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Everything posted by Kr148

  1. ya ive heard people saying they are using like 17-17.5k making scrolls
  2. Shits getting real up in here this xp weekend
  3. To add to that list of players with over 3b xp that aren't top page right now is robbie, who is currently somewhat active again.
  4. Well no, it calmed me down for sure. And yes ik its a stimulant. I wasn't hyper or anything, the medication never made me feel over energetic, infact it calmed me, but i was never sleepy ever, or hungry. I was just focused
  5. That's strange that you don't to take your ADHD medication because when i was on mine it made me very alert and focused aswell as very wide awake. I barely needed more than 2 hours of sleep a night when i was on it, i honestly survived a whole year without getting more than 6 hours of sleep and i felt fine. I never really ever felt tired, even when i went to bed i wasn't tired. It was like a cup of coffee, like no matter how much sleep i got i just took that and felt wide awake and no crash later. But that was my reaction to what i took, i took concerta but ive never taken any other form of ADHD medication, so maybe some aren't as strong stimulants. I would say be careful about going on and off your meds though, i did that because i was losing tons of weight, and after just a few weeks of not taking my meds everyday i lost it for lack of a better term. I'm sure you'll be fine but i figured since i have experience with this I'd give my 2 cents.
  6. Since when, and arent there already records from the past done on bxpw
  7. Wait wait wait, if i get the most magic xp in a 30 hour period, but its on double xp weekend, it wont count. Is that what you tellin me
  8. With Double XP weekend coming up people will be staying up for possibly a few days straight, i was just wondering if anyone here has methods that help staying up for so long. I want to try and go for a 30 hour record of my own this weekend but idk if i can do it
  9. I could try.... idk if it would be as aesthetically pleasing as past updates. i suggest bxpprod
  10. U still playing that while AFK scape? wont u run out of AFK at some point
  11. U and suomi play warcraft 3, why
  12. 120 all skills would be so cool but at the same time really intimidating for new players, i mean no1 even has that now, and only 1 person has ever had it in the history of the game and that person was/is kind of a god of skilling. However we have some people pretty close such as Wisely Done, KD, Alkan, and probably some others
  13. Ya not to mention, if you give people time they will get closer to max cape and stuff. In 2010 there were 500 maxed players, you think there would still be 500 maxed players 4 years later. not to mention there is more incentive to skill now and im sure more than 500 people were close to max cape aswell. give all those people that were close back in 2010 a year now they have max cape and more people are close, give them a year and they are maxed. It makes sense
  14. I think those are the only 2 guys tbh. heres a better question, how many people have atleast 1 200m, then how many people have 2, 3, 4 etc I mean it has to be about 2000 for the first one, dg alone brings in over 1k
  15. All im saying is try not to use greens or golds, they are honestly a waste of your time and money. At the end of the day your better off farming for more crims/blues before ever using golds/greens.
  16. Dont they arent efficient and waste of money
  17. Ya dragonseance is doing a lot of sc right now. Not sure exactly when he will be done but he has a metric shit ton of bonus xp he can use
  18. He didn't do KK, or atleast not on every task. i remember stalking his alog while he was doing slayer to see if he was killing KK and it never said KK it only said exiled kalphite queen, which was like 100k an hour or less
  19. I wonder if Drumgin will set a new agi record. What is barb course per hour with double xp like 130k? if he played 18-19 hours a day like he has in the past (20+ for his slayer record) he could get over 70m in a month. That would be amazing to see
  20. Actually multiple have done fletching with traders, but if you dont like it thats not a problem. I've never actually done it but to me it doesnt seem to bad
  21. Ya tbh, even if does take away dev time away from other things i really dont care. I mean there is nothing coming that im like "yess jagex!, please put as much effort into this as possible" i mean im excited about the elf city and some quests and stuff will be fun. Any skill update grabs my attention, but those are dev teams unrelated to skilling and quests for the most part. Maybe pvming could possibly be delayed but im not sure.
  22. I wish elvis and elias never slowed down. Elias was up there with suomi and allar and some others as far as time to 200m all. And xp wise, for elvis to still be this high ranked with little to no xp gains for almost a year, thats insane
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