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Everything posted by Invasian

  1. They nerfed icefiends couple months ago now unfortunately. :(
  2. If damage is what you want, the Saradomin necklaces (minus hiss) are the best DPS necklaces currently in game. It is worth having the rings even without having them imbued. :)
  3. Like what Quyneax mentioned. Chinning at the abyss is 300-350kxp/h at 85+ range
  4. Ya, there is an ability off option. Most people just tend to whip/chaotic/drygore fight, overload box (ob) and polypore staff fights. Although there isn't as many people at the duel arena now a days.
  5. The fixing fences part is tedious haha. I skipped fixing the fences when I did my livid
  6. I used to momentum QBD with dual drygore maces before they nerfed drygores. Kills were around 1.5 - 2 minutes. I haven't been back there since the nerf, but maging it with a wand and book/ranging with dual crossbows might be viable. :P
  7. Wow that's a lot of summer fruits! :P
  8. Hunter: Big chinchompa or Charm sprites Thieving: Pyramid plunder Agility: Flash powder factory (50-60kxp/h) or Ape atoll/wilderness course
  9. It is RS being retarded. I'm positive you can auto cast whilst having your mage level boosted before eoc was implemented.
  10. Got a small amount of them doing that, but Catherby and Rogues' den are kinda dead. Best spots are w2/3, bonfire worlds, w100 shantay pass, etc. Got majority of them from my thread on Runescape forums. :P
  11. First tipit contributor is Xochitl. :) For those who have a collection of burnts and are willing to sell, add me and we can negotiate a price
  12. It used to be that you could auto cook them (meat & chicken) like regular food, but now you have to do them individually. :( Updated OP, just hit 800k burnts. :D
  13. If anyone has low cooking (preferably 1 and PTP) please PM me. I will pay generously for you to cook me some items. :)
  14. Do you know who's more awesome? You are. I've also just added a supporters list, so if you want to be on it, just say so. :D
  15. HI! I have a goal of obtaining 10 million burnt food and so far, I've collected just under 9.6M in under 5 years. Of course, this wasn't a one man effort. A few friends and collectors have helped me throughout my journey and I want to thank everyone that has sold or given me burnt food! I will always be buying burnt food (even after I reach my 10M goal! I will pay 150gp per burnt food (FTP or PTP)! PM me in-game and if I am not online, please post here (preferred if you posted on my 10m burtn food thread below) or message me. RSN: Ayeshun Check out my insane goal of obtaining 10 million burnt food: http://forum.tip.it/...ion-burnt-food/
  16. Thread to my goal of 10 million burnt food for anyone interested in seeing my progress. :D http://forum.tip.it/topic/319294-the-elusive-goal-of-10-million-burnt-food/
  17. Thanks :) Not quite all of them, but most of them haha. I have about more than half of all the burnt food.
  18. Thanks! I will be adding people who have contributed any burnt food to a list <3
  19. Note: I no long have my burnt food but will leave this thread up as it was a fun journey towards 10 million burnt food. Hope some of you find this interesting :) This is pretty much a story board of what I've achieved so far with my collections! I have a few threads running in the Runescape forums buying some collections. If you have any of the items I'm buying, feel free to post on the QFC threads below as I bump them on a daily basis or PM me in game! The threads also show the prices I'm willing to pay. QFC for burnt food: 41-42-797-65003562QFC for non ge tradables: 41-42-763-65450646 How I got started on collecting burnt food & my goal to 10M burnts! (if you don't mind a little reading) NOOBY BURNT FOOD ADVENTURE (not going on anymore) Interesting trades I've done with burnt food and abit about them :): Burnt food progress: Progress pics: Goals: Progress as of 14th November 2014 Current burnt food: 10M Non ge tradable collections progress: Progress pics: Progress as of 21st Nov 2014: Swapped the phoenic cbows for broken statue headdresses from revs All of the items above are non ge tradable collections which will be my main focus now because its more challenging and rewarding to achieve quantity milestones. I've started collecting these non ge tradables on 10th of August 2014 (but a few of them for a long time now) and will continue to do so until I've reached a number that satisfies me (probably 50k for some, 100k for others). I'll update this every few weeks or so, depending on how well my progress has been. Brief guide on how to get these items and the price I pay: ==================================== Sandwich lady collections progress: noob stuff:
  20. Yeah, cannons are pretty useless. Its only used to KO at low hp or attract other Abyss monsters nearby.
  21. Nope, but I am interested in buying some. :P
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