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Posts posted by Arthu

  1. Unlocked my Burgh de Rott teleport. :thumbup: Not sure if I'm going to go for the Ghast familiar, considering how slow the 2 hard guys level. I have the easy and medium diffuculty npcs 99'ed alread.


    Same here, I think I'll just wait until if someone finds a good use for ghasts, and/or an easy way to train those hard followbies.

  2. So far... that'll do, I guess.

    They do need to re-word the "We've seen some big updates this year", though.


    We have seen, though.

    Support for clans?

    Removing PK worlds and returning the economy to what it should be, whilst keeping the grand exchange? (some may call this a downgrade, I don't give a dog about that opinion tho)


    They're pretty big, you can't disagree. Or, you can, but that makes you typical rs player.

  3. I'll just name the people who have influenced me the most, as well as influencing many of the other players.



    the founder of the Order of Cabbage has influenced hundreds of players and changed their playstyle. Of course not alone, but he started the trend, and the snowball is still rolling and slowly growing, at times. Other OoC players have probably influenced me more, but Blackbane started it.


    Axe Man Jack,

    for having his slayer guide and founding the slayer's guild. Those combined got me hooked to slayer, now I just play to slay, if not picking cabbage. I'm sure many other players have gotten hooked on the slayer skill because of his decent guide for medium slayers (on nowaday standards) and the community of tsg.


    These two have influenced some players heavily. Probably not recognised as much as highscore guys, but greatly affected the some people who have found out about them, changing their gaming style. Afterall, most highscore guys just make people admire them. (sure, some of them have brought out some good points and decent guides, but most of them just... are there, and not really changing the community)

  4. Lol shame they didnt make leftclick for every monster..

    Any non listed monsters that you had in mind? Because i think the ones Jagex have made for is pretty great. It preserves the combat left click as you level up.



    How about your current slayer task >_>


    D beasts, all metal dragons, black dragons, mutated and stykeworms and now all one click. There isnt any other slayer task monsters with 138 combat+? ... Cant be catering for all dem lvl 70's who want to one click lesser demons @@@@


    Wyverns, higher LRC, black demons, Tzhaar-Ket.

  5. Lol shame they didnt make leftclick for every monster..

    Any non listed monsters that you had in mind? Because i think the ones Jagex have made for is pretty great. It preserves the combat left click as you level up.



    How about your current slayer task >_>


    As well as skeletal wyverns, regardless of them being task or not. How about frost dragons?

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