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Everything posted by Teemupets

  1. Having some image problems again, but I got the new Shadow stats here. [/img] Aggressive: Very aggressive and hits very often. Weakness: Air Spells (though they can be dispatched effortlessly with melee as well.)
  2. Looking forward to it. You can never get too much Error retrieving data! from bosses.
  3. ADVERTISER: www.thepowerlevel.com LANDING URL: http://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=C2YWEcVqyUJKUFMnEyAPOpIHICr3u3uYC1aK7jDPAjbcBEAEgtNzlHFDJrfiq-v____8BYPcBoAGn-9n4A8gBAqkCpMOlSnKMhT6oAwHIA90EqgRjT9CXJw0jXJzrl-VY4gnBMpkbvQFqhDQjFDitnpuM0PiWUU8eaGWnvjM_VmXX72rFJPiK5f8jWVHwRWYSeOjXOQORDbATei8ks2goZGAe6YdpSN1_mNhpnO62lykKNdai_SGEiAYBoAYC&num=1&cid=5GjBfP7TnGg1BCp0SZ52jA7O&sig=AOD64_10p92dhluc6TST6LcSwFpFzAozKQ&client=ca-pub-7006458855726751&adurl=https://www.thepowerlevel.com/Gold.php%3FN%3DRunescape&nm=5&nx=398&ny=38&mb=2 TYPE: Top banner SITE: Home page (new) MY LOCATION: Finland REASON: selling runescape gold and powerleveling (I don't know if powerleveling is forbidden, but gold sales is enough).
  4. "Make sure all of your gear belongs to one combat style. For example, don't wear some melee armor and the rest magic." So no more ganodermic zammy spear hunt? That's a shame.
  5. I though random events were removed from the game. Also, I went to do some testing with my clan and zamorakian spear did seem to deal lots of more damage to the beast compared to godswords, mauls or rapiers. The beast's stab weakness has been removed, but it still seems like that it would still be the most effective melee weapon. But yes, magic seems to work rather well too. Also, you should notice the fact that protection prayers/curses only offer 50% protection now, so the beast can hit you with it's melee attacks as well.
  6. ADVERTISER: Gold4Fun LANDING URL: http://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=CzVKnpSatUNL_M9PByAPjroHwCsCW6vAE-PDZ12Dw8--aRRABILTc5RwoBVCujvfk_f____8BYPcBoAG4kOvFA8gBAakC_gypS9qKhT6oAwHIA98EqgSLAU_QSYe6EJ9KSyoJ5unHUy8AoQUVbqm5r1VnurQ6UxvtkPwLZqcZ-HooVRSRAlAkKPhJr-karxWZnHusKqETetgito9fv36EBpNSpS8RlejPL8UMnrta3KuTPInca389GdqERuBrS2QOcAwJ9MvrrJjPJdb8a91HYBUFbh106FZYBHO5Hw9UYmYkGOaIBgE&num=1&cid=5GgT0xH1sYNjbX2FKXatTbph&sig=AOD64_33s_Wm6z_SaUAbxfMz8uhJJD5x0w&client=ca-pub-7006458855726751&adurl=http://www.Gold4Fun.com/Runescape-gold.html&nm=31&nx=90&ny=26&mb=2 TYPE: Side Banner SITE: Treasure Trails Menu MY LOCATION: Finland REASON: advertising RS gold sales
  7. GRAVEDIGGER VS THE PEOPLE (DEFENCE) - 2 case reports to read and a viewing orb. - No witnesses to interview. - Leo doesn't have anything helpful to say. Viewing orb: - Use magnifying glass on mauloseum to discover that the lock has been rusted tight (no one has been in lately...) and to find a fingerprint. Confirm the match with Leo's fingerprints. - Use magnifying glass on any grave to find out that mud has been disturbed recently. However, nothing seems to be missing from a grave, so it isn't technically graverobbing if nothing is stolen. - Use magnifying glass on any gravestone to find a fingerprint which doesn't match any of the suspects! EVIDENCE IN COURT: - Fingerprint: You automatically point that is obvious that Leo's fingerprint is found at the mauloseum; he works there! What prosecution neglects that there are mysterious fingerprints that the court failed to identify in the gravestones, so there must have been a stranger present at the crime scene. - Muddy boots: "There is mud on his boots. So what?" You point out that you can get your boots muddy from anywhere. - Coffin: "The coffin is not empty." When coffin is not empty, it can't have been robbed. Alternative theory is that Leo, an old man, has been forgetful and buried wrong coffins in wrong graves, but forgetfulness it not a crime. Appeal on Elderly gentleman. You can't prosecute your client for a simple mistake he was ATTEMPTING to correct before being crudely interrupted. After all this, it should be clear that jury will vote for "not guilty." REWARD: 9,000 defence xp and a mystery box
  8. Yes, getting only a dds split and missing the only hilt isn't really that kind of loot you would expect on mass events...
  9. I'll be there too, if not in h'ween mask/rockshell then in something bit more... professional.
  10. ADVERTISER: www.thepowerlevel.com LANDING URL: http://www.googleads...=279&ny=36&mb=2 TYPE: Top banner SITE: Tip.It Forums - Bandos event announcement MY LOCATION: Finland (a bit northern but still the same coutry) REASON: selling rs gold, powerleveling and other illegal stuff (100% safe, 7 experiences, professional team) They even have their own telephone number and customer service...
  11. Seriously? I can't get any better images than these? Either I or this computer and tinypic suck more than I can imagine...
  12. The first boneguard encountered during Enakhra's Lament was shown to me as level 13, as well as the pile of bones after using crumble undead on it. Boneguard examine: "A spirit is trapped within it." After using Crumble Undead the textbox notifies: "The spirit disappears with a soft sigh." Pile of bones examine: "These used to be alive." I got 5 big bones as a drop from the boneguard, however I did have bonecrusher with me (for some reason) so I am not completely sure whether there are actually 6 big bones to be dropped. I can't remember having extra prayer xp after freeing the spirit though. I will be adding the images here soon, but once again, I am having some *slight* problems with picture posting...
  13. It's always nice to slay demons for 3 hours and miss the only hilt drop because of disconnection even with wired connection and a decent computer... moments like these really make me appreciate life and happy moments like this... just like after you have lost 60m because to eoc and everything crashing down... that's hilarious, I just can't stop laughing...
  14. ADVERTISER: Google LANDING URL: http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/simgad/2997280882446009782 TYPE: Side Banner SITE: www.gold4fun.com MY LOCATION: Finland REASON: selling RS golds and accounts
  15. Lol just spotted that but I'm coming, there's always room for more jelly... and armadyl crossbows and hilts too :mrgreen: PS. I'm NOT bringing my halloween mask this time |^_^|
  16. Look forward to seeing me there! I will bring my ganos and dreadnips to turn this demon into dust. Just one question: will I be a snob if I show up with red halloween mask? |^_^| |^_^| |^_^|
  17. ADVERTISER: Rsorder.com LANDING URL: http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/simgad/13283922225066838684 TYPE: Side Banner SITE: Elite treasure trails page MY LOCATION: Finland REASON: selling RS gold
  18. Your item guides say that ceremonial dragon robes would be p2p items. Queen's guard items are referred as f2p also. However, both Runepoli and Runewiki (from Runescape website) say that ceremonial robes are f2p items as well. I confirmed this in f2p server: I could still recolour and re-equip ceremonial items. It must be said that they have likely first been p2p items only, but have been changed to f2p later. You need to update this part.
  19. This is a straight copy from Dominion Tower Minigame guide: Finish Him! Arrav, Koschei the Deathless, General Khazard, Black Knight Guardian, The Kendal, Black Golem, Grey Golem, and White Golem (simultaneously) No Prayer Reduced Melee Defence Reduced Magic Defence Reduced Ranged Defence Diseased Poisoned No Special Attacks Random Daze No Power-ups However, this is what is written in special mode strategies: "A combination of prayer bonus and melee offence work well here as all the opponents use melee attacks, so you should pray against melee." Also the special mode info in Dominion Tower says that No prayers can be used in this fight. Someone should fix that strategy part. Also, it could be worth to mention that each of the bosses only has 20% of their lifepoints remaining.
  20. Never mind the part three, I recall that I fought the first battle, then fled, took another longer trip and then only fought once against the juvinates. Ignore that part.
  21. This is what Tip.It quest guide says 17. "Wield your blessed silver sickle and begin to attack the Vampyre Juvinates. During the fight Veliaf will come to help you battle them. When they have fled, kill Gadderanks with any weapon..." 1) Actually, you can attack Gadderanks right away, but you still have to fight the Vampyres as he refuses to give up and says his vampyre bodyguards will protect him. 2) Any silver weapon works on Vampyres. It reads at Temple Trekking guide - you could add it here too. They were quite easy to dispose with Darklight. 3) I took the longer route to Salve Temple but I only had to fight lvl50 vampyres once. After they had fled "time to re-juvinate" I could continue the path right to the temple.
  22. ADVERTISER: MMSavor LANDING URL: http://pagead2.googl...345919081172448 TYPE: Side Banner SITE: MMSavor.com MY LOCATION: Finland REASON: RS gold / item selling
  23. The part about convincing the archeological expert about the actions of Dr. Nabanik (Azzanadra) is quite jumped over. Like it says here: "4. Talk to the nearby archaeological expert. After successfully convincing him Dr. Nabanik is trustworthy, the expert will give you a restoration certificate." A bit more detailed explanation: First question: "He was in the pyramid for a long time." Second question: "You know how fragile paper is." (At least saying the option "you're right, it sounds a bit suspicious" will end the conversation.) For questions 3 and 4 it doesn't seem to matter which option you choose. You will be given the restoration certificate in any case.
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