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Posts posted by Donnie

  1. this is 90% stating the obvious, especially for dates and early relationships. If this is common sense to you then its probably not advice for you.


    I am writing this for guys I know who may get a girlfriend or a date then not kiss her for a month because they are waiting for "the right moment" (read: "her to initiate") and Im trying to say that for these ultra nice guys that touching isn't a bad thing are you aren't a pervert rapist for doing it. That she likes you and wants you to make a move.





    This is more or less what I'm telling you to do. This is a rejection and its good, in this case the reason was the fat guy. If she wasn't that into you, you would get that response here. On a date this is a good thing to do.

  2. In the context of sexual relationships, especially teenaged ones, this phenomenon is known as the "friendzone", but really it's a much larger concept as I've described and it's also not a 'final' point, which is another assumption. The friendzone has two parts: Firstly, if you act like a friend to a girl, they will treat you as one; secondly, once you're in the friendzone, you can't come "out" of there. The first part is definitely true, as I've just described, and in Saq's case, the more he spends time talking to this girl online like two BFFs would, the more this girl will treat him like a BFF, because that's the assumption she's drawing from his behaviour. There's no reasonable basis to suggest Saq wants anything else, from the way he's acting.


    As a rule internet relationships suck because the difference between friends and a boyfriend is not what you talk about but how you touch.


    That said unless she absolutely likes you to begin with your screwed the longer you talk without touching.

  3. Sexualization of content comes from sexual repression and the taboo of it. In countries where sex is a very open topic you have much less sexualization on TV then the United States. Here we talk about sex a lot more but dont show anything, there they show stuff from time to time but dont really bring it up because its not a big deal.


    Plus there is sexual shame in the states for BOTH men and women. Its also not coincidental that the most religious contries watch the most porn.

  4. Property was enforced by social norms.

    Law was enforced by social norms. English common law is a good example of that since peasents didn't have access to neither kings law nor church law so they appealed to arbiters who were known to be fair, out of case rulings a case law emerged from it. None of this was government enforced.



    The only thing I cant find a market solution for is a military protection of a stateless region against other states. Private guerrilla war works but it has obvious flaws as does donations for nukes. So my reason for not a total anarchist is because of the defense against other states dilemma.

  5. My aunt once gave me the pro flirting tip to just seek eye contact with people on the streets, in bars,... It makes people feel noticed, which in its turn makes them notice you. You wouldn't believe what a difference that makes. It may be a more successful tactic for girls, but I'm sure it would benefit us all to do this instead of always looking at the ground as if we're looking for lost change.


    For guys its more about filtering.


    If i notice a girl made eye contact with me for half a second longer then most people I make eye contact with I automatically assume that she has some level of interest. A double take or stare is even more obvious. But its important for guys to keep eye contact for that reason because guys who look down, are drunk, or look away quickly miss those cues.


    edit: a lot of htis is more or less obvious but when putting it to words it looks a lot more complicated then it is

  6. Yeah I agree with that sees_all1


    The truth is I dont know if planned obselecense is a good or bad thing. My money is that it is fullfilling the demands of society. People would rather buy a new toaster for $20 then get one that will last forever for $100. So people buying the cheap toasters signifies that it is their demand. Could be market manipulation but I doubt it.


    This is especially true with the computer industry.

  7. Its a daily battle but its not impossible to beat severe anxiety.


    Start small.


    How about asking a cashier how their day was. Or asking the time from people you aren't attracted to.


    If either of these are too scary start smaller. But consistent exposure is how you beat the anxiety, once you can ask any old person what time it is, try asking only girls you find attractive. The more often you actively fight anxiety by doing something the better your long term results will be. True confidence always gives better results then drunk confidence.

  8. Disagree. Protecting the rights of the innocent requires protecting the rights of the guilty. It is simpler to apply the rule to all naming of names, rather than to have to selectively determine when to apply. It is always possible for the evidence to be wrong.


    This. But even worse then that, you realize names mean nothing. One of the guys doing this was publicly named and shamed by Jagex during the semi-recent dupe but hes on another acount and a VPN. Just beause the account "prosk8tr3345" (i made that name up, any and all similarities with any rule breakers is purely coincidental) may be cheating says nothing about who the person behind the account is.


    Which is why I say its pointless to list glitchers names, because all the ones who actually do it to make real money have a dozen or more accounts with no main they care about. Also most of the time they buy accounts (which are likely scammed or hacked prior to that).


    Then you got other glitchers who do it to show off so listing their names is just going to stroke their ego. This group probably posted a video of how to do it on youtube and maybe even their rs name.


    Then you got legitimate players who were doing a mass leaked glitch. But whats the point of naming and shaming when half the arena was doing it by that point?

  9. I would definitely recommend flirting without alcohol for a while if your used to doing it while drunk/buzzed.


    Ayyways your real goal once you got a healthy network is to talk to girls in it, tell them that you find them cute and would like to get to know them. What you are doing is filtering girls who don't like you, to avoid a friendzone. Keep in mind a girl who doesn't like you will never like you and you shouldnt waste your time on her. That girl who "friendzoned" you that eventually you got with, had liked you this whole time and in a roundabout way you were the one who friendzoned her.


    The more you make it clear that your interested by flirting via conversation and physically the less time you waste on a girl who doesn't like you. This is where "nice guys" go wrong, they are too scared to be rejected that they don't filter out girls who dont like them and spend all their time trying to seduce her by being nice or buyer her interests. Both are backhanded and kind of manipulative.


    So when you approach or get approached just display your interest if you do have interest. Tell her you find her cute, flirt with her and touch her. If she is interested she will respond to it. If she isn't you avoided being thrown in the friendzone. I cant guarantee anything but since the girl approached you at the party she obviously had some interest in you and if you would've showed her interest in return you could've been the one to be making out with her. At least with me I regret missed opportunities more then any rejection I have ever gotten.

  10. Let me throw my 2 cents in there. Here is my tips to going through the dating game. I am a hetero male and I am giving advice to hetero males.


    1.) approaching will allow you to meet more girls and the more you do it the more likely you are to be able to get a girlfriend. The catch here is you wont have any guarantee Katie in your English class will like you but if you talk to every girl you find attractive in your classes this semester you are systematically more likely to find at least one who will feel the same.


    It sounds scary but you probably already approach. That girl in line you think is cute and you start a conversation with her, you just approached. That girl in math class as well. You don't have to be that guy who goes up to girls in the mall and trys to flirt with them. Just going about your day and building networks within the groups your part of is often enough. The real trick is to build networks. Join the gym make friends with the regulars there. Join a club at school, if you like programming join the programming club and something you may not have tried out like the photography club (who knows you may enjoy it). Make friends with your classmates, get their numbers, hangout with them. Join a sports team. The real trick to success in most anything is having a large social network. If you dont have one build one. Stop stereotyping and judging, the sports guys aren't all douches, you may like black girls, the chess club isn't bad to be apart of and yoga isn't gay. Dont be a prick and give things a chance and you will be rewarded with more relationships.


    2.) Communication skills, learn how to keep a conversation alive. Make statements for information "You really seem like an artist" instead of "Are you an artist?" it makes the interaction feel less like an interview and more personal. If your completely wrong its okay just continue the conversation off what you learned. Make jokes, tease her, etc. Open up to her, be random. Compliment her in an honest way, such as "You have a great sense of style". There few rules, so dont feel trapped on what you should say. If you want to talk about vegetables go for it, if you want to talk about how you are a high level runescape player DO IT. It wont hurt you I promise. You can do all this while waiting in a long line. Or before class starts. Whenever really.


    3.) being physical. If there is any trick out there that will make you successful with girls is being physical. If you can approach without fear and keep a conversation going try throwing some physical escalation into it. Touch her arm or shoulder when you first start talking. She probably wont even notice but she will feel closer to you. Salesmen use this all the time. As your conversations go along put your arm around her, touch her thigh, or hold her hand. A positive reaction is when she touches you back, a neutral one is when she does nothing. In both these cases continue to escalate. A negative reaction is if she moves away, pushes you off, looks annoyed, says to stop. This means you stop and go back to the last level of comfort. Try again as the conversation goes. She wont be angry even that your trying to hold her hand even if she rejects your advances a few times. You aren't groping her breasts or anything and the most likely reason is that she doesn't feel comfortable with you yet. Build comfort through telling her about yourself. Tell her your a level 126 in runescape, and you do it in your free time. I know you think im joking but since your on tip.it you obviously have/had a passion for RS and it wont hurt you to tell her your passions no matter how nerdy.


    Watch her advances too, if she wants to go to a more secluded place go with it. Try to hug her, try to kiss her if she does this. If she says "I swear i never do this" tell her you don't either but you felt a connection with her, and make her feel good. Again this step sounds like something on a first date but it has happened to me within minutes of meeting a girl.


    4.) If you have a connection with a girl from the previous steps continue from there. Get her number and go on a date with her. If she turns out to be a flake, shes not interested and you shouldn't fight it since it will end up being a bad date (assuming she actually goes). On your date I have 2 bits of advice. 1 is to go to multiple locations. 2 is to try and kiss her, no exceptions. You can take it from there, more dates, sex, relationship. In any particular order based on what you want.

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  11. Even when they do finally decide to release it, I give a week to a few weeks tops.

    Considering it took until the end of January for the major bot creators to make a working bot after Octover 2011's bot nuke...

    I don't see why Botwatch would work less well.


    Private developers got their bots out again in weeks.


    Besides was it really worth the destroyed FPS just to make it more difficult for them to bypass



    Pay to see which? A HackShield/PunkBuster bypass update minutes after they do? When I still played FPS like War Rock, that's all it'd take us.


    As for writing a better botwatch, I believe Jagex has a line that they don't want to cross. I believe that while they want bots gone, they don't want all bots gone. Let's face it; members gold-farming bots generate a nice chunk of change.


    Of course, there's also the line where combating bots becomes more money then it's worth. Correct me if I'm wrong, but did a JMod not post that exact same thing on the RSOF?


    Also, changed the topic title to reflect the change in discussion since the thread was created.


    It takes 10 minutes to bypass any of those. What those are doing is watching memory regions for edits. How WoW hackers/bot devs bypass Warden is they just change the memory back to what it should be while Warden is scanning.


    Guess what, with enough time you can figure out any random search algorithm they can come up with, I mean runescape bot devs have figured out the dungeoneering generation algorithm.

  12. To be honest I don't remember exactly what he said, and a lot of it flew over my head..but he was mentioning how a lot of the shady loans and investments some of the american banks were making are illegal here.


    Most of the shady stuff that caused the recession was government lead not bank lead. So legality would not have mattered here since they would've ignored those laws to fullfil the same political goal.


    I agree with laws and regulations, however appealing to the same government that engaged in the shady activity that caused the recession isn't likely to work.



    Thats why I am so supportive of non governmental regulation agencies and more then 1 of them.




    [This loan was approved by the Loan Regulation Board]

  13. This ties into the austrian theory of the business cycle. Which blames those very false signals for artificial growth and the readjusting crash that follows.




    Not that this proves anything but Kaynes lost his personal fortune in the great depression and Ludwig Von Mises correctly predicted it was going to happen and saved his personal fortune.

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