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  • Location
    Auckland, New Zealand
  • Interests
    runescape, computer programming, graphics designing
  1. I like both so uh.. 1.) Sour snakes :lol: 2.) Nestle Kit kat 3.) Wonka Gobstoppers 4.) Cadbury dairy milk chocolate 5.) Ferero RocherXD
  2. I cried on my first day of school when i First moved here to New zealand and i couldnt speak english. I was screaming like crazy and wouldnt let go of my mum..god it was embarrasing... 7 years on...I still know a lot of people who were in that class..still keep in touch on msn..looking back at it, I cant help but laugh :lol:
  3. my 3 current favourite songs are: system of a down B.Y.O.B Bloodhound gang-foxtrot uniform charlie kilo Foo fighters-?DOA
  5. When i was 5 i was attempting to slide down the rails of our concrete stairs trying to impersonate some dude i was on tv. Yea u know what happens next
  6. tonialston

    Gas Prices

    Well at least if you think that 1 litre of Gas is still less than a litre of milk..it aint that bad :lol:
  7. tattoos to me look real lame. Especially if you're entire body is covered with them. unless you're Gothic or something, tattoos r gay.
  8. You know, your teeth dissolves in all that acid. And by the way if u didnt know a normal can of ?350ml coke contains 14 bags of sugar 8) great risk for diabetes
  9. hmm things i would look for? Looks: Brunette hair, fair tan. Personality: Sense of humour, nice, kind, committed-no cheating!, intelligent, and just a nice girl who does not do dodgy things. Naughty or nice?- hmm 50-50
  10. Emotional encouragement doesnt usually work. I recommend using nicotine programmes. Nicotine is the substance that gets you all addicted on drugs. What the nicotine programmes do is that because nicotine is the thing you're addicted to, they make you take the nicotine without all the poison in the smoke. So you're not harmed. I think this programme does work.
  11. mimes:1 Mazes: around 7 times 3 in the past 2 days! Auto retaliate:ON I think you can only get them while training your combat, most likely melee. I recall doing all 8 of those events while meleeing.
  12. i have to agree omarsherif is like 70 oldest i know.
  13. finally a petition i think has some meaning yes i agree more capes for f2p! the old ones r just dull now. tonialston
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