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Posts posted by Kirschen

  1. Finally bred my Super Singles team. Honestly, I find TruAnt style a bit... boring. Oh well, going to do this just to get the BP up first


    Belphegor the Durant @ Lum Berry (no Occa Berry or Scarf on me for now)

    Jolly Nature. Truant.

    - Iron Head

    - X-Scissor

    - Thunder Wave (why not)

    - Entrainment


    Oktavia the Gyarados @ Gyaradosite

    Adamant Nature. Intimidate -> Mold Breaker

    - Protect

    - Dragon Dance

    - Waterfall

    - Earthquake


    Accelerator the Blaziken @ Expert Belt (Again, none of the fun toys yet)

    Jolly Nature. Speed Boost

    - Protect (To get +1 Spe)

    - Flare Blitz

    - Shadow Claw 

    - High Jump Kick


    Basically. Entrain Truant, switch to Oktavia to set up/protect/Mega kill, and the last one is in case the Mega Gyarados falls. Honestly, Entrainment is a bit too bland for my taste so may switch up something. For instance, I wanted your opinion on if this would do good in Super Singles:


    Scolipede @ Focus Sash (to survive setting up SD... once I get 48 BP) or Lum Berry (so Statuses don't get passed)

    Jolly Nature. Speed Boost

    252 Atk/252 Spe/4 in HP or SpD

    - Swords Dance

    - Protect

    - Baton Pass

    - Megahorn


    Swords Dance and using sash to survive, then Protect to get another speed boost. Then I can baton pass +2 atk and spe to whatever other teamate in the Super Singles fight, preferably a Mega. Megahorn is just there for STAB and in case of some odd event happening. Entrain + DD and Protect Mega is a bit too slow and dull with a touch of unoriginal and I am able to breed that Scolipede in mind too.

  2. If he was referring to December, Pokebank is what he likely meant. If November... I am just as clueless.


    My breeding still hasn't been going well. This would have been a lot less time consuming if I found someone with Ditto in their Safari.

  3. [hide]IROH! UNCLE IROH![/hide]


    That is all.




    I know! I should have know better given I assumed the first people from the previous series that would visit Korra would be Aang or Roku, but not Iroh. The fact that Iroh then proceeded to do some mentoring with Korra just made his appearance the best thing in that episode for me.



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