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Posts posted by Kirschen

  1. I heard something about monochrome sprites or something, but I dismissed that as a mere rumor. I guess that is what was meant by "albino". Although, monochrome versions of some mons look interesting, most would likely look unappealing to me.

  2. I kinda stopped liking Zilyana once I found out her backstory, which made her out to be a [bleep]. I guess she is a harpy in every sense of the term. I still don't like her; wings should be the arms after all.


    You know, I should do a Harpy Pokemon Run of Y where I only use flying types given there are plenty to use. Then again, I would never follow on it like 80% of my ideas.

  3. Yeah, I could have imagined this scene.


    *3 Flare grunts see the machine rise*


    Grunt 1: Hey, Lisa, Vincent.

    Vincent (Grunt 2): Yeah, bro?

    Lisa (Grunt 3): What, Jacob?

    Jacob: I am thinking... this is really special moment.

    Lisa: I am not going to celebrate with a threesome.

    Jacob: That is not what I meant. I mean, some serious shit is going to go down and there is this awesome weapon we have. I say we call Phil, give him some "last meal cash" and take some pics.

    Lisa:... Seriously?

    Vincent: Okay, so you want to bask in the moment by taking some pictures. Damn.

    Jacob: Look at these guys here taking pics on their god damn phones. They're the ones suffering bystander syndrome.

    Lisa: You got a point. Okay, let's do some pics!

    Vincent: Oh yeah! Also, let's trash the hotel for giggles.


    Of course, they didn't tip Phil one bit. Jerks.

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  4. I am pretty sure I have a Black Felt hat on.... I should check. Also, I do have a Black Trenchcoat, but I felt like I wasted 300K Pokedollars at times.


    Yeah, I do have a Black Felt Hat on in that pic. I can buy a White Fedora since it is in Lumiose Boutique for me right now. But I like my dark/light balance as it is. Plus, White Fedora is 100K Pokedollars. I may consider a Black Fedora if I come across one though.


    EDIT: I just realized my outfit looks just like a schoolgirl's uniform.

  5. I heard rumors that getting shinies seem to be easier. I know most simply use the Masuda method as usual, but I got Zangoose in the wild. I still need to catch myself a few Absols to work on a project I had in mind.


    Also, here is my latest fashion outfit in X. I think my "absent-mindedly looking away from the camera" may not have improved the image I had in mind. I am seriously considering using part of the image for my new Avatar (but Sexy Sycamore is nice) or just use it for my new signature. Thoughts?



  6. So I was trailing around Route 8 for a bit to look for a certain mon. Then I found my first shiny encounter in Gen VI: Zangoose! It looks rather nice with its blue coloring, but I wish it didn't have a Timid nature. 


    I still need to get around to breeding.

  7. Sticky Web is true. Apparently, Galvantula is going to be receiving a lot of love for being one of the few who can make use of it. On the other hand, Defog did get a buff though.

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