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Everything posted by Cow

  1. Thats the nicest thing I've heard all day. thank you :) Unfortunately in real life I spent my day scrounging for painkillers (long story. Don't think less of me, internet strangers, please) and didn't have pants on until 2. I can't wait for my first delivery to a bunch of pantsless people. They'd probably tip well. ;). I kind of feel whorish about it sometimes, I get that sort of feeling from others too. Idk. People suck. You should definitely go to DC Pride (because I'm going, but that's not the only reason just the only important one). I had made and cancelled plans back and forth on it but a few friends are off and my transgender sister is coming with me. Her first proper lgbtqwerty type event thing since she came out, her first time dressing femininely. :) so excited. lol. plus there will probably topless/shirtless guys and gals there. I think that's legal in DC
  2. Hahah I did actually, that was all kinds of uncomfortable. I had done it pre-hd on my main account and about a year ago on a side account, I forgot about the horrible dungeon part. Idk they just freak me out? I'm ok with other bugs and smaller spiders from a distance. My brothers used to put them in my hair and stuff. They were dicks
  3. kill it with fire. best to burn the house too. it can't be safe. that's freaking disgusting. makes me shiver lol.
  4. Idk its like right next to rolling? actually on burke station I believe. I always walked there. Is the one on OKM the new one with the glass and stuff? I'm dumb, point it out https://maps.google.com/maps?bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.47534661,d.aWc&bih=451&ion=1&noj=1&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=fairfax+county+libraries&fb=1&gl=us&hq=libraries&hnear=0x89b660b1fe460cd3:0x7d0bfa4ee1381699,Fairfax,+VA&sa=X&ei=xQ2wUdyLBee6yAHXt4DgCw&sqi=2&ved=0CJkBELYD
  5. Yeah its nice lol. I'm only in hourly pay band #3 for FCPS, even the minimun possible payment is like 9 or ten. A friend of a friend's apartment off of old keene mill OOOOOKKKKKKKK. Can I stop going on TIF and finding out harpies work five minutes from my old home/where my ex stepfather lives? Weeeeirrdd. I went to that library when I lived there, but we moved 15 minutes northeast of there. Cool shit I hate people who don't tip, ok i drove way out of the way to your mcmansion 'hood and parked behind your lexus and bmw i don't even really have change to give back to you so just give me the two dollars for wasting my time on you k thanks smile. I had to drive into DC for medical stuff long story but I am ok whooo [hide] are you like these librarians?[hide] (couldn't find any attractive male librarians on google)[/hide] [hide]let's [bleep].[/hide][/hide] Omg now I want to go and start putting post-its with harpies drawn on them all over the books and just sneak out. Recruiting help +4
  6. [bleep]ing ;) what i'm doing in reality: [hide] [hide]groundskeeping for the school system[/hide][/hide] I drove an 03 Honda civic from ~late 2010? until last summer, too many issues with it. Its with my mom's ex husband now. Now an 08 Ford focus. Its decent and still has a year or two of really good warranty on the engine and stuff. My brother knows how to change oil and thats only every five thousand miles or so, hardly even a cost to consider. I haven't asked about benefits. Its my third day and I don't really want to push my luck and I don't really like pizza, anyways. Finally, I was in Springfield last night. Thought of you lol.
  7. Guy. 42/week for the full time (hasn't started yet, sucks), 20ish (at the moment) serving and 15ish for driving. It sucks but money yknow? Can't say no to 42 hours a week at 13/hour :>
  8. Started another part time job today it was ok. Manager is cute. I'm going to be driving around giving people pizzas and they give me money. Meh. [hide]in a month I'm going to have started a third job fml. full time and two part times. oh well, money.[/hide]
  9. Here's a game for you all. Photoshop this into wherever funny kthanks eww imgur messed up the transparency.
  10. This applies pretty accurately to men as well. If you are physically able to lick your ears, go for it.
  11. Yep guys back to rs discussion. I thought about making a video of rage-deleting my poh and just my RS days eulogy with pictures and stuff (maxed out a lot of stuff, them shiny demonic thrones and dragons and stuff), but I'm not angry or anything. :/
  12. Basically, yes. Girls that don't want to sleep with me because I'm bi suck, though. I don't understand why thats even a thing. This, basically. Really? That surprises me. Almost as much as how you both dislike ditzyness. I think its cute. Selling meth I made in Nex's signature.
  13. Idk probably start cooking meth? Would I lose my security deposit?
  14. Six sticks of dynamite (Sorry, the issue is personal to me. One of my closest friends, whom I'm dorming with next year, along with a half sister, are of the transgender variety. lol)
  15. Well its probably pretty important to them. I don't have many trans friends but they're cool [bleep]s. Also I'd like to talk about renting space in your signature.
  16. That just raises more questions than it answers STORY TIME?
  17. Isn't it really weird how its okay/commonplace to use Lesbian as a noun, but not gay/bisexual/black/transgender/whatever
  18. set me up with her, i'm sloppy and clumsy too [hide][hide] but i know how to use tongue [hide] ifyouknowwhatimean :wink: [/hide] [/hide] [/hide] [hide] I hope I don't get banned from tif [hide] seriously please don't ban me [/hide] [/hide]
  19. Its ok. Better now. My second job starts on Monday. Money will make it better <3 rip taco. didn't get nearly enough pictures of him[hide] [/hide]
  20. Buying zaap's soul. (off topic: my pet died two days ago now. Well before his time. sucks. lonely)
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