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Posts posted by Cheat

  1. If I'm ever struggling to think of a name I sometimes use random word generators and if something I like comes up try it. You can also find huge lists of mythological and weird/rare names if you give a quick google search. RS has a huge number of registered usernames so the sad fact is most 'good' names are taken.

  2. This it slighty off-topic here but I'm going to a UK med school this September and I'm kind of curious how our apps differ from yours.

    I apply off my GCSE's and AS's needing pretty much the top grades in everything. I also have to sit a test called the UKCAT which is a Clinical Aptitude Test (much like a beefed up iQ test). On top of this most applicants are expected to have a large amount of volunteer experience and as much work experience as they can manage. Then almost all medical schools hold interviews and finally give you an offer dependent on your A-levels (your final school exams) - usually requiring 80%+ in all exams. So in case you were interested :)

  3. Okay cheers for the help guys. Couple of things now:


    - How hard is fighting Kiln? We talking max stats here? I've got 2 firecapes from the melee method and am reasonably competent at the fight caves. What would be my chances with stats: 85 Melee's, 80 Range, 85 Mage, 88 HP, 95 Prayer, Overloads and my pathetic 57 Summoning, with I dunno 200m to spend on gear and 40m to spend on supplies.

    - Are steadfast boots really worth the money?

    - Any new quest/task rewards that are super useful/important I'm thinking equivalents of Soul Wars Cape or Enhanced Excal.

    - Any recent additions to daily/weekly activities?

  4. Again, the featured article seems to be the most poorly written :P. However, it wasn't too bad really. The second article was quite an interesting evaluation of the actual effect of something which people are very quick to talk about without doing the calculations. On to the third article; this was very interesting and I agreed with a lot of what the writer says.. Mind you, having said that, it tickles me that the author invites us to create this positive change, ends the article with a series of questions and in the end gives us no direction on what to do. I'd love to bring about positive changes in runescape but I'm not really sure how to do it - please the author of that article give me some ideas of what to do not just an earnest plea for me to do something!

  5. I think what really makes a clan work is the passion the people in it have for the clans specialised activity. The two clans I have been in in my RS career are BA Addicts and an Elite CW clan both these clans had their primary focus of their respective mini games and were experts at it. However each clan had a largish number of members and also a highly active membership of high level players (especially the CW clan) so they were also the clans I would use for PvM or w/e. I think the main crux of it is that say if you are a pro BAer why would you join a large clan with average BA players if you could join an elite BA clan. After all its more than likely that in the BA clan there will be people interested in the other activites within the game.

  6. As far as spending money goes I would say: Fury > Zerker > Extremes > Turmoil > Bandos

    However it is important to remember that Bandos is not money completely gone as it is with extremes. I'm a bit out of date on prices etc.. but lets say Bandos costs 40m and to get extremes will cost 60m. Until you have earnt the extra 20m for extremes you may as well buy Bandos and use it. Though if you're unlucky the price of Bandos may depreciate a bit it is better to have that benefit than no benefit. However once you've made the extra 20mil you would then of course sell the Bandos and buy extremes.

  7. Right during this summer I'm hoping to pick up BF3 to play and I am wondering which of these 3 routes you would go for:


    PS3 - This is the console I currently have. All my PS3 friends currently play COD or have given up on PS3 [Talking irl here]. I have also heard that there are serious problems with input lag on the PS3..

    XBOX360 - Sell my PS3 and buy an Xbox. I currently have 3 good friends who play BF3 on the Xbox so would be able to squad up with them. Would involve slight extra cost of live subscription.

    PC - Sell my PS3 and stick in a bit of extra cash and upgrade my desktop to be able to play BF3 on high graphics settings. Unfortunately not real big into PC gaming so I'm poor with a mouse and keyboard.. Also I would possibly have 1 irl friend who plays BF3 on the PS3 but that's if he get his comp up and running again.


    Please give me some guidance

  8. Just a lot of questions for someone who's thinking of returning. Rather than one of those more open: 'Tell me everythings that happened in the last 12 months' I though I'd give a couple of questions.


    1. Is Chaotic Rapier still the top dog of weapons?

    2. Are Torstols still super profitable?

    3. Any changes to max strength gear in the last 12 months?

    4. Any major skill changes for quickest ways to train them in the last year?

    5. Is Nex Armour still the best of the best?

    6. Whats the botting problem like at the moment?

    7. What are the current updates like?

    8. Assuming Chaotic Rapier is top dog is the whip still a non-dungeoneers best alternative?

    9. What are some current viable GP making methods?

    10. Any new prayer training methods? Wouldn't mind getting 99 if its got any cheaper.


    May think of more and edit them in. If there is something I haven't asked about but has happened in the last 12 months and is important feel free to tell me about it anyway haha. Right thanks fr the help in advance :)

  9. 95 Prayer 98mil WHAT THE HECK :( That cost me a bomb when I got it. Honestly though I would stick the money into stats and have the fun later. Delayed gratification and all that. Castle Wars used to be a good laugh if you had the money to throw at it mind last time I went back that money had gone from reasonable stats and 100M to maxed a 2bil +. Gambling gives an adrenaline rush the very definition of fun, troll people by pretending you're going to give it away then don't. I dunno use your imagination!

  10. Right during this summer I'm hoping to pick up BF3 to play and I am wondering which of these 3 routes you would go for:


    PS3 - This is the console I currently have. All my PS3 friends currently play COD or have given up on PS3 [Talking irl here]. I have also heard that there are serious problems with input lag on the PS3..

    XBOX360 - Sell my PS3 and buy an Xbox. I currently have 3 good friends who play BF3 on the Xbox so would be able to squad up with them. Would involve slight extra cost of live subscription.

    PC - Sell my PS3 and stick in a bit of extra cash and upgrade my desktop to be able to play BF3 on high graphics settings. Unfortunately not real big into PC gaming so I'm shit with a mouse and keyboard.. Also I would possibly have 1 irl friend who plays BF3 on the PS3 but that's if he get his comp up and running again.


    Please give me some guidance :)

  11. Dragon Priests? Is this something far into the main quest because I've clocked in 30 hours of gameplay or so and haven't encountered one yet, but i've been doing the side guilds and stuff. Is there actually a legit fighter's guild in this game? Closest seems to be the Companions.


    No fighters guild Companions has replaced it but the Circle seems pretty cool and if being a werewolf is as fun as it was in Bloodmoon..

  12. Remember in Morrowind we had Mark and Recall spells so that you could get from one place to another in some scenarios. I did find that I explored less in Oblivion but I think that was more to do with the lack of stuff in like someone else said 'cosmopolitan' Cyrodil. Exploring in Morrowind was fun but it got old I remember when I was a noob to the game I would set Speed to incredibly high and the same with acrobatics point myself in the right direction and jump - there was a certain art to setting your levels appropriately so as to not end up far out to sea which was infuriating. Alternatively you could set speed ridiculously high to the point where you could run fast enough to take off and fly. Also wasn't there a non-cheating way to do this? I seem to remember some altmer landing in front of you with some kind of superjump scroll in his pocket but not ability to land softly. All this stuff made travelling in Morrowind quite a lot funner.

  13. Barrows wise wear mage armour with a black salamander as your main weapon. For each of the melee brothers ice barrage them and then step to diagonally next to the brother and then attack with the mage option for 5 attack turns by which time the brother will need refreezing. Kill karil and ahrim with melee plenty of guides on this even some in TIF's AOW.


    Range training I would just suggest range slaying. There aren't many ways to train range profitably cannoning some things may be profitable don't really know. Chins are very cheap at the moment so perhaps earning some money and training that way is a viable alternative.


    Moneymaking wise I just suggest herb farming either torstols or snapdragons with Juju farming potions. Use MTK to supplement your income.

  14. The 360's are going to be a huge problem they mage you when your in and out of melee range maging constantly while out of melee range. They also hit fairly highly with the mage attack and will hit you fairly constantly from wave 32 onwards. Considering this I think you need a higher magic defence - much higher or your just going to get destroyed by the 360's. Although having the high magic defence will hurt your melee and range defence and unless your standing toe-to-toe with the 360's forcing them to melee you as much as possible your still going to get hit hard through your magic protection prayer.

  15. If you don't care about maxing total these two are both reasonable options. Personally I would say Herblore because better ease of access to overloads would be good while you already posses a Yak and steel titan is only really used for TDs and Cave Crawlers.

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