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Posts posted by Kirschen

  1. You decided to engage in the pastime of hiking. Unfortunately, being unaware you bought a dated (and poorly translated) guide book, several things went awry. First of all, you get bitten by several serpents and use the wrong antidote each time, then run into five hives of angry hornets without the knowledge of it due to the book's lack of information, piss off several crazy hunters, and then succumb after an unfortunate counter with Poison Ivy.


    Mother Nature is a jerkass.

  2. Three reasons as to why I liked 2006 in spite of the middling graphics:


    1) I could focus on my friends and interacting with them and not get looked down upon for not focusing on the more ambitious aspects such as reaching level 99 stats and everything. I could basically focus on doing things without a care in the world and still have plenty to do. Given Skillcapes were a recent concept at the time, it did give me some ideas of what to do still.

    2) The metagame was not firmly established at the time. I am not anti-metagame by any means, but I wasn't really enjoying discussing goals and achievements with others later in my RS life on account of hearing too much of how they were going to achieve their desired objectives and not so much as why. I simply kept hearing too much of the same damn thing over and over.

    3) Jagex was, in my opinion, had their standards on a higher level than the abysmal level it is currently at (read: low). They weren't prone to missing dates and pushing them back and a certain group didn't buy them from Andrew and Paul.


    I will admit that 2006 did have its faults and some left more to be desired. Overall, I found 2006 one of my favorite years to play Runescape with the only regret being that I wasn't a Tip.Iter at the time.

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  3. So far, half of mine is appearing to be Greninja/Charizard (X Mega)/Aegislash. The other 3 are still being decided at the moment, but it's likely I will add a Fairy, Electric, and Grass type to the arsenal. So maybe Florges/Helioisk/Trevenant.


    Greninja, X-Zard, Aegislash, Florges, Helioisk, and Trevenant seems my planned team, but changing is likely given Kalos Dex's massive size. I might as well experiment a bit.

  4. So Mewtwo does show up in the game normally?


    Also, the E4 + Champion was leaked yesterday. Drasna is my favorite of the four for that ridiculously serene look on her face.

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