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Posts posted by BBK

  1. How many pages do you think this thread will be once someone gets 200m in all skills?


    Well it took over a year to reach 100 pages and 2 months to reach 200...If the exponential growth continues I would guess around sixty gigabillion pages

  2. back on topic


    the new wildy dungeon wil be full of revs which drop brawlers, this could perhaps change some xp rates in agilty, firemaking, magic, cooking, prayer etc

    I doubt they would help in any of those skills except agility and fishing just because of their high xp rates, I am not entirely sure how brawlers work. And even if the gloves had a decent drop rate you would also get less useful ones like mining (can't use smith gauntlets).


    I've used over 100 brawlers and they are very fast, I got over 1.5m p/h burning mage logs for example, as long as when wildy comes back they can still be used out of wildy all brawlers are useful. If they can only be used in wild thieve, wc, hunt and prayer ones will be useless though. Since they give 4x xp in wildy, as long as you can get more than 1 hour worth of brawlers in under 3 hours (maybe 2 hours to compensate for the slightly lower xp p/h in wildy and the less useful gloves you will get) they will increase xp rates in the relevant skills. All depends on drop rates and how easy farming the gloves will be without getting pked. I'm sure their will be clans to gather brawlers if they do turn out to be worth the time.

  3. If it's someone on my team or a friend or even just someone I was chatting too I'd bless (or if I need my p pots just pick up the stuff and give it back). If they were trying to steal my spot, flaming in any way or otherwise annoying me it serves them right for me to take their stuff :twisted: I would definetly only boss with friends now, I don't boss much anyway but if I did I'd get into a pvm clan because theirs no way random forum teams will bless anymore. In fact I can imagine if someone does bless they will be flamed by the other guys who wanted the stuff <_< I do think this was a bad move by jagex, it discourages trust and working together and instead makes it every man for themselves, even those in the same team as you. Then again pre-07, we didn't even have gravestones so maybe the last 3 years has made us too used to safety, I mean if you die at a boss you shouldn't always be guaranteed to get your stuff back and I do welcome us not being wrapped in cotton wool all the time, that's what made rs so great in the old days, dying was scary and the game was actually dangerous- no graves, no safety areas, no warning messages for every little thing, no wildy ditch and everyone loved it.

  4. Probably give RS a wide birth for a week or so whilst it'll be buggy as hell. Said it before - if they can screw up a minor update like the wolf, then I'm terrified at what'll happen when this massive update comes.


    Yeah I'm definetly expecting some huge bugs as part of this update. What was wrong with wolf? I didn't hear of any glitches with that, a few rumours of people getting multiple gloves but nothing confirmed

  5. So according to this you should do cave crawlers even after maxing melee until 200m slayer, RC, Agility, and Fishing. Now I think I know why Zarfot quit like two weeks after his cave crawler vid.

    No kidding. I would quit too if it looked like I would be spending the entire rest of my existence at cave crawlers. Not to mention the money it would cost. :blink:


    Which is a good point. How long would it take to make that cash? Merchanting is going to get royally messed up very soon.


    Yeah I find it crazy that people consider 200m slayer and rc all at cave crawlers, let alone agility and fishing on top of that. I doubt I could spend a week there let alone resign myself to no lifing their for the next few years. Btw merching should get a lot easier without price limits, and players with a big cash stack (aka most top players) are at an advantage because inflation from bh is about to stop, items are gonna crash and gp is gonna be worth more. Not to mention the donations top players could get if they ask for it. This update is going to put top players in a better position imo.

  6. Nonetheless, I think it would definitely be easier to average a higher xp/hr in agility and even fishing than in rc, so rc was the better choice. Not to mention you can afk the formers and rc definitely requires the most concentration, clicking, etc out of those three.

    I'm not too sure about that. Agility is pretty click intensive as well.


    You were doing that at the Nature Altar right? Zmi is considerably faster. You can already get 65k/h on your own there. So runners could potentially bump it up to about ~80k/hour. Going by the same increase as you had over Grhaaking nature runes, which is around 30k/h I think.


    I'l be suprised if zmi running takes off, most runners are noobs looking to make their first few mil and zmi takes a quest, its dangerous for really low levels and their no decent profit in it. Runners would have to pay in cash to make it worthwhile and it would be slowed down because you'd have to drop or trade multiple types of rune each time you trade someone. I don't see it happening, unless rcers are willing to make a huge loss to make it worth doing for runners.


    pay 50k/lap for zmi runners might work



    You realise that would make 200m rc cost over 30b right? Ok I did that calc in my head and thats not factoring in xp from effigies but while it might be enough to make people run for you, noone would do that all the way to 200m xp.

  7. Horses - Jagex has said they won't do this, the speed we run (2 squares per tick) is actually the max speed they can allow our character to move so horses would not speed us up, anyway we have teles to everywhere.

    Necromancy - Very similar to summoning, could be possible as an addition to the skill like how prayer got curses and mage got ancients

    Belts - These were leaked and Jagex confirmed they are working on them.

    Arrow Holders that go on the back <---forgot what they're called. -Quivers? Well we already have an arrow slot that can hold 2.147b arrows lol

    Samurai Swords

    Nunchuks lol maybe not - Possible with eastern lands, they are a bit modern for rs but then again we have dwarf cannons which don't really fit into medieval times

    Bubonic Plague! - Already referenced in west ardougne

    Taxes! - You could say we already pay tax, on things like using chaotic and barrows and other little ways jagex takes money out the game lol. Miscellania kingdom also works similar to taxes, with us as the king and oru subjects rewarding us but instead of gold we get raw materials, it is similar to the tax system though. One idea I had a while ago was tax on what we buy at ge, a bit like vat so some of the money we pay is taken out of the game, this would stop merching via ge because buyers would pay a bit more than sellers would recieve but with free trade coming this isn't really needed

  8. Nonetheless, I think it would definitely be easier to average a higher xp/hr in agility and even fishing than in rc, so rc was the better choice. Not to mention you can afk the formers and rc definitely requires the most concentration, clicking, etc out of those three.

    I'm not too sure about that. Agility is pretty click intensive as well.


    You were doing that at the Nature Altar right? Zmi is considerably faster. You can already get 65k/h on your own there. So runners could potentially bump it up to about ~80k/hour. Going by the same increase as you had over Grhaaking nature runes, which is around 30k/h I think.


    I'l be suprised if zmi running takes off, most runners are noobs looking to make their first few mil and zmi takes a quest, its dangerous for really low levels and their no decent profit in it. Runners would have to pay in cash to make it worthwhile and it would be slowed down because you'd have to drop or trade multiple types of rune each time you trade someone. I don't see it happening, unless rcers are willing to make a huge loss to make it worth doing for runners.

  9. -What will happen to brawling gloves? Will they be removed or have the xp nerfed or kept as they are but usable in wildy. Me and loads of other people have tons of these gloves banked and we need to know if we have to use them all up before feb 1st.


    -You said revanents will be relocated, where too? Are they gonna be the new source of pvp gear (vesta morrigans etc)


    -Will summoning add to your combat level when in wildy without a pouch? Hopefully the system for combat level from pvp/bh will be used in wildy.


    -Will their be any restrictions in wildy? Will things like overloads and chaotic be banned or will it just be all out bring whatever you want? Will the wildy ditch oops I mean wall work like old bh craters, when you couldn't bring cash or non combat stuff in to stop rwt?


    -What things in wildy are going to be relocated? Will wildy be put back to how it was pre 07 with boneyard etc. Where will corp be moved to?


    -Will pvp worlds be kept? They would be awesome with full drops.


    I could ask a lot more lol but these are the ones I think we need to know the most. Cheers :shades:

  10. Gonna solo this thing if possible. Interested to know how the gloves work, if they work with summoning awesome but I doubt it I think Jagex learnt their lesson from the first xp weekend. Its a shame they're gloves so I can't stack them with brawlers, got a lot of range brawls in bank that could have got me some record days chinning :mad:

  11. Tezz is absolutely blasting through slayer, 150m atm, wouldn't be surprised if he took over rank 2 soon enough.


    He might seem close but 20m is a huge gap to overtake, thats like 500 hours of slayer I doubt he'll steal rank 2 unless she quits but why get 170m/200m then quit :/ then again it happened to larryr with rc so you never know.

  12. Remember the massive inflation when pvp/bh statues were released? They bring tons of pure gp into the game and when new wild comes all this gp is gonna stop entering the game. Meaning gp is worth more relative to items. In other words items go down, gp is worth more. So the smart people are liquidating there banks and building a cash stack while theres still [cabbage]loads of gp entering the game through pvp. Idk if this sounds confusing to you guys I did economics in college lol

  13. Dragonseance will be the first to 200m xp in all skills. Mark my words.

    Dragonseance, stop posting we know it's you :P kidding but the guy that keeps posting this is prob a troll, for dragonseance to be first everyone ahead of him would have to quit or at least slow down a lot, he might have decided to go for 200m all skills, good for him but he still has 4b xp to go lol. It's too early to say he's gonna get all 200m, let alone be first.

  14. i believe suomi will be the first to reach 200m in all skills, BUT, he hasn't even begun to start training slayer/farming/RC, arguably the 3 slowest skills to train in the game. is he waiting for a faster method(s) or going to power through slayer and use effigies on the latter.


    I thought he started farming? Anyway he can easily finish farming before 200m in everything else, without losing much time. Slayer is actually fast when you consider the melee range and effigy xp that comes with it. And rcing will be a lot faster when (if?) free trade comes back if people are willing to run ess. It should be faster than agility at least, and he proved he could power through that no problem :P

  15. Strange...But I guess it will all go back to normal before long, seems like a good opportunity for merchers. Maybe some super rich mercher has been solo-buying out raw materials at mid for years and suddenly decided to dump everything? Unlikely but I can't think of anything more realistic lol. Buying 200k deaths for mid anyways so they better go back up :P

  16. Well, there'll likely be 1 million+ yes votes by the 14th. I hope Jagex thinks about ways to improve PvP in the wild. Yes, PvP is coming back, but what changes should be made taken into account based on what happened on PvP servers and the game during the last three years?


    Current rules that didn't exist back then affect protect prayers, auto skull, level limits, and teleportation penalties. Plus some of the "old rules" of the wilderness weren't actually rules at all. It was limitation based on the program. At one time, you could not attack a player engaged in combat with an NPC, and could not attack that NPC. At one time, you didn't count as being in combat if you weren't actively attacking another player even if he was attacking you. At one time, the system only tracked the last 20 players that attacked you to allow non-skulled retaliation.


    So, since three years has passed, and we've had updates to the game that improved since that time, what are some reasonable changes to PvP wilderness? I've been posting my opinions but haven't seen too much else from anyone aside from one guy claiming the old wild was perfect and didn't need to be changed at all.


    Would you like to have a rule that your killer must be risking at least 76k gp to even see your items drop? Would like a rule where untradeables disappear if you die wearing them in the wilderness? Would you like better restrictions on teleport? Would you like removal of item protect prayer and have it replaced with +1/+4 for all players? Would you like item saved on death based on GE values? Would you like some sort of rule where you must be skulled before you can attack an unskulled player?


    Some of the rules applied to new bh have done a lot of good. Before you lost ep when teleporting, everyone used to tele out when they had no food. And I can see new wildy being full of 1 itemers especially for the first month or so, so I hope you still will have to risk 76k to get a drop.

    I will be looking forward to protect item coming back so their is a risk of prayer dropping and smiting people for godswords, so their is actually a risk in bringing these items like their used to be. I'm not gonna like the return of unskulled dharokers though, maybe a good idea will be auto skulling in wildy but still being able to use protect item, and a requirement to be risking 76k to go in wildy.

    1 itemers are a lot more harmful than they used to be, back in old wild 1 itemers had dds, now they can use ags, claws, korasi and actually pose a real threat. If there is no downside to no honour things like teleporting, pjing and 1 iteming, people will do it.

    tl;dr some of the rules and restrictions in bh now did good for pking and would be good to see them adapted for new wild.

  17. I'm a pker, and I was happy for extremes to be banned from pvp, despite being able to make them.

    Pking these days has gone downhill because of how easy it is to ko someone, it comes down to who gets a lucky venge combo or spec first. Extremes would have made this problem a lot worse.

    Damage soaking was a step in the right direction, although it hurt slow high hitting weapons a lot more than faster weapons like rapier. In old wild, you get a whip, do a few quests like mm and you're ready to go.

    These days if you want to be on top you have to have hundreds of mills to invest in pvp on things like divine, 95 prayer etc. Extremes would just set back an average account preparing to be an effective pking account, by another couple of hundred mill.

    Still I'm expecting them to be allowed in new wildy, because it will be in normal worlds so it would be more work to code so that extremes are usable out of but not in wildy.

    Then again they are doing a similar thing with graves so who knows.

    Yeah jeez, what a weird system it would be if higher level accounts were superior to low level accounts. Never heard of an RPG like that before.


    You missed my point completely. High level accounts should be more powerful than low level accounts, but have you ever heard of an rpg with a pvp system where a players max hit is higher than 80% of their hp?

    Jagex adds more and more things to make our accounts more powerful, korasis, claws, chaotic, staff of light, curses, the list is huge of things that will be used in new wild that weren't there before 07, and all this stuff has hugely cheapened pvp. Back in the day, you might get rushed by someone with a dds, and get mad because they poisoned you. Now they can rush with claws and kill you in two hits with ease. So anyway my point is extremes in pvp make our already overpowered accounts, even more overpowered.

    I don't get why the majority of players complaining back when extremes were banned from pvp, were non-pkers? Makes no sense to me, if you don't pk, it doesn't affect you in the slightest whether they're in pvp or not.

  18. I'm a pker, and I was happy for extremes to be banned from pvp, despite being able to make them.

    Pking these days has gone downhill because of how easy it is to ko someone, it comes down to who gets a lucky venge combo or spec first. Extremes would have made this problem a lot worse.

    Damage soaking was a step in the right direction, although it hurt slow high hitting weapons a lot more than faster weapons like rapier. In old wild, you get a whip, do a few quests like mm and you're ready to go.

    These days if you want to be on top you have to have hundreds of mills to invest in pvp on things like divine, 95 prayer etc. Extremes would just set back an average account preparing to be an effective pking account, by another couple of hundred mill.

    Still I'm expecting them to be allowed in new wildy, because it will be in normal worlds so it would be more work to code so that extremes are usable out of but not in wildy.

    Then again they are doing a similar thing with graves so who knows.

  19. I think this will do a lot of good for pking, I always used to be a pker but have now quit pking because of all the overpowered crap making it more about who gets a lucky max hit + venge first than about skill. This might actually make me interested in pking again, as long as 76 def doesn't leave me at too much of a disadvantage. But the way I understand it, damage soak is based on your gear not def level so pkers with lower def should still be at an advantage.

  20. I was up there with Suomi on the top 42 daily woodcutting xp gains on runetracker. Does anyone know what he cuts? He got like 1M xp yesterday, and I only got 800k. I know some people are friends with him here


    If you read up a few posts you'd see that he's cutting teaks. And his big xp gains are down to him playing 16 hours per day consistently

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