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Posts posted by Arthu

  1. So I was at the GE on w99 talking to a friend when someone asked me if I wanted a rank in their dicing clan for free. I said sure and started hosting... After an hour I went from a ~50M bank to a 150M bank, then the owner said if I didn't buy the rank I'd lose it and it would become unavailable, so I bought it for 60M. 3 hours later and this is my bank. Completely cleaned another host from the same FC I host in...




    I'm either buying a H'ween mask or 99 Herb/Pray/Con atm.

    you PAID 60M JUST for a rank? what the hell? Whats stopping me just opening a chat and going "join, but pay me 10m for a rank"?

    The fact that he made 250M in 3 hours tells me it was a trusted CC with trusted ranks. You could open your CC, but I doubt anyone would bet any more then 2M on you. Paying 60M for a rank is extremely good considering some CCs are 1B-2B for general.

    How does that even work to begin with? have a fat paycheck, become trusted, then open a chat and get MORE? No offence but when the [bleep] is jagex ever going to think of low income players (GP wise, not IRL) and stop [bleep]ing us over. -.-


    It's not jagex's fault people make up this kind of systems... also, they're not taking your LOW income away, unless you're dumb enough to dice them in hope for profits.

  2. To get this back on topic, it looks like SUOMI has secured the 15th spot on the construction highscores. This will be his 9th (technically 8th, but slayer is all but a wrap) 200m on the front page of the respective skill - now I haven't gone through all of the others, but is this a record?


    Drumgun has already 8 200mills secured on first page


    Chilly has 7.

  3. There is BOA.

    If you do certain quests, you'll be punished with extra tasks available from slayer masters.

    If you level up defence, you won't be able to deal any more damage, but you'll be punished with extra combat levels which make you unable to battle certain levels in wilderness.

  4. It's hard to find anything to say.


    They really look nicely done with time used, but how'd they look while played, seems to be a question that matters more - and that we can not really answer.

    You do have talent for planning floors. They're well done... and something different, therefore probably hard to comment. Not many people plan battlefields AND browse this board.

  5. there's a guy who is autoing an account to max and already has nearly 20 99's


    Who is the guy?



    Suomi has stopped training Slayer and he's 10m xp off, but now hes is catching up with construction.

    Could this mean a double 200m xp party? That is if it's efficient and not an xp waste. ;)



    i don't condone botting, just something i stumbled across.


    im sure if someone took the time to go through hs and matched up stats you'd find his name

    In the 99 runecrafting pic a guy says: "You deserved it"


    ...... LOL

    He's also the guy that donated 120m to him to help with his goal. WTF


    They seem to have a nice little community.


    That's the awesome price gouging free trade for ya...


    Even IRL there's no such thing as 'free trading' in rs now - if something happens on a stock there would be SEC llimits and trade suspensions - but here in RS - we're all at the mercy of the investors merchants.


    Quit whining. If there WAS demand to keep the price up, it would stay up.

    Also, investors/merchants/whoever would ONLY keep the price UP at this moment. But there is not enough buyers wanting the staff for 100m - therefore the price goes down as the supply increases.


    Yes, I spam. He's asking for it.

    Is this picture thread or economy thread?

  7. ^ I don't see a submission to the Website Crew. They're probably cutting themselves right now :P


    Gah, I thought all those pro's wouldve already submitted data. The image is free to use, anyway.


    Edit: also.... at http://forum.tip.it/topic/279495-items-that-need-an-examine-items-that-need-an-image/

    they say: "There are currently no items that need an image or an examine!"


    Sure they would've edited that if they NEEDED the Orb of armadyl, no?


    Anyway... untradeable, examine is in the message bar, item name is in top right corner. Only weight I lack. Gl on finding someone to try and alch it.


    Stick a plain battlestaff up to it to create Armadyl battlestaff. THAT one should be easy to find, as it's tradeable and stuff.

    Lol, not even wikia has this picture yet. Me so pro.

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