I train the others.

    A few task and quest rewards: As far as I can see there aren't too higher requirements for any of these and will hopefully gain most of them in my much slower quest for 80+ in all skills.

    I have no plans to max total.


    So please give me a plan on the best order and way to achieve the requirements I don't have also please point out to me if I'm missing anything blindingly obvious.

  10. Basically what the man above me says. I would however say it may be worth planting trees and fruit trees as much as possibly to begin with to reach the required farming level for the more profitable herbs. Check out the Mother Gaia in the AoW here in the forums.

  11. Maggie Smith would be perfect for The Queen of Thorns but what I really love about HBO productions is they so often introduce you to new talent who then turn out to be incredibly actors - see Dominic West who went from unknown to the star of The Wire to winning a BAFTA a few days ago.

  12. This will be a useful reference for people who ask questions in H&A and don't understand this concept as you have explained it very well. I think due to the experience of most of TIF's user and the fact that we had an explosion in efficiency and how to do it about 18 months ago most of these arguments are known to most people. But as I said this is well explained and is an important factor when calculating the efficiency of a particular training method.

  13. Most people will recommend slayer for combat because of its various other benefits - summoning charms, cannon range xp, effigies, access to money making etc.. If you are aiming for a max account in the long run or even a PvM account you are best off with slayer. To purely max combats I believe Dagganoth Sentinels [not sure I got this right been away a while] are the best combat xp give them a quick youtube search and you'll probs find some guides I think someone posted a video guide a couple of days ago in the '200m in All Skills' thread in general discussion.

    Oh as for gear - Zerker > Fury > Bandos > Extremes > Turmoil > Overloads

    With your 12m I'd suggest:

    Your best melee weapon avaiable (whip/rapier)

    Neit Helm/Slayer Helm

    Dragon Defender


    Zerker ring

    Fighter Torso (If you already have one)

    Verac Skirt

    Dragon Boots

    Barrows Gloves


    You know the usual :) - stock up on prayer potions as well though these will speed up your training a lot and a pretty darn cheap atm.

  14. I read an interesting ish article the other day about the limits of human intelligence. I noticed early on people saying how there must be some form of higher being 'logically' to explain the things we do not understand. This article was arguing against this line of thought saying humans may be by far the most intelligent creatures on earth but our intelligence must be limited as there are concepts totally alien to an animal there must be concepts we as humans cannot understand. Of course the counter argument is that we are able to explain something like the origin of the universe we have just not discovered it yet - again quite possible.

    Another interesting point I came across on my travels of the many magazines littered about my grandparents house was an article on the human ability to create higher purpose and a god. It was a bit over complicated for me but seemed to be saying that the intense power of belief could lead to people doing things that were considered miraculous or even believing that something miraculous had happened. It was part of a large series of articles entitled something like; Power of Persuasion: Convincing people they're Dead. I will try and find some links.


    Personally my view is agnostic - I probably if I'm honest don't believe in a God but sometimes I find myself wishing to some kind of higher entity or generally acting as if someone is controlling the outcome therefore I don't believe I can call myself an aetheist.


    A final interesting point is the modern reference to 'The Universe' as a kind of deity in TV shows. Presumably because TV execs feel that reference to God will alienate its viewers they now refer to 'The Universes' Plan for you etc.. See 'How I met your Mother' for numerous examples.

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