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Posts posted by BBK

  1. Theres a ton of different ways you can reach your goal, do what you enjoy not what someone tells you is the 'best' way. That being said, I'd reccomend getting charms for 96 summon via slayer, it'll be less of a grind than just spending hours at armoured zombies then hours at rock lobs. And you'd make some cash, and become better at MHing from learning the best ways to kill a ton of different monsters. And get yak before spending any serious time at frosts, it helps a ton being able to spend a couple hours there without having to bank. As for herby, make equal amounts of all the extremes til you hit 96 then you can make all the overloads you'll need. Or if moneys an issue just make 1k of each extreme for overloads then extreme attacks for the rest, be sure to have the scroll from dungeoneering before you train herby it saves a huge amount. Herb runs are good, try to incorporate some dailies too for some extra cash, and get juju farm pots if you haven't already and do torstols for some huge profits. Earlier today I actually got 4m (2.2m profit) from 1 torstol run, 78 herbs and a seed back lol

  2. I tried to go get some robes from the ancient mages, and it seems your def level affects the monsters aggro. With karils top and bottom the rangers and meleers would be on me, karils top and verac skirt the reavers get on me :wall: and yeah I was using overload and turmoil, even had onyx (i) for the extra def. Guess im sticking to tds lol

  3. What are your stats? I range with slay helm arma and broads when I get them as a task, usually only use 1 brew tops and a few p pots but inb4 everyone on this forum tells you to melee


    edit- too slow with the inb4 lmao :wall:

  4. lol, good luck. Hunts my second lowest level too (after defence which is low on purpose :P) for the same reason, never really felt like there was a reason to train it. But I wanted juju farm pots for torstol runs and to use up my hunt brawlers, looked into it and realised what a good method this is :D

  5. I have to disagree with everyone here. Meleeing jad is for people who know what they doing and are confident in getting fire capes, for your first cape you would be much better off using range. I like using void myself, with rune crossbow broad bolts deflector and arma top (or void top and zammy book if you don't have deflector), archer ring and ranger boots. Or if it's a slay task slay helm and full arma/karils. Focus on range and prayer bonus. In invy, 50+ dia bolts for jad, enhanced excalibur, 2 range pots, 8 brews, the rest super restores. Fally shield and holy wrench help but not important. You could take out 2 brews and use rocktails instead so you have an easier time healing if jad hits you.

  6. I dont have time to calc it all for you but I can assure you it would be a lot faster to make the cash at frosts and level without hammers, hammers for 99 would take so long you could prob make a few hundred mill at frosts in that time lol. Plus using hammers slows down your actual training, having to bank for new hammers all the time.

  7. I do about 10-20 mins of dailies which makes me 500k+, it mostly relies on achievement diaries though so if you haven't done elite or at least hard it won't work so well.


    First I go w117 and assist herby to save 600k+ (not really part of dailies its just how I know 24 hours has passed when I can assist again lol)

    Then tele to lumby, go to cellar and buy all the apples and chocolate bars.

    Then withdraw ardougne cammy and yannille (chipped or have your house there) tabs, and duel ring.

    Tele to ardy, get free pure ess. Run to legends guild and buy mith seeds (this is profit atm but probably temporary once flower game hype dies down)

    Tele to cammy, get free flax. Tele to yannille, get free sand. Duel ring to mobalising armies, run east to oogloog, buy packs of bird meat.

    Glory to edge, gear up (bring varrock tele) and kill bork. Tele to varrock, grab cash from bank, buy battlestaves. Run ge and sell loot :D


    Also do manage the kingdom, I just dump 7.5m in there and raise favour once a week when I do penguins/circus. And herb runs several times a day or as often as you feel like. Work on juju farm pots if you haven't already to greatly increase profit from herbs.

  8. 1. It's hard to flick ss with rapier it would be a lot easier to time with cls or maul, but I'd say only try to ss if your first hit isn't 310+. I use a uni myself so I don't have experience ss'ing there


    2. As long as you're praying when he launches his attack you can flick to ss and be safe, the hit is calculated at the start not when you see it hit you.


    3. Ranging frost drags you take no damage anyway antifired and praying mage, I personally bring excalibur incase I do get hit by melee but rarely use it.

  9. Get rid of the ring of life for an archer or zerker, even if you die which you shouldn't if you know what you're doing, grave only takes 3 mins to get too just make sure to have a spare lantern and 10 min or better grave. That setup is a lot better than the first one but a chaotic wep and extremes would speed up kills a lot

  10. You get both ore AND urn charge, and can only have a maximum of 10 urns of a given type at a time.

    YOu can have as many urns as you want, but you can only have 10 FULL urns at a time, then you must start teleporting them


    Good thinking by jagex, they should have done the same with effigys. I guess its because these stack in bank and effigies don't.

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