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  1. i keep my defender with protect pray when i use rapier. but maul is probably better (maybe not if youre using salve) how long does it take to get a full inventory of salves? i only have three left so i'm quite hesitant to use them
  2. longsword is better than rapier for bandos, but longsword is only really best for solos. with defender, rapier is basically as good as longsword, and maul is the best pure dps.
  3. iirc, salve has a protect value of 300 now. aka lower than sharks...although i could use monkfish lol is it easy to get more shards from the haunted mine?
  4. Do you guys bring salve (e) to revs? I want to but I only have four in the bank, and I don't want to have to get new ones every time I die. Is it easy? I havent bought the slayer rings so I can't just go into tarn's again. Also, I've tried both maul and rapier, and I prefer maul because it eliminates some of the healing ability. Also somebody told me that they heal more with faster hitting weapons but I don't trust that
  5. summoning is not very important in dung, you'll only need one rager for the team. and only for some bosses, so its fine that you can't use the highest tiered ones yourself. I'd say put in the time and get rapier+maul before doing a considerable amount of anything else, you won't regret it.
  6. i'm getting 85 atm, currently 74. i was planning on doing magic pots from 76, but is it efficient to do super antis and spec restores to 85 so that I have them already? or does it slow down training
  7. Lupes


    I think getting 85 herb costs about the same as getting 85-92 for overloads...idt I'll be doing that anytime soon. but only 45mil is not bad
  8. Lupes


    yeah, I actually changed my plan, and am getting 85 herb as we speak! I didn't realize it would be so cheap (45 mil or so) keep the advice coming! :thumbsup:
  9. Lupes


    alrighty then, I think I'll keep going and get that maul for waterfiends. I actually only have about 75k tokens left, so it might be worth it even if i didnt end up using waterfiends much. any other thoughts/suggestions? about anything really :P the people here seem more knowledgeable than RS forums so i may post questions a lot lol ooh another- I hear its better to use effigies on summon than pray. how much better? i'll probably end up doing the calculations before I use them, but if I get turmoil first should I use them (i have 13 atm, bound to have at least 20 by then) or save for yak? also, what are some crim estimates for uni/yak? ~500 crims and blues atm
  10. Hi all I had a pretty set plan, but I've heard that it might not be the way to go so I'm checking to see what you guys think I have 85 dung and a rapier, fewer than 100k tokens away from a maul. I'm planning on getting turm and a yak as soon as I can, through use of frosties and waterfiends. Is it worth getting the maul for waterfiends alone? Are there better options? Somebody mentioned cannoning black demons (I tried, didnt seem great) and chinning nechs. I also want to get max melee stats so I'd rather not burst unless its definitely better. Thoughts? any advice on anything is cool lol. what should be my priority, summoning because it'd help at frosties or frosties because they're getting more crowded every day? anything absolutely need getting with the tokens I'd save by not getting the maul? (I dont think there is really) my bank is about 60/70mil atm (after a 63mil fiasco) and I have elite void. I can give whatever other info that is relevant
  11. registered for the forums after a nice rage/dung with bunyip :P w117 never again! (shudder)
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