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Everything posted by Agen

  1. If for some reason you missed it (or want to know where CrystalFarm lives: Also I didn't expect to have my teenage boyness appealed to but here you go: http://puu.sh/97fz
  2. if you admit to wasting a tick you get kicked and have to attend Gemeos's bootcamp for tick saving.
  3. LEGEND A13d's fc for funsies Selena Gomez is hot, Selena Gemeos is hotter. nuff said
  4. No I asked her if she wanted to scissor Then she asked me what that means So I told her Then she muted me LLLLLL
  5. If saving game ticks doesn't give you greater pleasure than [bleep] then your life isn't worth living obviously.
  6. U R NOT IN HERE YES HE IS (propoganda for members of the fc)
  7. brb crashing a13d's fc PARTY: http://gyazo.com/a9cec72a7b078643b0cf0b2fc53f6230
  8. There was a request a while back for someone to make a 200m all skills clan thing, and because I'm super lazy and cbf doing it myself, I move Suomi open his friends chat instead of not having one and dubbing it the 200m all skills fc. Also my mother never loved me :c
  9. .6 seconds/tick times 10 = 6 seconds/10 ticks times 10 = 60 seconds/100 ticks Well that makes me feel rather stupid -.- That makes him value ticks at 83.333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333k each. I could make some decent cash selling him my wasted ones. inb4 new 500m/h money making method.
  10. Next post because I fail at maths so hard it's not even funny.
  11. Yay for spam. OT: Drumgun is still afking rocktails like a boss. I can only dream to have his infinite patience :3 also: this is Suomi after 5b
  12. Donate 500m to Suomi and I'll believe you.
  13. Stop lurking and make an account, Alex. on topic: Tuomi is collecting effigies moar.
  14. Am I late in saying grats on 100m summoning?
  15. Thats what happens when Zezima quits lol And to think Tezz has only gained one rank :P Has he ever been rank 1? Tezz Jr is not Tezz. That's an old school player. I don't know their new name though sorry. I do know Jake (Tezz) original name was Tezzer123. I'm such a noob -.-
  16. Thats what happens when Zezima quits lol And to think Tezz has only gained one rank :P Has he ever been rank 1?
  17. I've had days like that even before Bots were nuked. Never can figure out why no one has even a level 91 runecrafting effigy. Usually after an hour I'll say screw it and wait until tomorrow as I get mine at night and would rather not have to set my alarm for midmorning for assists. Also had one click where pm on, no one could pm me that wasn't added, though everyone in the assistchat informed me and ranks raged because of nonassist chat ;) I've found that 97 smithing is exceptionally easy to get assists for consistently just standing in W117 and quickchatting my level. (Oh no not max efficiency)
  18. I think this update wasn't just a business move for Jagex, I think it was just the easiest route for taking care of all the now inactive bot accounts that take up huge amounts of space on the highscores. Even though this outs the high ranking f2p players, which is probably something they didn't want to do after all the good pr they've been getting lately, this was probably the most efficient way to do it. It's kind of ironic given the thread.
  19. Ones that are based on the hiscores and it's changes won't work. Not even a tweet since 22 Oct ??????????
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