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Everything posted by asfcjfdyitfhglh

  1. Hey cloud, if I went up to you and gave you 307K frost dragon bones and the herbs needed for each burner in 1 trade, would you get it? Sure it's pretty easy - about 200 hours of offering bones. But would you get it? Because it still takes work to get in the POH, light them again, etc. It's like if someone is terribly ill - they need someone else's help to get back on track. But then they do something amazing, world changing. You're saying you don't respect them because someone else was the reason they were able to do it? I'm sure if the sick person waited years they might heal, same as I'm sure if S U O M I worked for hears he'd eventually have enough money. But why wait that time when you can have a little help go a long way. Also, (I'm assuming) Suomi won't use runners for prayer. Like telmomarques, lemar, host Bart etc did. But they still get praised. They literally gave someone else the money and the runners did 99% of the work. Lastly, and this is most important, HE DOES NOT ASK. People know it is an option, and they do so out of personal choice, because they a.) think he deserves it for his hard work, b.) think he is friendly and hospitable (as he is) and wish to do so for that reason, or c.) they are quitting, and believe that would be the smartest investment. All in all Suomi keep it up. And if it will please anyone, when you reach 200M all, give away all extra money you accumulated by having a drop party or something. Maybe help out the next person going for 200M all with a huge donation :P
  2. Hmm... well in fourth grade I found out so many ways to bypass our school's blocks that they put a whole new system in, which I got through as well in about 10 minutes lol. In fifth grade I filled my g drive with empty folders till it was full and that caused our network to lag like heck for a week... Also I talked a lot in class... got in trouble there a lot too... I played runescape but was never caught haha. I did a bunch of little tricks here and there and got away with most of them... once I called my friend a [kitty] at lunch and I was very loud about it... I got out of it by saying 'what's the plural form than? Octopi?" and the teacher thought I just messed up my words... I went into notepad and created a VBS script and renamed it Internet explorer and gave it the icon, and than when my teacher came back in I turned on the projector so everyone saw... The VBS said my teacher was annoying... I downloaded a ton of files at my new school and they couldn't figure out how I got past their stuff... I was called down to the office along with a few other students I helped download stuff... One day I put purell on every chair in the class... I didn't get in trouble though... I was mocking our L.A. teachers' phrase he always used and he was right behind me the whole time... a long list for me to be honest I'm sure I'm missing a lot of things. I just finished 8th and I got much less obnoxious this year... Focused more on school, and managed to get high honours... Top 2% of new England :) I'm not counting stuff like getting caught texting or listening to music during class... that's not very big haha
  3. Been watching his progress for a while now glad to see he finally reached 20K He also said he's going to get 11K more for slayer! Also just thinking... If he had done sorceress' garden and saved enough sq'uirks or whatever they're called he could've maxed thieving today also and broke 200m exp in a day... plus he could do some really fast crafting methods also to max that and get even more xp... 210Mish in 1 day, breaking daily and weekly
  4. Hey is there a method for fishing that gains agility xp? Perhaps less xp/hour than other methods but it trains both? Because if there was that would be a smart idea to do. Let's say straight fishing is 100K/hour and this way is 70K/ hour if the agility gain were over 30K/hour it would be better right?
  5. Mod chrisso isn't the smartest jmod out there... http://www.youtube.com/watch?nomobile=1&v=YaVK55W8pxI
  6. Oh and I noticed that Olivier more than has the charms for 200M summoning... he should pouch there and use those lamps on rc or agility.
  7. Thanks man. On topic: Enrix E B is going to be enjoying literally his last week as rank 5 slayer... S U O M I is about 8m away from Enrix, and not stopping. Wyvernrider4 is 3M away from 200M and permanent rank 4.
  8. Or he could do demonic thrones and get it in like 10 minutes
  9. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/705/hahalolz.png/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/594/hahalol2.png/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/810/hahalol3.png/ goodfight
  10. Here's the thing. I'm going to assume that after 7 years of playing you changed your display name at least once. So the person had to know your original display name also. Even in recovering, you have to know the original name. So that means it was either: -An old friend you deleted -Someone who lived near you and had access to your house and saw it written somewhere (unlikely) -Someone who you told your info to on rs that saved it in their notes section and was stupid with their account and got hacked -A phishing site or you downloaded a keylogger or screen sharer and it recorded your keystrokes. Let's take #2 and 4 off the list. That means: A old deleted friend (probably over something stupid, and was mad at you) Your credentials were on a friend your shared accounts with (and he got hacked) Or you downloaded a dangerous file. A keylogger seems unlikely as if you did download one it would not be made by a rs account hacker; they only store those in more rs-related files. So what that means is that it was probably you were too loose with your account details. Either way, in the future, remember, your friends list is pixels. You don't know any of them in real life. Don't share personal details that could potentially be your recoveries, and change them very 3-4 months. Lastly I want to say that I noticed that you said you got back on, meaning the password wasn't changed. This means that it was more likely a phishing site wanting just your money. Anyways, that's my 2ยข. Gl making that back man. And be careful. Oh btw if I were you I would use a safe browser (eg google chrome) and go to runescape.com. Make sure it is the correct rs, and then bookmark it and from them on access it that way. Misspelling the URL won't be a problem. And never follow links. All I can say.
  11. Okay I'm going to do some research for you as Ive wanted to see someone do this, but I do know this: TRAIN AGILITY FIRST. It will speed up all your tasks. Also get crafting to the higher levels immediately so that you can make urns. Don't dung until most of your levels are 50+ for skilling purposes. Do a farming run every day. Also get firemaking to 92 before woodcutting, and then use adze 1-99 wc; this is essentially 4.33 mil frer firemaking exp as you cut.
  12. Drumgun if you're reading this I know you want front page ranks for the first 13 skills, and prayer is 21/22 at the moment, so you better bury if you want that final frontpage spot... (see what I did there? Bury? Cause it sounds like hurry? But its related to the prayer skill?? Nvm.....)
  13. [hide] Hi I think you're looking for Zarfot's channel edit: you forgot the obligatory "good fight," good fight. [/hide] O I was actually referencing how no matter how someone does something there's always someone saying there could be a more 'efficient' way good fight
  14. Hi personally I'm killing exactly 25,000 corporeal beasts 0-200M attack exp, as I will get 33.3 Spectral shields, 16.67 Elysian spirit shields, 8.3 Arcane spirit shields, and 4.167 Divines, plus ~130,000 blue charms which I will use to make that many Geyser Titan pouches, resulting in 101,816,000 summoning exp, and will be paid for by the 1,604,321,838.9, 852,190,303.98, 3,889,284,342.5, and 3,141,208,568.25 geepees that I will accumulate from selling the respective sigils, for a total of 9,487,005,053.63, not including drops, which will fund the 1.725B spent on supplies plus pouches. During the time waiting for the beast to respawn I can attach a total of 36 feathers to dragon dart tips, resulting in 900 exp each time, for a total of 22.5M exp in fletching as well. After crafting them I will use them on the dark core, earning 2.25M ranged exp as well. In total I also get 83.3 effigies, plus after ~10 corporeal beasts I get a random, meaning 2500 990 exp lamps to be used on Runecrafting for and additional 2,475,000 Runecrafting exp. Putting white lilies in the Wilderness flower patch to check every 4 kills is also 2M farming exp. Most profitable way 0-200M combat exp if you ask me. Oops no slayer exp oh well.
  15. The S U O M I interview was a good read... check it out
  16. S U O M I, you should talk to Win All Day... he's more than got the funds for the remaining buyables you have... and that's about 1B exp or so, not including summoning.
  17. Um, tezaki1 is maxed f2p (1614 total), where is she on that list?
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