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Posts posted by Triquos

  1. Hey guys, sorry it's been a couple months since I had taken down the master capes. At the time I was very angry at some players in the community who cyberbullied a kid in the RS screenshots and vids forum.


    I have moved onto another fansite because of that situation, but please keep using the capes. I feel the entirety of Tip.it shouldn't suffer because of a select few who think they can hide behind their keyboards and say such nasty things. So consider the master capes back and please check out Milordarkantos's master cape videos on Youtube, and support Dan3HitU with his stat sigs ^_^

  2. I don't know why people are so surprised at how fast the Armadyl Battlestaff is dropping. I camped glacors for maybe 2-3 days (a few hours a day) and got 11 shards, so to get 100 shards for myself, perhaps a few weeks for me (if that) and I would have my own. If anything they should be dropping below their 18M start price because there's gonna be cabbageloads of them in the g.e. with all the campers wanting the three boots.


    Sorry no unspam.

  3. I agree, barehand butterfly catching is an excellent alternative training method - as you get both hunter and agility xp per catch. It is how I got 99 hunter, and I went from 94-95 agility that way from memory.


    Other than that, if you don't like the advanced barbarian agility course (like me) the only other great way is effigies. Seriously, in the long term you will gain so many 99's effortlessly through the effigy stages and lamps.

  4. Barrows is a great way of making money and you don't need a lot of money in order to do it too. Personally I am uncomfortable with bosses (I run around like a headless chicken 99% of the time getting owned like a noob), frost dragons are bombarded with bots, I fail at merchanting (I buy something, it falls, I sell something, it rises - murphies law), and Slayer? well, it is hardly profitable anymore these days. So what I do now is:


    A) Camp Dark Beasts for attack xp and effigies. Any dark bows and fellstalk seeds are a bonus.

    B) Barrows for money


    That's pretty much it really. I highly recommend barrows, it has hardly any requirements from memory, you just have to kill the barrows brothers and loot the chest. Good luck with whatever you decide to do :-)

  5. 1) I believe Jagex made the right decision by demodding him. Whether Jiblix believes so or not, he directly (or indirectly) showed many runescape gold selling websites in the video. Yes people might see those websites in game, but that is not the point. Mods should NEVER include gold selling websites in their videos - mods are there to BLOCK those websites, not to show them in youtube videos. He should have blurred the websites out. After all, mods showing scam websites is not a good look, and like others have said, it is one thing to criticise a company they work for/help with, it is another to go behind their backs and tell others to not vote for them.

    If Jagex cared at all about whether or not players saw these adbots, they'd do something about it, and that IS the point. They're literally the first thing that a F2P'er will see when he steps out of the tutorial, and they're the only thing a F2P'er will ever see when he goes to the GE. A friend in the HYT Friend chat was playing on his F2P pure account just minutes ago, and he literally could not train because every training spot was filled with bots.


    If you want to see the impact of that, you just have to look at world populations; It's a bit jarring to see member worlds with three times the population of F2P worlds, and if you step in to one, you'll see that only a small fraction of them are players.


    The category that Jagex is up for is "Best Free Online Game", so if the free version is unplayable because of the amount of bots, they sure as hell don't deserve to win it.


    And that's why we always write about bots... :razz: (Joke)



    Yes but what I am trying to point out is that Mods shouldn't show scam websites anywhere in their personal youtube videos. Like I also said, yes you may see those sites anywhere in Runescape, but does it make it right for a player mod to go around showing everyone where to go to buy rs gold? No.

  6. In regards to the Jiblix interview.


    1) I believe Jagex made the right decision by demodding him. Whether Jiblix believes so or not, he directly (or indirectly) showed many runescape gold selling websites in the video. Yes people might see those websites in game, but that is not the point. Mods should NEVER include gold selling websites in their videos - mods are there to BLOCK those websites, not to show them in youtube videos. He should have blurred the websites out. After all, mods showing scam websites is not a good look, and like others have said, it is one thing to criticise a company they work for/help with, it is another to go behind their backs and tell others to not vote for them.


    2) I did not vote for Jagex this year, and I voted I think.. 2 days? Prior to the video Jiblix released - so either way he had no influence on my voting. I voted for another game simply because I felt until the bots are dealt with and the updates are better (for example graphic updates never used to be a main update >.< and don't get me started on the many 'no update this week' stickies), I wouldn't vote for them.


    3) "It wouldn't phase me if a good chunk of veteran players simply quit because of the frustrations they hold."


    I have been playing Runescape for 9 years now, and whilst I have frustrations with Jagex when it comes to updates and questionable morals (ring of wealth glitch, climbing boots update etc.) I'm not going to throw a temper tantrum and threaten to cancel my membership because A) for every genuine, loyal player lost, there is bound to be 2-3 bots that replace that player anyway, and B) you play Runescape for fun, not because the company cares about you or the morals of the game.


    What I have learnt from my time playing RS is that Jagex is a business. Most of the time businesses do not care about morals or their customers, it is all about the dollar at the end of the day. I play their game because it brings me fun. What they do with their morals is up to them, and likewise, if players decide to cheat or rwt, I'm sure they'll get their comeuppance sooner or later. There are probably hundreds if not thousands of players that (unfortunately) get away with rwt'ing everyday. I see so many rich players in Runescape and I always question whether they made their gp legitimately, but in the end it is not up to me to deal with them, that is Jagex's job and sometimes we all have to learn to just play the game and get WHATEVER WE ARE GIVEN. If you don't like the game, quit.


    I will continue to play RS for as long as I get enjoyment out of it. What other players do is their business, but this whole thing was blown out of proportion and most of the time people only tend to stick to one side of the story. I firmly believe that a wise councellor always looks at both sides of the story before passing judgement. In this case, I believe Jagex were right on this one.

  7. Since quitting tipit and coming online from time to time, due to requests via PM, I've done the master mage cape. I tried adding the little black trim to the electric blue trim but due to deleting some photoshop files it was impossible, so that is why it is a larger trim than the other capes :-( Feel free to use them in blogs/signatures/avatars/whatever. Spread the idea of master capes for all skills if you want ^_^ That's all folks. Take care.

  8. To be fair to Jagex, Jiblix didn't block out any of the scam websites shown in his video, making him just as bad as an adbot, if not 100x worse. Correct me if I'm wrong here when I say forum/player mods aren't supposed to encourage (whether it be directly or indirectly) scam websites ANYWHERE. That includes showing the actual websites. Jagex didn't demod him because they felt like it, he broke the rules. That's all there is to it. Yet everyone is throwing up a huge stink about it and not looking at both sides of the story.

  9. Thought this deserved some discussion after seeing the video in the post rs screenshots etc. thread. I didn't discover any of this btw, just thought it was fascinating and had some future update discussion value.




    To get there, use the fairy ring code: 'D I R' followed by 'A K S' (Don't worry it was leaked in the youtube comments anyway - so my killing will not be necessary :D)


    Random stuff:


    The mural's examine is "An image of creatures destroying a city."

    Unusual anvil's examine is "I may be able to make unusual things on it."

    The examine of the Tetrahedron 4 is "A small stone carving."


    There are some agility obstacles such as rope swing, jump wall, pipe etc.


    Some statue examines:


    "It doesn't look like it's meant to be a human."

    "It's been examining the ground for a few millenia."

    "It's missing an arm"


    Large Pics:





    Rubble + 'Tetrahedron 4' item obtained from it



    Statue + Wall design



    Wall design puzzle?



    Some sort of entrance to the west


  10. Mod Chris L is my favourite J mod content developer of all time. He's done some seriously epic high level content updates. I hope he stays at Jagex for a long time! He also (bless him) came to fix a serious bug at 5am london time, in the morning over there. I still remember him saying 'and to think I was sleeping just an hour ago' XD. He really cares about Runescape. If I could choose one J Mod to become the next CEO or an increased pay rise, it would be him.


    I personally don't know the other J Mods listed here, and what they did, so I based my voting on what updates I like. So after looking at what they've all done, I also voted for Mod Rathe and Mod Paul.


    If there was another list I'd vote for Mod Chrisso for best J Mod in community management :-D he's done great work on the rants forums.

  11. I like the skillcape article. I get really bored these days training skills like catching butterflies for hunter, making runes for RC etc. so most of the time I'm slaying now and using the effigy drops to train the rest of my skills. I can't stand dungeoneering, runecraft and farming, so effigies are a godsend for me. My inspiration is now the max cape. I've never wanted all 99's so badly before, but Jagex gave me reason to :-D

  12. It took 2 of them about an hour (which is really hard work) but it really needed a third person to continue the hitsplats while the other 2 get more frogs to try and combo him.


    It is impossible to do solo, as the health regenerates too fast and the hitsplats go lower and lower, so it is definitely a team effort sort of thing. I wish there was a way to kill bots faster/easier but I suppose the items/reports are the reward in the end :-) the good thing is no legitimate players were harmed in the killing of the bot.

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