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Posts posted by Triquos

  1. I'm not really a people person, so occasionally from time to time I will turn my 'public chat' to 'friends', especially when someone gets on my nerves or does something really cruel to me. When I have public turned to 'off' or 'friends' and players accuse me of botting because I don't reply back, that is their problem. Their report will just be wasted.


    I think people who report others just because they don't reply back is just plain ignorance. We all need a bit of space occasionally.

  2. No.


    One thing that always annoyed me was a particular famous person who killed many players outside of the wilderness, and in their reply after they were permanently banned they said anyone who had the power they were given would have abused it too. To that I say they were extremely presumptuous.


    If I accidentally came across a bug I would never abuse it, in fact I would report it immediately like I have done so with many other bugs. I find satisfaction knowing that I've probably saved a few players from falling victim to the bug, and a couple times J mods have turned up thanking myself and the other players warning people of the bug - which is pretty awesome.

  3. I think the whole Vyrewatch/Lord Drakan concept reminds me of the movie 'Queen of the damned' - now I'm not a vampire fan, but that is (in my opinion) the best vampire movie I have ever seen, and I think Jagex could take some great inspiration from movies and the like for their own Runescape content. Personally I would like to see the female vyrewatch graphically updated to have clothing similar in appearance to 'Queen Akasha' from the Queen of the damned movie.


    Now when Nex came out, there were some players who compared it to the likes of the pokemon 'Garchomp'. The pictures comparing the two are below.


    2wq4dno.jpg > 2n00lmx.jpg


    So I suppose what I am asking you guys is... is there anything in Runescape that you think Jagex have probably taken inspiration from, or something from another game or movie for example that Jagex SHOULD take inspiration from?


    Share your thoughts/comments below ^_^


    Edit: Other possible similarities...


    Dragon full helm >The Predator's helm from the alien vs. predator movie.

    Bloodveld > The pokemon 'Lickitung'

  4. No to both - shattered hearts takes months and the challenge scrolls can take anywhere up to 10k+ kills just for 1 scroll (and how many scrolls do you need? Exactly!). At that rate it could take at least 1 year of no lifing shattered hearts and challenge scrolls - wayyyyyy too much time in my opinion.


    You can now flame me for having an opinion.

  5. Not blessing a grave just because they don't have the best grave? That's just plain prejudicial. Some people might not even have access to the quest requiring it.


    I repair every single grave I see, because I do not have 70 prayer yet.


    Please don't call my view on the matter 'prejudicial'. I don't just bless *the best grave* too, I also bless everything down to the basic flat gravestone which costs 50k. If the player can't afford 50k, then that is their problem and they shouldn't play Runescape - items kept on death should be your number 1 priority before even thinking of logging in or going boss hunting for example. Most of the time players who can't be bothered with the basic 50k gravestone are bots. 100% of the time I have seen this. When I do find a legitimate player who dies with the less-than-4-minute-gravestone, I will certainly bless. Until then, I will not bless. I am not prejudice, and I find it insulting that was even suggested. Not nice.

  6. I don't bless <4 minute graves because not having a half decent gravestone means you don't care if you lose your stuff.


    Other than that I usually bless.




    I died at frost dragons about a week back, the guy there wanted to loot my grave, so he didn't bless it. After about 6 minutes of my 15 minute gravestone, I had everything back and teleported. Told the player thanks for not blessing my grave, never to return to that world - knowing that player wanted to loot my grave and play on my misfortune of disconnecting (which was out of my control).


    I saw two people die while frost dragon camping and blessed both of them. Neither of them thanked me, but because they had the best gravestone (dwarven one) it showed me they care about their items, so I was glad to bless them - thanks or no thanks :-)


    But yes I didn't expect my gravestone to appear after I had to close the runescape page due to the horrible disconnection I was faced with. Thank goodness I bought the best grave too, I would have lost my fury amulet because korasi's sword (currently) protects over fury ammy o_O

  7. Yeah I don't understand why people are raging about making death easier on players. Honestly, it would be even greater if you didn't lose anything - that way people would be encouraged to boss hunt more without risk. Food would just give you the ability to stay longer. I think the update will be great.


    Funny thought:


    Limbo - reminds me of the limbo thing in Inception XD

  8. The only thing I'm worried about this update is if I disconnect and have to close the runescape page. Would I still be in limbo? Would I still be able to choose my 3 items I want to keep? Quite worried about this, because the ONLY times I have ever died were due to disconnections which were out of my control :-(


    Other than that worry, I think it's a great update.

  9. Sorry guys these last few weeks things have become more and more blurry in my left eye, to the point where it's not just sleepydirt or being tired, and I seriously think something is wrong with it.


    I'm going to have to cut my goal short :-( I wish I could kill frost dragons till I reach my goal, but at this rate I'll probably be blind by then. When I look back at what I've achieved in the small amount of time, I think I've done pretty well, heck, I'ved turned 167M into 303M (includes the money made from brackish blades). I think my runescape days are coming to an end soon now with my left eye playing up, and I don't want to go blind, so I may not even be on much anymore :-(


    I'll go check it out anyway, and if it's just something small or I need glasses or something I'll be able to continue my goal, but for now I'm going to have to cut it short :-( thanks for all the support you guys have given me <3:

  10. I personally love the brackish blade. It looks AMAZING, almost like an abyssal scimitar. I'm using it for frost dragon slaying and it's quite fun to use. I'm also glad I can train attack with stab now, rather than training controlled with korasi's sword (yes I don't have chaotic rapier - I will one day, hold your horses).

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