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Posts posted by Arthu

  1. Albiet this thread being like a week or two old, I think it deserves a bump.


    There's interesting points brought up in this thread; http://forum.tip.it/topic/277803-u-mad/


    How accepted is 'Trolling' in the online community? Should trolling be banned, or be a mutable offense, or should trolling be socially acceptable? Where do we draw the line? Intelligent trolling requires a very small manipulation in wording to win an argument, not pretending to be stupid, or rich. There are many ways to be annoying in RuneScape, without actually breaking any of the JaGex rules.


    All too often people cry "U mad?" and "It's only a game/pixels". Hmm...


    Edit - Good examples would be the RSOF and RSC.


    Jagex approves trolls, they've even made Trollheim for us. We draw circle lines around the mountain. Intelligent trolling? Wat is dat human? U mad?


    If I said this in RS, should I be banned?


    I don't think so, no matter how annoying I am.

    It just can't be done.

    It's only a game, afterall. If you don't want to hear me, you have your ignore list. You don't have to hear me.

    Y u so srs? U mad?

    Would you want us all to dress in a strict code, too, as well as having names approved by Name Approvement Council? No more Legolez3445's, no more 19lol143334jon's? No more Plx-k0edu-Plx'es!


    Dat good wen burned. Burnt. Want sum meat human? Dat good.

  2. Why can't F2Pers (and members) have an upgrade to longbows? They are way too underpowered in my opinion. The French practically lost the 100 Years War (I think) because of longbows*. The English longbowmen were on the top of a hill, The French mounted nobles in full armor were at the bottom. The French charged up, and got owned ...11 times... but if anyone so much as takes out an unsighted longbow they get pretty much owned by anyone and everyone ... seems kind of... wrong... at least in my own opinion :-|


    *I'll need to re-read my history book on this one


    EDIT: It was the Battle of Crécy in 1346 that I was thinking of.


    How about horses, or tanks? This is runescape, this isn't about to simulate the epic wins Britain has had in real history. No tanks for f2p pls, meaning those you have in inventory signature.

  3. I have always liked these type of updates, they are fun, we don't need to get skill or quest content every week, 3 years ago no one had anything bad to say about these update but now days :mellow:



    What? Nice skills in memory. Good luck on lvl 2.


    Typical, ignorant rs players ragehated the scythes back in the time they were released.

  4. And if you're going to be superheating anyway, I'd suggest mining the gold and smelting it while you mine (it doesn't interrupt the mining so you can just smelt on through while your inventory fills). Good mining/smithing/magic exp all at once.


    This is the most preferred option.


    However, if you're sometimes wanting to smith while being able to afk a little, smelting gold the traditional way is almost as cheap and doesn't require full attention. However, you're losing the mining and magic exp, but sometimes you probably want to do things the afkable way - don't feel sorry about it.

  5. calm down, I didn't ask for a flame war :D, I think ill go with broads tbh.


    I agree, calming down would definately help.


    I am finding one more good side on broads vs rune bolts - broad bolts require much less money put in the bolts in the preparation phase. Especially if you use broads with accumulator. That might be a helpful thing for him, considering OP probably doesn't have as much money as xpx.


    I'd go with rune bolts, though, but I can agree some people rather go with the easiness of broads. It's not that big of a sin.

  6. Be able to weild godswords or darks bows with one hand at 50m range/attack xp pls.


    Please tell me how in the world it would be possible to hold and fire a bow in one hand?


    That's why bows are 2h.


    You show me how to shoot and reload crossbow using 1 hand with RS speed, please. The question isn't "How in the world?" when we talk about runescape.

  7. Usually you can find nubs who will let you win in exchange for ~25-30k.


    And then once they take your 30k you they take your rank? How do I know that they will actually let me win?


    Learn to play, and you'll win them anyways.


    How to know - well, you can't. Even though they just run off with your 30k, it's only 30k. After that, you know you won't be letting them to get any more gp. 30k is so small money you shouldn't worry much about it.

  8. If you only consider those two options, then I'd say herblore - it's generally more expensive, and you'll be probably needing both herblore and prayer in the future.


    I'd suggest considering other options, too.

    If I could decide now which skill I could use 400k free exp for, I'd use for runecraft for sure. RC is just too slow and bad money nowadays, especially before 91. After 91 with my stats, it still shouldn't be considerable money.

  9. In my opinion, yes, rares are worth it. Why? Because they're discontinued. Their prices will never fall. Yes, in the case of deflation, but that's just in price, the net value of the partyhats will just keep growing and growing as time passes, to the point where it exceeds the 2147M trade limit.


    If you think buying them as investing method, you Should not use all your money to buy one/plenty. Why not? Simply because you're pretty much handless, if you just stick all your net worth into single item, waiting for years it to raise. You could make so much more using the money actively to buy/sell items in short term merchanting. If you have time, money, brains and motivation to actively play with cash, they actually Are Not worth it.


    So it all comes down to how you play the game? :rolleyes:


    No. You're allowed to get rares, but they're not always the best method for making money in the long term. That's what I am trying to say, they are debatably worth it, under certain circumstances. Though, buying one now might slow you down enough so you wouldn't be able to have two in some times later... That's the freedom of choice, but we're stating opinions here, aren't we?


    If we were just to play our own game and mind our own businesses, wait, what's these boards for, then?


    I'm stating some stuff I liked to point out, you're free to use or not use my information, and I don't mind people trying to point out the possible flaws I might have.


    AAALLSOOOO... if it would go down to how I play the game, then I would've posted in a different manner - I have bought rares in stupid situations, and still have some of them, albeit the money I have 'chained' in them is out from actually using the money.


    Play your own game, let them play their the way they want to.



    You're one to talk about that.


    If I learn something from runescape players, such as you, am I allowed to use that advice to possibly help other people here?

    In my opinion, I am.

  11. By the way, frost dragons are currently(and the prices are quite low right now) 3.2m an hour GUARANTEED.


    "Not QUARANTEED, if you decide to sing a song between every kill and dropping your mouse / using bronze 2hander to kill them / 9001 other reasons."


    Not that it matters, but there'll always be rs players who will like to tell things in this manner. Live with it.



    On actual topic, I have made some rules for myself:


    The moment someone posts something, it's public information, and to keep it the best possible, it's open for criticism.

    If I feel like pointing out some flaws/questions, I first think what I want to say.

    Then, I try to think what I am probably lacking, to avoid making myself look like a fool.

    If I still think it's worth posting, I might post.


    Don't feel offended about people's opinions, comments or things they claim to be true.

    If someone says 'I think questing sucks', for example, you're almost better to just leave that comment unanswered. There's little to make people like this proven wrong: they don't want to be proven wrong, and then again, it's their opinion. If someone wants to mine copper from 1 to 99 mining, let them. Play your own game, let them play their the way they want to.

    Only when they suggest mining copper with steel pick the fastest method to gain mining exp or steel pick better than mithril pick, I might rather try to give a word about the topic. Spreading false 'facts' is no cool.


    Always have a 'monkey filter'. Sure, most of us think some of the other players are more stupid, more wrong, doing it the way they wouldnt, than the others. So what? Just keep one eye closed and decide you don't have to read their posts. They very seldom are to matter your life, no matter what they contain. You can always ignore the information, and are allowed to do so.


    If you don't know if you should post or not, you might do it anyways.

    Result: The others will flame you, laugh at you, try to prove you wrong.

    Sooo... Live with it. They're just internet geeks who play runescape, anyway. They probably won't be kicking your head while you're off to work, as they'll be playing runescape and being smart in the interets. I know I won't be hating any of you in real life, no matter how rude I might seem on boards sometime.

  12. In my opinion, yes, rares are worth it. Why? Because they're discontinued. Their prices will never fall. Yes, in the case of deflation, but that's just in price, the net value of the partyhats will just keep growing and growing as time passes, to the point where it exceeds the 2147M trade limit.


    If you think buying them as investing method, you Should not use all your money to buy one/plenty. Why not? Simply because you're pretty much handless, if you just stick all your net worth into single item, waiting for years it to raise. You could make so much more using the money actively to buy/sell items in short term merchanting. If you have time, money, brains and motivation to actively play with cash, they actually Are Not worth it.

  13. Summoning HAS to be a combat skill because of the combat familiars.


    Herblore HAS to be a combat skill because of the combat potions.


    Let's think: If a skill gives combat levels, it is a combat skill.


    Let's Say: Combat level ONLY Actually matters in pvp.

    Smaller 'matters' exist too, I know, I am not going to document them here, I hope you won't, either.

    In other places, Combat level is Almost purely cosmetic.




    Extreme potions are the ONLY reason why herblore COULD be considered a combat skill - only people with decent herblore levels CAN use them.

    Otherwise, if they were tradeable, they'd be like other potions, or even swords used when smithed: everyone has access to them, therefore they won't affect combat.


    However, extreme potions CANNOT be used in PVP.

    If they could be, and still were untradeable, herblore 80+ Should raise your combat level In My Opinion, but ONLY to make PVP balanced. It'd Sound stupid, to have 'skilly skill' herblore raise your combat, though.


    Summoning CAN be used in PVP

    Therefore, Summoning SHOULD raise combat level.



    That's my two and a half pence.

  14. undo just gtfo, 2 years ago party hats where junk and buyable in the ge.


    And now they're.....


    maybe you should gtfo


    Well... if you wanted a party hat, you had a chance.

    I bought yellow one back then - I used my chance. ^^



    Edit: on actual subject -

    the grand exchange has been out for ages now, and is yet to be fixed completely.

    I'm sure Jagex will find some solution to that, sooner or later: if not this year, then probably in 2011. I have no hurry, they're usually fixing things, sooner or later.


    When did I say I wanted a party hat?


    When did I say you said you wanted one?

    (sorry, couldn't resist :) )

  15. if you wait for the new update to come, they have a new hunter thing to train, gives you charms for summoning 2


    I'll only consider that, if it will be considerably fast hunting experience. Otherwise, I'll stick for faster methods for hunter, because camping frost dragons should eventually give me enough charms for 99 summoning.



    About that icon, I actually tried to get it so it'd show out which skill I got the level in. ^^

  16. Its surely okay, but don't use a stole, you shouldn't be praying but your first brother, i.e karil since it's the hardest against this method.

    Just be sure to use B Robes, because the runes are expensive! And don't get KC it won't help your barrow item chance.


    Getting tokens to charge the B robes would take time out from doing barrows, therefore actually lowering the amount of money made per hour, as long as you can barrow efficiently.


    Touchè! So by effecient would blitz/Sally be okay? Cos that's my current method, I just wanted to try something else


    Should be okay, not that I've barrowed much lately, though. It's always good to try different things - you might figure out something small that will help you further on just by trying different methods, even though they would be generally worse.

  17. Two years ago was quite a while ago as 999th said, and I'm pretty sure you could get p hats from ge by then.


    Gives you something to think: Consider carefully what you're doing now, you might want to look back in another two years, and notice you did something right.

  18. I'd rather the dark lord of the elves to be real bad, Morgoth-like Satan type. The evil gods, Zamorak and Zaros, seem like wussies: Zamorak is just a lich who got lucky. Zaros is just 'a being' which could be stabbed with a staff. The only bad guys in Runescape who seem to have some mystery in them are the Dragonkins, and Lord Drakan. Probably mainly because not much is revealed about them, yet. Mahjarrats are just... meh. They have 'civil wars' and politics, and yet have failed to do much reasonable in thousands of years. (C'mon, meet in the north already, anyways!)

  19. undo just gtfo, 2 years ago party hats where junk and buyable in the ge.


    And now they're.....


    maybe you should gtfo


    Well... if you wanted a party hat, you had a chance.

    I bought yellow one back then - I used my chance. ^^



    Edit: on actual subject -

    the grand exchange has been out for ages now, and is yet to be fixed completely.

    I'm sure Jagex will find some solution to that, sooner or later: if not this year, then probably in 2011. I have no hurry, they're usually fixing things, sooner or later.

  20. Bandos is luxury, turm/soul split is next to necessity. 92 prayer is useless, 95 prayer is the best thing in the world(for slayer). You can easily make the money back once you have ss/turm.


    This. Bandoses are heavily overrated and usually barely worth using even if you could after 95 prayer: Using proselytes has many superior attributes when compared to bandoses, on many slayer tasks.

  21. Its surely okay, but don't use a stole, you shouldn't be praying but your first brother, i.e karil since it's the hardest against this method.

    Just be sure to use B Robes, because the runes are expensive! And don't get KC it won't help your barrow item chance.


    Getting tokens to charge the B robes would take time out from doing barrows, therefore actually lowering the amount of money made per hour, as long as you can barrow efficiently.

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