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Everything posted by darthaddict

  1. The two clan articles are great and right on the money. As an overseer in the RS Addicts, people don't seem to know how hard it is to run a clan. As a clan admin i see how hard it is, and I'm thinkful for my clan leader for all his work. The 2nd article to me was bad because it was just someone remembering their time on rs before they quit. It didn't bring any discussion or analyze anything about the game as most of the articles do in the times. I would have liked it to be categorized as a fiction article.
  2. The article Balance of Power had 3 major errors in it. The author said that Lucien "no concrete goals". Lucien did have a goal it was to become a god. Also he said about the Dragonkin " they abuse power only for power’s sake." Which is again not true. They killed Lucien becomes he was using the Stone of Jas because they are the guardians of the stone. They get enraged when unworthy people use the stone and that is why they kill those uses like Lucien and the Kethsians. So how good are the dragonkin? We don't know, and in fact we could team up with them to fight a greater evil. Also at the end of Nomad's Requim he escapes and says we (player) doomed the world. Is that true? Only future quests will say if it is or not. So get your facts straight before you make generalizations.
  3. First off u cant eat it anyway because your character says they wont eat it. 3rd article was the best article because it brought a new interesting idea. I would love that have Jagex have this idea into the game somehow.
  4. First article seemed like a rant as to why TS Stormrage quit (if he did). If i wanted to read a rant on why some one quit, i would be using the RSOF. Second article was a bunch of questions of the beta and some possible outcomes, really nothing new there. Last article was by far the best. I started playing that way, but i found it to be too much like doing chores, so i stop. I am now doing what i want on the game like you should be doing. P.S Thanks for having the articles out faster than normal.
  5. I doubt they would go down. They would stay the same or go down due to similar demand or less demand.
  6. What im saying is there is no need to have rune pickaxes or hatchet added to the toolbelt. There was a need in dung, but not anymore since they fixed that.
  7. Nope, I misread that fair and square! My bad. :) In that case disregard my comments about the first article and I agree, let us put higher-tier tools in the outside-world toolbelt. As long as we can remove them again of course. :3 I disagree. I am glad that they dont have us add higher item to toolbelt outside dung. It makes sense in dung because you lose all your stuff that isnt in the toolbelt or binded. You don't have that problem outside dung. TS' article did seem like a rant, but i agreed with most of it. The other two articles were right on, but im not so sure of the no map thing. I guess im just use to a map feature too much.
  8. I thought the first one was well written and i agree with it. The only the article forgot to mention was the lack of quest for the past TWO MONTHS! Jagex always pride itself with releasing at least one quest a month. I hope may makes up for it. The last two article are categorizes wrong. They should be fiction pieces, NOT guest editorials.
  9. First article was very good. The botting article was also good and showed an interesting viewpoint that is sadly not heard much, a regretting botter. Hey Josh welcome back to playing rs for real, and if u need a friend to talk to, just pm me, Addict Kevan.
  10. not alot of post this tip.it times. I hope there are more next times.
  11. I agree that the firemaker's curse firemaking from 90 to 74 was very disappointing, and like the author, lower my positive feeling about Jagex and the future of rs after the botting nuke. Jagex did do something to improve my feelings about them though. They listened to one of my clan (RS Addicts) leader's thoughts about the new tier 7 citadel vex. Now everyone who gets a tirr 7 citadel can get that special vex instead of only those who got a tier 7 citadel this month. w00t my first, first post.
  12. For North America, there was 1 Costa Rican and 1 Mexican. I grouped those from Quebec into Canada. [spoiler=Graphs] Thanks for those graphs. It amazed me that the average age of males and females has a 10 year difference, which explains the education levels. The survey article was by far my favorite. The fake bts, I know so people would find it funny, but not me. I prefer real information so i skimmed it. The number cruncher article was good. It put a new opinion on a subject that i thought was way over done.
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